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Featured Anti-Shia Hashtag Mapping Shows That 80% Of The Accounts Were Operating From India

If this is true its mean india backing shia through iran for destablising Pakistan & ppp is cashing this situation & fully trying to create such ethinic crises witch will become a major disaster for Pakistan you can see the current situation in Karachi where shia extremist completely out of control but the govt is completely silent on this...
‘Anti-Shia Hashtag Mapping Shows That 80% Of The Accounts Were Operating From India’
By Siasat Staff Last updated Sep 20, 2020


Pakistan has recently seen a surge in sectarianism, specifically after Muharram. The result of these sentiments that were initially propagated online led to several anti-Shia protests across the country.

A few incidents, where Shias were targetted and gunned down, were also recorded. The Focal Person to Prime Minister Imran Khan, Dr. Arsalan Khalid, recently addressed the issue in the presence of representatives of multiple digital media organizations and said that majority of these trends were operating from outside Pakistan.

He said that since 2018, there is a huge increase in Indian accounts tweeting about Pakistan, and sparking chaos. Dr. Arsalan further said that the offline world is not disconnected from the online world, and hence, a sudden increase in anti-Shia sentiment was witnessed on the streets as well.
Anti-Shia Hashtag Mapping:

Dr. Khalid further alleged that certain anti-Pakistan journalists, who are based outside the country, also ignited the issue. He explained that the leaders of political parties, whose workers are also purposefully adding the fuel to the atmosphere of extremism, should act responsibly, or else the government will have to take action against them as well.
Here are some of the tweets that went viral and fuelled extremist atmosphere in Pakistan:


Dr. Arsalan, on government’s behalf, assured protection of rights of all Pakistani citizens regardless of faith and said that those contributing to fuelling hate will be dealt with in iron-hand despite their political affiliation.


Credit goes to several researchers and contributors including https://twitter.com/shobz for doing much of the background work (network graphs etc). PDF encourages our viewers to follow and support all such individuals who have played an important role in not just this, but various other analyses of how social media platforms have been and continue to be leveraged and manipulated to promote various anti-Pakistan narratives.

India has to be Balkanized ...

There is no other way
Well, Kubhushan Yadav accepted he ordered massive Shia killing in Quetta. There is a sectarian issue in Pakistan but it has low intensity and slowly its ending.

Well whatever Kulbhusan has confessed is your own responsibility to act on its findings and work accordingly, if he has confessed (I am being neutral here). However your position of slow ending of sectarian issue not withstanding when it suddenly creeps up with massive protests ordering killing of shias, especially when you have credited yourself of having warming up with Iran. This will have negative consequences on your relations.
Okay, litmus test.....nuke India and let's see if Pakistan's problems go away or not. If they do, I was right and you can enjoy Hell. If our problems persist, I owe you a coke.

That is a straw man's argument.
I guess the moral compass doesnt lie with Pakistan blaming its adversaries for its comprehensive failure on multiple fronts, where in India solely does it for terrorism.

I am not being objective here. We both might find it silly, but India has been blamed for multiple things and not only terror. I have a case here where the OP says that Indians to be blamed for anti Shia protests in Pak.
people that promote sectarianism are taking down their own country. Shia vs Sunni will not save Pakistan it only serves its enemies.
Anyone who takes a look at political power structure of Sind and Balochistan will know there is no such thing as bias against Shias of Pakistan.

Government should instruct her social media propagandists to tone their fervour down.
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