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Anyone of you seen Hazrat Muhammad SAW in dream? or any other important personality?

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All y'all telling it so boldly.

But hadith says not to tell dreams to other people.

Also shaytaan fools people by becoming old gracefull buzurg/roohani type personality. Also shaytaan cannot take form of ar rasul salalahu alaihi wasalam.

But a lot of people say oh I felt its hazrat muhammad. When asked did u see his face they say no we did not.

Alot of the people who say they saw hazrat muhammad alai salam are mistaken in my view bcz it is shaytan playing tricks on em.

Also in my view only a very small number of people get to see him alai salam in a dream. And vast majority of them wont feel comfortable telling their dreams to others according to the hadith.
Reading answers on this thread reminded me of this quote from True Detective.

I had two dreams.a green bottle given by an old religious person and my own grave near a place which I don't recognize.a green bottle was given to me by an old man and he asked me to keep it.he vanished and when I asked about him,the other man replied that the person you are asking about has died years ago.in second dream,I saw my own grave.background is green like green crops or something like that and behind grave,there is something like Matti ka teeela.the place is not known to me and I don't recognize it.
Still, nothing compared to what I saw brother.
I saw about 5 miracles/signs of Allah.


This is the name of Allah written in the sky, I was 10 years old when I saw this and was about to pray Namaz Maghrib at that time, I took this photo in 2012
And in 2017, I saw the BIGGEST sign again and never in my life had I felt a sense of fear, joy, and confusion all at the same time. I was crying and laughing after seeing that in 2017.
Then again I saw a miracle.
I feel an overall sense of happiness and contentment and practice Islam happily because it beautifies my character.
Share in detail please
I think if we even seen a great person ever created HAZRAT MOHAMMAD P. B. U. H it is a kep private rather than telling everyone
Anyone who have seen that personality, he/she wouldn't be wasting time on PDF. Period.
I assure you if you ever see the prophet in your dream you wouldn't be boasting about it but crying for mercy like he used to even though he was the mercy. ..

You wouldn't be wasting time on pdf but instead being a useful human to mankind
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