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Ancient historical sites in Syria destroyed by the Al-Assad terror regime


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
5 Historical Monuments Have Been Destroyed Forever During Syria's Civil War
By Rachel E. Davidson November 1, 2013

As Syria's tragic civil war continues without a resolution in sight, the conflict's death toll continues to soar. But this isn't the only disastrous consequence of the conflict — Syria's breathtaking historical and architectural heritage is being blasted to pieces by the ongoing civil war, too.

UNESCO has implored both sides to respect and protect historical artifacts. Let's face it, though — given Bashar al-Assad's willingness to ruthlessly slaughter tens of thousands of his own citizens, it's unlikely that he will show more respect for his country's historical monuments.

Here are five of the most significant sites and buildings that have been damaged or destroyed in Syria's civil war:

1. The Umayyad Mosque




Located in the old city of Aleppo, the Umayyad Mosque is another one of Syria’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites; it is also one of the oldest and most important mosques in the world. Regime and opposition forces have been battling for control over the building, absolutely thrashing it in the process. The minaret, which was almost 1,000 years old, was finally toppled earlier this year.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Helga Seeden, professor of archaeology at the American University of Beirut, put this loss into context: "This is like blowing up the Taj Mahal or destroying the Acropolis in Athens. This mosque is a living sanctuary... This is a disaster. In terms of heritage, this is the worst I've seen in Syria. I'm horrified."

2. Aleppo's Souk Al-Madina



This medieval souk, the largest covered historic market in the world, was badly burned and partially destroyed during fighting that began in September of 2012.

3. Al-Omari Mosque


This mosque, founded in the early eighth century by the second caliph of Islam, Omar, is one of the oldest mosques in the world. During the early days of the war, it served as a field hospital and sanctuary for demonstrators. In 2013, its minaret was destroyed. Both sides allege that the other was responsible for its destruction.

4. Crac des Chevaliers


One of Syria’s six UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Crac des Chevaliers is one of the world’s most important medieval castles still in existence. Opposition fighters have been struggling to keep their hold on this strategically important fortress for over two years, drawing devastating shelling from regime forces. Having been bombed as recently as Oct. 21, 2013, this devastation has no end in sight.

5. Palmyra



As opposition forces fight with the Syrian Army in and around this ancient desert oasis, the breathtaking ruins have been rocked by shells, mortar bombs, and rockets.

5 Historical Monuments Have Been Destroyed Forever During Syria's Civil War - Mic

This is the result of the illegal Al-Asshead terror regime and their destruction of Syria let alone the mass-murder of Syrians. All just to stay a few more years in power.
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What makes this even more heartbreaking for lovers of history, architecture etc. like me and millions of others (especially fellow Arabs) is that Syria is a key historical Arab country and home to some of the oldest civilizations, cities and artifacts on the planet. Now a lot of it has been severely damaged and God knows if, how and when it will be rebuilt.

Thus my aim with this thread will be to try and update it whenever another historical site has been damaged.

That article was from October 2013. It's thus 1 year old. A lot has been damaged before and after that date, sadly.
The destruction of the Khalid ibn al-Walid (ra) Mosque in the ancient city of Homs. A city that more than any other city symbolizes the heroic struggle against the Al-Asshead terror regime. A city which became the resting place of among the greatest Muslims that ever lived on this planet and has been that for almost 1400 years. One of the greatest military commanders in history and one of the few undefeated military commanders. An eternal titan that was bestowed the title of Sword of Allah (swt) as a testimony of his military abilities and sacrifice for Islam.

Homs not only symbolizes the spirit of Khalid ibn al-Walid (ra) but also that of its steadfast people. It is now currently under the occupation of the terror regime.


The destruction of the Khalid ibn al-Walid (ra) Mosque documented:

Khalid ibn al-Walid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are Saudis not destroying tombs of prophets in Mecca and Madina?

Which Prophets? Which tombs are currently being destroyed? What was once done many decades ago was the removal of elaborate tombs/shrines/mausoleums (now all are equal in appearance) so that people could not pray to various Muslim historical figures which was once practiced by some Muslims. Back then this was the decision of the clergy. I have not yet made up my mind about this. From a purely architectural/historical perspective I am probably against and the religious one tells me that this was probably the right decision. On the other hand only the outer of the tombs were changed not the grave in itself. Anyway this is about the mosque, the manner the Al-Asshead terror regime has destroyed Homs and their systematic destruction of the historical sites of Syria. This is not about tombs in KSA, mate. Let's not derail this thread. If you wish to discuss tombs in KSA make a thread and I will answer you.
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Its a shame that the terrorists use historical sites. Like Crac des Chevaliers, the terrorists didnt have to go there, but obviously the aim was to get it destroyed for propaganda purposes.
Which Prophets? Which tombs are currently being destroyed? What was once done many decades ago was the removal of elaborate tombs/shrines/mausoleums (now all are equal in appearance) so that people could not pray to various Muslim historical figures which was once practiced by some Muslims. Back then this was the decision of the clergy. I have not yet made up my mind on this. On the other hand only the outer of the tombs were changed not the grave in itself. Anyway this is about the mosque, the manner the Al-Asshead terror regime has destroyed Homs and their systematic destruction of the historical sites of Syria. This is not about tombs in KSA, mate. Let's not derail this thread. If you wish to discuss tombs in KSA make a thread and I will answer you.

I am not anti-ksa. nor do I have an agenda against Saudi Arabia, but I will ask some important questions. I hope you will not mind brother. I am an honest person, and I demand honest answers.
The destruction of the Great Mosque of Aleppo in the Ancient City of Aleppo.

Ancient City of Aleppo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Great Mosque of Aleppo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia













I am not anti-ksa. nor do I have an agenda against Saudi Arabia, but I will ask some important questions. I hope you will not mind brother. I am an honest person, and I demand honest answers.

Look, I am not an Hanbali which is the official fiqh of the Saudi Arabian clergy (Najdi dominated). I am a Shafi'i which means that I don't agree with everything. When I stand up for KSA I do it due to nationalism and an obligation just like you will stand up for Pakistan. Just like I stand up for the Arab world and us Arabs. It is also as a counter to the trolls and trolling. Feel free to ask but not in this thread if you don't mind.


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Dead Cities (World UNESCO Heritage Site)

Dead Cities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia








The ancient sites of northern Syria, comprising eight parks and a total of 40 villages, have suffered due to their close proximity to a key Turkish border crossing, used as the entry point for supplies.

A number of Syrians who have been forced from their homes are also living in and among the ruins.

Analysis of satellite images of the Jebel Barisha park show the creation of three compounds: two within the park boundaries and one just outside. They appear to have a military function, according to the AAAS.

BBC News - Syrian heritage destruction revealed in satellite images
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Syrian heritage destruction revealed in satellite images

Five out of six of Syria's Unesco World Heritage sites have been "significantly" damaged by the country's civil war, satellite image analysis has revealed.

Historic structures across the country, including ancient mosques, government buildings and castles show signs of destruction - with some reduced to rubble, researchers from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) say. The only site that appears to remain relatively unscathed is the ancient city of Damascus.

"From our contacts and sources in Syria, we knew that there was damage to World Heritage sites," says Brian Daniels, of the University of Pennsylvania Museum, which partnered in the research. "But this report surprised us by revealing just how extensive the destruction actually is."

Some of the most extensive damage is in Aleppo, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, the satellite image analysis reveals.

Damage to Aleppo's Great Mosque


December 2011
July 2014

The northern Syrian city, which dates back to 2,000BC, has seen some of the heaviest fighting of the civil war.

Images captured in 2011 and 2014 reveal damage to the city's Great Mosque - one of Aleppo's most famous cultural sites.

Its 50m-tall Seljuk minaret, dating from 1095 and considered one of the most important monuments of medieval Syria, collapsed as a result of shelling in March 2013 (red arrow). There are also two large craters along the mosque's eastern wall (blue arrows).

Damage south of citadel


December 2011
August 2014

There is also significant damage to the south of Aleppo's citadel, the location of many historical government buildings.

Between December 2011 and August 2014, the city's Khusriwiye Mosque was demolished (green arrow) and the Grand Serail - the former seat of the Aleppo governor - was heavily damaged (orange arrow).

The dome of the 15th Century Hammam Yalbougha an-Nasry - one of Syria's finest bathhouses - has also been destroyed (purple arrow).

Ancient city of Bosra

October 2009
April 2014

The ancient city of Bosra, located in the southern Daara governorate, contains ruined buildings from the Roman, Byzantine, and early Islamic periods.

Between October 2009 and April 2014, a number of probable shell craters appeared within the site, including a hole in the roof of the Al-Omari Mosque.

Ancient site of Palmyra


October 2009
March 2014

Palmyra's Greco-Roman ruins, located in the middle of the Syrian desert, were one of Syria's main tourist attractions before the conflict.

Imagery analysis has revealed how the site and its surrounding area - including its Roman theatre - have suffered from the effects of shelling, activity by snipers as well as the presence of rocket launchers and tanks. There are also persistent reports of looting.

New roads can be seen across the northern area of the site as well excavated fortifications (pink arrows), providing cover for military vehicles (yellow arrows).

Crac des Chevaliers castle

December 2008
October 2013

The castle of Crac des Chevaliers, dating back to the 11th Century, has been used as a hideout by rebel gunmen and has been repeatedly shelled by government forces.

Analysis of satellite images of the site, west of Homs in central Syria, reveals damage to the castle's south-east tower. There are also craters to the north.

All of Syria's six World Heritage sites are on Unesco's list of World Heritage in Danger, maintained by its World Heritage Center.

Corine Wegener, cultural heritage preservation officer for the US Smithsonian Institution, said Syria required support from the international community to help "mitigate and prevent damage to cultural heritage" amidst the conflict.

For more satellite images and analysis, visit the American Association for the Advancement of Science report page.

Written by Lucy Rodgers. Design and development by Gerry Fletcher and Richard Bangay.

BBC News - Syrian heritage destruction revealed in satellite images

To be continued.


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What a rubbish, this whole conflict is Assads fault yes, and not the thousands of Jihadis who poured into Syria to advance Israeli and Saudi Arabian goals.

Also its not the fault of FSA who resorted to suicide bombings and car bombings who made the conflict worse. :cheesy:
If I remember correctly the whole conflict started when Syrians started protesting for democracy (inspired by the Arab spring) and not by a bunch of jihadist.
Yeh because when you kill police officers, burn down police stations is a noble cause and great way to request more democracy.

I dnt deny that there were real Syrians who looked to Libya,Tunisia,Egypt etc and wanted same changs in their own country but soon from within (and also outside) the more radical sunni elements started to attacking the government.

But we will never let the Syrian government fall and the quicker you realize and accept this fact the better for all of us, the region and the world.
That was not the case the police/army started shooting peaceful protesters and that’s when the Syrian people started to take up arms. And the extremism you're talking about came in later. Which is no surprise as a long brutal civil war would make most people more extreme in their views and actions.
I dnt know which side you are really leaning towards but it seems to the more radical sides in this conflict.

Anyway a piece from a more ''neutral'' source for you.

View attachment 111650
No, I’m leaning on the side were ISIS and Assad’s regime gets wiped out and a moderate democratic government that respects all religions/sects gets in power.
lol, terrorist supporter... there are no ''democratic'' forces in the so called ''Syrian opposition''.

All of them (mainly your beloved FSA) have had short alliances with known terrorists (ISIS, al Nusra) and they themselves have involved themselves in terrorism (car bombings, suicide bombings etc)

You may believe in whatever you want, But I have a feeling that after US and its coalition is finished with ISIS that they’re next target will be Assad. And talking about alliances Assad and Isis have had a mutual agreement not to attack each other so they could kill off the more moderate groups who would of had more sympathy from the west.

Syria's Assad accused of boosting al-Qaeda with secret oil deals - Telegraph
The so called rebels are also destroying ancient sites and graves of important figures in Shia Islam. Foreign Jihadis blowing medieval shrines of Saints is not a crime?

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