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April 10, 2013-Pakistan test-fires Hatf-4 Shaheen-I

Looks like repainted Chinese m 9. missile.





what do you think after seeing above pic of iranian sajil missile?
The little thrusters on the sides are speculated to be liquid fuelled as liquid fuel can be throttled unlike solid...
Doesnt shaheen look similar?
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what do you think after seeing above pic of iranian sajil missile?
The little thrusters on the sides are speculated to be liquid fuelled as liquid fuel can be throttled unlike solid...
Doesnt shaheen look similar?

No, Sejjil is different from Shaheen. Shaheen doesn't have any liquid fueled thrusters on the main motor.
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ISLAMABAD — Pakistan has test-fired an improved variant of its
Shaheen-1 (Falcon-1) HATF-IV/Vengeance-IV short-range ballistic
missile, another step in ensuring the survivability of its strategic
forces. According to a press release by the military’s Inter Services Public
Relations (ISPR) media branch, “The missile incorporates a series of
improvements in range and technical parameters of the existing
missile. It is capable of carrying nuclear and conventional warheads
to a range of 900 km.” The test missile was stated to have struck a predetermined spot in
the Arabian Sea. No specific details of the improvements were given. However, aside from being a “part of a series of tests designed to
validate improved technical parameters such as propulsion, range,
guidance and accuracy,” Mansoor Ahmed, from Quaid-e-Azam
University’s Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, said today’s
test has added significance. “This particular test demonstrated enhanced range of 900 kilometers
over 750 kilometers for previous versions, and most likely would
also have tested advanced missile defense countermeasures or
maneuverable re-entry or a post separation correction system for
single warhead ballistic missiles, which was earlier tested on the
Shaheen-1A,” said Ahmed, who specializes in Pakistan’s national deterrent and delivery program. Given the growing conventional and nuclear disparity between India
and Pakistan, Ahmed says Pakistan’s continuing missile tests “ought
to be seen as part of an ongoing process of ensuring the survivability
and effectiveness of its strategic forces in order to diversify its
response options through a nuclear triad that provides assured
deterrence for all levels of the threat spectrum.” Harsh V. Pant, Reader in International Relations, Department of
Defence Studies, King’s College, London, says the Shaheen “is
important for Pakistan for maintaining a robust deterrence stability
vis-à-vis India and its operationalization should help Pakistan in
providing assured deterrence across a wide range of nuclear threat
spectrum.” He is, however, of the opinion that Pakistan’s increased production of
nuclear warheads seems to be at odds with “maintaining strategic
symmetry with India.” Far from maintaining balance, Pant claims Pakistan’s pursuit of tactical
nuclear weapons has caused a certain “amount of panic in India.” “Given India’s nuclear doctrine of credible minimum deterrent and no
first use, tactical weapons change the equation radically, and New
Delhi is finding it difficult to respond, especially given the role of
nonstate actors in the mix.” Pakistan’s missile developments seem to be following an
evolutionary course in order to maintain a semblance of balance and
credible deterrence in the face of India’s conventional and nuclear
modernization and expansion efforts. Pakistan’s missiles, therefore, are steadily improving in areas such as
range, accuracy and ease of deployment and operation. They are also evolving in response to Indian developments, such as
maneuvering warheads to counter Indian missile defenses;
submarine-launched nuclear-armed land attack cruise missiles to
match India’s submarine-launched ballistic missiles; and also tactical
nuclear weapons such as the Nasr HATF-IX system to counter any
potentially overwhelming Indian conventional attack.

No no, they aren't fixed. Maneuvering is done by turning them in one direction, so that the exhaust is directed that way...and the missile turns in the opposite direction. Just like aircraft rudders for example.

What would you do if you were Kamran Khan, had a very busy routine, and had to prepare a show in one day?

My answer, Google please. And there are tens of sites (including wikipedia) which "authentically" state Taimur ICBM to be in existence...all of which are based on one poor news article by Jang News.

lol why my comment is going more towards like I'm taking side of these news channels where as I hate listening to them any ways. so please read my comment properly. Obviously kamran khan would not go out every day to get a news for his show but what I said was that these news channels has got their own sources. and all I said is that the taimur or submarine missile is not mentioned on news before and now I believe that there is sort of work going on these projects.
take it easy man.
OK, but what does his "source" tell him about the Naasir and Naasra missiles :lol: ?
Look at 3:032 again and think about what he said. Does he sound like someone who has info on Pakistan's missile programmes?

Point is, atm all this is just speculation and there is no concrete evidence to support such development.

And even if there is, we shouldn't shout about it. Often, it is the silent knife that does more damage to the enemy.

I completely agree that we should not shout about it. and with regards to Nasr missile I dont care if he or she can't take the name properly, in fact whenever I'm in Pakistan "most of the people dont know the names of the missiles of Pakistan" but Nasr is there mate... its been tested few times.
oh yes mr kamran took the right name of taimur and submarines missile tech.
Pakistan’s gradual surrender to compellence imposed by Indo-US pressures reflects a fragile and self centred bunkered national leadership. This alone remains the most serious aspersion on the will and determination needed to handle a credible deterrence regime.

Posted from a talk at SAASI in Feb 2009
Keep strong my fellow Pakistanis. Keep the flag high, and the commitment deep.
One observation.
Shaheen 1 and 1A have bell shaped exhaust ....
Guys, here's another video, you can see exactly five seconds after launch the missile goes into "Minimum Energy Trajectory" Mode.....definitely some new works have been put into this version of the Shaheen missile.

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Guys, here's another video, you can see exactly five seconds after launch the missile goes into "Minimum Energy Trajectory" Mode.....definitely some new works have been put into this version of the Shaheen missile.

Another thing that I have noticed is the sharp and sudden turn, the ones you see normally are pretty gradual.
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Guys, here's another video, you can see exactly five seconds after launch the missile goes into "Minimum Energy Trajectory" Mode.....definitely some new works have been put into this version of the Shaheen missile.

@Windjammer this video is not working here...please post an alternative link source if you can:hitwall:
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