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Another U-Turn: Nawaz to consult PML-N leaders, political parties before resuming talks with PTI!


Aug 19, 2014
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ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will on Wednesday deliberate with senior leadership of his party and heads of various political parties on setting an agenda for talks with the protesting Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), The Express Tribune has learnt.

Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, while addressing a ceremony in Islamabad on Tuesday, confirmed that Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leadership will discuss the issue of talks with PTI on Wednesday.

Dar said that PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s statement, where he claims that he will not accept a Judicial Commission’s judgement that goes against his will, had forced the government to check before resuming talks.

The finance minister said that the entire exercise of negotiations with PTI would be useless, if the PTI chief wants to see a result of judicial commission as per his wishes.

However, Dar added that if the judicial commission fails to find any rigging in the May 2013 elections, then Imran will have to issue an apology.

Separately, PML-N sources said that Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif arrived in Islamabad on Tuesday and met with the prime minister along with select PML-N leaders and deliberated over the negotiation issue. Reportedly, they have suggested that the government resume talks with PTI immediately.

They further agreed that on Wednesday, Nawaz will discuss the agenda for talks with senior leaders of the PML-N and take on board leaders of other political parties.

According to sources, PTI is willing to resume talks from where they broke off, while the government wants to resume talks on fresh points.

The PML-N believes that PTI is not in a position to dictate demands. Instead, the PML-N has agreed to provide PTI a chance to save face and not to go deep into definitions of legal affairs regarding rigging.
Nawaz to consult PML-N leaders, political parties before resuming talks with PTI – The Express Tribune

Those of you who thought Imran Khan was the only U-Turn Master in Pakistan should check out U-Turn history of Nawaz Sharif here :D

@A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @airmarshal @Akheilos @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @Leader @Luftwaffe @Marshmallow @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pak123 @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @Sedqal @SHAMK9 @Spy Master @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @sur @syedali73 @Tameem @TankMan @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan @waleed3601 @AdeelFaheem @Rajput_Pakistani @Men in Green @orakzai4u @IceCold @LoveIcon @razahassan1997 @Cheetah786 @Dil Pakistan @asq @junaid hamza @Pukhtoon @jamahir @Strigon @Rafi @Ulla @HughSlaman @420canada @sathya @HughSlaman @slapshot @raza_888
@SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @xyxmt @Proudpakistaniguy @WishLivePak @Waffen SS @FaujHistorian @Fracker @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder @GreenFalcon @genmirajborgza786 @orangzaib @Pakistani Exile @KURUMAYA @Irfan Baloch @ali_raza @Syed.Ali.Haider @dexter @Patriots @muslim_pakistani @W.11 @Meengla @zaid butt @ajpirzada @Shoaib Rathore @OrionHunter @CHARGER @Major Sam @yesboss @TheFlyingPretzel @TheNoob @Bratva @ghazaliy2k @Viny @StormShadow @suresh1773 @SOHEIL @venu309 @danish_vij @Force-India @faisal6309 @SpArK @S.U.R.B. @vsdave2302 @jarves @WAJsal @pursuit of happiness @Winchester @janon @pak-marine @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Donatello
Thre is only one Khan. Intishar Khan

There is only one U-turner, and he is known as U-turn Khan.

Please no need to dethrone him from this title.
its famous about nawaz jab taqat mien htoa hay tou gardan pakerta hay, jab mushkel mein hota hay to pao pakarta hi


funny... :lol:

p.s - can anyone tell me the reactions to these protests of... (a). pml-q, (b). fatima bhutto, (c). pakistani socialists.
Its a race of immaturity. N needs to end this fast and they are stalling here. Sheesh resume talks and give it a go to end the matter and imran should focus more on electoral reforms than any absurd demands like resignation.
Its a race of immaturity. N needs to end this fast and they are stalling here. Sheesh resume talks and give it a go to end the matter and imran should focus more on electoral reforms than any absurd demands like resignation.

I think you haven't been following the news for the last 3 weeks...PTI has taken back it's PM resignation demand behind the audit of elections 2013.. so thats a compromise, now N-league isn't willing to agree on points which it previously agreed to, just like forming a judicial comission which included members of ISI and MI but now they're taking uTurn after uturn on that...don't blame PTI for what its currently doing, Blame the Govt. for acting like a bitch when opposition backs away to give it some space to manuvuer.. PTI is now 100% right in keeping the pressure on the govt. until it agrees to the judicial comission demand..
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According to sources, PTI is willing to resume talks from where they broke off, while the government wants to resume talks on fresh points.

The PML-N believes that PTI is not in a position to dictate demands. Instead, the PML-N has agreed to provide PTI a chance to save face and not to go deep into definitions of legal affairs regarding rigging.
Nawaz to consult PML-N leaders, political parties before resuming talks with PTI – The Express Tribune

Those of you who thought Imran Khan was the only U-Turn Master in Pakistan should check out U-Turn history of Nawaz Sharif here :D

This is a very wrong attitude. Having seen Nawaz Sharif in two terms before this, he proves he is an a*ss. he will not learn anything. He thinks he is strong? The whole country is protesting. There is not a speck of respect left for him. His moral authority is severely eroded. Any self respecting leader will give up and seriously conduct investigation. But he is not a leader and not at all self respecting.

These families are in politics for bsuiness. If ruling was their goal, they would have improved a lot of things. Take 7 years of these NRO parties and look at how much the country has suffered.

@Norwegian please stop tagging me in every post. Thank you :)
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will on Wednesday deliberate with senior leadership of his party and heads of various political parties on setting an agenda for talks with the protesting Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), The Express Tribune has learnt.

Those of you who thought Imran Khan was the only U-Turn Master in Pakistan should check out U-Turn history of Nawaz Sharif here :D

@A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @airmarshal @Akheilos @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @Leader @Luftwaffe @Marshmallow @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pak123 @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @Sedqal @SHAMK9 @Spy Master @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @sur @syedali73 @Tameem @TankMan @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan @waleed3601 @AdeelFaheem @Rajput_Pakistani @Men in Green @orakzai4u @IceCold @LoveIcon @razahassan1997 @Cheetah786 @Dil Pakistan @asq @junaid hamza @Pukhtoon @jamahir @Strigon @Rafi @Ulla @HughSlaman @420canada @sathya @HughSlaman @slapshot @raza_888
@SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @xyxmt @Proudpakistaniguy @WishLivePak @Waffen SS @FaujHistorian @Fracker @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder @GreenFalcon @genmirajborgza786 @orangzaib @Pakistani Exile @KURUMAYA @Irfan Baloch @ali_raza @Syed.Ali.Haider @dexter @Patriots @muslim_pakistani @W.11 @Meengla @zaid butt @ajpirzada @Shoaib Rathore @OrionHunter @CHARGER @Major Sam @yesboss @TheFlyingPretzel @TheNoob @Bratva @ghazaliy2k @Viny @StormShadow @suresh1773 @SOHEIL @venu309 @danish_vij @Force-India @faisal6309 @SpArK @S.U.R.B. @vsdave2302 @jarves @WAJsal @pursuit of happiness @Winchester @janon @pak-marine @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Donatello

All these talks won't work. IK wouldn't want to budge on his own until the military understands his agenda and quickly moves to end this. This is not what everyone think it is. This is an effort to create so much violence that at the end, it becomes a "Punjabi vs. Pashtun" drama. Resulting in quick degradation of the system, an economic collapse and then, a break up of Pakistan before April 2015, to give birth to the Pashtunistan.

There has been a lot of effort being put into this situation by the Pashtun nationalists and their money. There are many lobby parties going on with the Indian and Afghani representatives, to influence the West.

If you notice, the corruption is everywhere in Pakistan. It is not just in Punjab. However, if you notice, IK doesn't focus on Sindh, doesn't even focus on people that did massive amounts of corruption in the KPK. However, it is the Punjab he's after. He doesn't care about Sindh, as that is not included in his agenda. His agenda to build the KPK is KPK + the area around it (Punjab and Baluchistan). He won't say a word against corrupt people in KPK as at the end, they are Pashtuns and will become his new countrymen. He won't say anything about the Baluchistan corruption due to the SAME reason. Plus, his funding parties have already made headway there.

But, he'll keep coming to Punjab as to make the case against the Punjabi's versus Pashtuns. In the next few months, the violence will increase. The gov't thinks he wants something....he doesn't. He wants a Pashtunistan.
There was a reason why the Parliament (out of ALL other places) was chosen to be attacked. There was also a BIG reason to pick December to start the real violence and bring the country to a halt. Its because of the relevance with the East Pakistan. There needs to be a shut up call by the Pak Army rather quickly to IK before things go towards a breakup. This cancer, if not treated immediately, will require amputation, resulting in the creation of Pashtunisan. IK can never be a PM of Pakistan. But hey, he can be a founder of the Pashtunistan. What more can you ask to remain a God father of a country in history!!!

Here, see some details, even maps of Pashtunistan and even a presentation that has been given many times to people in the West. You can see the flag and the national symbol of the new country too.

Impatient for Pashtunistan | Stanley Weiss

Pashtunistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pashtunistan pres
its famous about nawaz jab taqat mien htoa hay tou gardan pakerta hay, jab mushkel mein hota hay to pao pakarta hi


Ur jab apne masters ko milta hee tu parchi pakarta hee
nawaz sharif is usingf same tactic modhi is using on Pakistan., They know on kashmir dialog they will not get anythng, but they might end up loosing some land. So they use this excuse we cant talk untill pakistan dnt stop terrorism, then fire on our border and when we retaliate, they say we want violence. same tactic is also used by israel

now patwaris cant understand it.

@Leader @Norwegian @Jazzbot @batmannow @mr420
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will on Wednesday deliberate with senior leadership of his party and heads of various political parties on setting an agenda for talks with the protesting Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), The Express Tribune has learnt.

Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, while addressing a ceremony in Islamabad on Tuesday, confirmed that Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leadership will discuss the issue of talks with PTI on Wednesday.

Dar said that PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s statement, where he claims that he will not accept a Judicial Commission’s judgement that goes against his will, had forced the government to check before resuming talks.

The finance minister said that the entire exercise of negotiations with PTI would be useless, if the PTI chief wants to see a result of judicial commission as per his wishes.

However, Dar added that if the judicial commission fails to find any rigging in the May 2013 elections, then Imran will have to issue an apology.

Separately, PML-N sources said that Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif arrived in Islamabad on Tuesday and met with the prime minister along with select PML-N leaders and deliberated over the negotiation issue. Reportedly, they have suggested that the government resume talks with PTI immediately.

They further agreed that on Wednesday, Nawaz will discuss the agenda for talks with senior leaders of the PML-N and take on board leaders of other political parties.

According to sources, PTI is willing to resume talks from where they broke off, while the government wants to resume talks on fresh points.

The PML-N believes that PTI is not in a position to dictate demands. Instead, the PML-N has agreed to provide PTI a chance to save face and not to go deep into definitions of legal affairs regarding rigging.
Nawaz to consult PML-N leaders, political parties before resuming talks with PTI – The Express Tribune

Those of you who thought Imran Khan was the only U-Turn Master in Pakistan should check out U-Turn history of Nawaz Sharif here :D

@A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @airmarshal @Akheilos @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @Leader @Luftwaffe @Marshmallow @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pak123 @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @Sedqal @SHAMK9 @Spy Master @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @sur @syedali73 @Tameem @TankMan @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan @waleed3601 @AdeelFaheem @Rajput_Pakistani @Men in Green @orakzai4u @IceCold @LoveIcon @razahassan1997 @Cheetah786 @Dil Pakistan @asq @junaid hamza @Pukhtoon @jamahir @Strigon @Rafi @Ulla @HughSlaman @420canada @sathya @HughSlaman @slapshot @raza_888
@SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @xyxmt @Proudpakistaniguy @WishLivePak @Waffen SS @FaujHistorian @Fracker @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder @GreenFalcon @genmirajborgza786 @orangzaib @Pakistani Exile @KURUMAYA @Irfan Baloch @ali_raza @Syed.Ali.Haider @dexter @Patriots @muslim_pakistani @W.11 @Meengla @zaid butt @ajpirzada @Shoaib Rathore @OrionHunter @CHARGER @Major Sam @yesboss @TheFlyingPretzel @TheNoob @Bratva @ghazaliy2k @Viny @StormShadow @suresh1773 @SOHEIL @venu309 @danish_vij @Force-India @faisal6309 @SpArK @S.U.R.B. @vsdave2302 @jarves @WAJsal @pursuit of happiness @Winchester @janon @pak-marine @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Donatello
as its complex issue...
NS need to consult varuois adminstrative .. legal aspect ..
as recoutnting of vote mean alos of parties other than those two ..pti and pmln so need to talke to them too..
i would say welcome decesion..
only proble the decdion are made ...
though on right path but not with right approach
NS coming to his senses or once again he is killing time,lets wait and see
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