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Analysis of Sino-Pakistan Relationship

There is no Asian success. Asia is not a collective entity.

If not, then why is the SCO being touted as an economic bloc as important/powerful as the EU?

Trade and co-operation between Asian economies will only further the economic prosperity of Asia...

I dont see how China alone can pull a "USA"
Standard strategy. If your rival is scared, they will spend more money on buying weapons, and less money on building up their own economic/industrial/technological capabilities.

So far this cold war seems to be on an even footing....India is spending very reasonably on defence as a % of its GDP....
So no soviet style collapse you would so love to see...
Cant say the same abt your "all weather ally" though...

Though to be honest, India scares itself more than we ever could.

Once bitten twice shy? Whatever it takes to make sure we dont repeat the same mistakes.....
Would your country allow a second Nanjing?
So far this cold war seems to be on an even footing....

In 1990, China and India had around the same GDP.

In 2011, China's economy is FOUR times larger than the Indian one.

Not sure how that is an "even footing".
In 1990, China and India had around the same GDP.

In 2011, China's economy is FOUR times larger than the Indian one.

Not sure how that is an "even footing".

Do you ever read in context or just choose the lines that you have readymade replies for?

Are you claiming that Indian defence budget has burdened the Indian economy? Coz in order for China to coax India into an armed race as in the cold war, we would need to be spending exhorbitantly against % of GDP...
So far....our economy and military has grown at a steady pace....so we are on an even footing since your country has not caused the "alarm" that would drive us to ignore our other problems as you mentioned...

Cant say the same about our theocratic neighbor!
So Chinese bloggers on more 'neutral' forums not as warm toward Pakistan as here, where they are supposed to be pleasing 'the audience'? If so, please share those blogs? I won't blame them though. All of us are here for our own interests. Well, we think what is in our interest too emotionally and with large egos in the Subcontinent.

BTW, I don't think Pakistan should have to pick between China and India. I think Pakistan should have equally good relations with both in rational strategic alliances. To start with that the issue of Kashmir needs to be solved or at least shelved. Pakistan should provide its land and sea routes for trade, commerce, tourism, energy corridors to both China and India after that which can and will generate a lot of wealth in the region. And with wealth often comes peace.
Peace and prosperity for 2+ billion people.

What more to want in life? This is the only life we have. I am certain that our descendents will be traveling between the capitals of our three countries and beyond like they do now in the EU via train, planes, cruises, ferries, cars, buses, bicycles... We can try to do that in our own lifetime.
Well, the knowledgeable Chinese on neutral forums are open about the realities of China Pak relationship.

The ones here have an axe to grind and just try to please the audience.

Thanks for telling yet another country's people what they should think. Why even bother coming to a forum, when you can re-enact the United fcking Nations in your own head, you lunatic. I'm sure the discussions there agrees with you much more, unhindered by what people actually say or think.
To keep Pakistan's interest, I think Pakistan need to main relationship with both China and U.S..

I do not think it is wise for Pakistan to cut off its link with U.S..

Of course, China is the best partner Pakistan can ever expect. However, even China need keep relationship well with U.S. as well. So I think Pakistan need to maintain the relationship with U.S. even though there are some quarrels.
To keep Pakistan's interest, I think Pakistan need to main relationship with both China and U.S..

I do not think it is wise for Pakistan to cut off its link with U.S..

Of course, China is the best partner Pakistan can ever expect. However, even China need keep relationship well with U.S. as well. So I think Pakistan need to maintain the relationship with U.S. even though there are some quarrels.

Imminently sensible.
I think Pak-India peace or at least co-existence is far more important that Pak-USA transactional relationship.
Americans have no intrinsic interest in the stability of the region in and around Pakistan. India does. Besides, once Pakistan is able to neutralize Indian involvement in the region through a strategic alliance or at least peaceful co-existence then Americans will lose a vital ally in India and will come to Pakistan more earnestly.
And several more who have left their own country to live in "North America" and abuse it every day.

Well some of us are in North America only temporarily for studies/work and will go back to our Pak Sar Zameen for eternity.

And when did I abuse North America. I love the land and people, but I hate the policies that the government makes here, especially for my country, PAKISTAN. Even white and black Americans hate their government's foreign policy.
Woodrow Wilson Center is a pro governmental think tank, nothing unexpected here.
china can't afford the fall of pakistan. at anytime pakistan's stability is of china's top interest in south asia. what china did is try to help pakistan while avoid unnecessary worry of the picky usa.
china can't afford the fall of pakistan. at anytime pakistan's stability is of china's top interest in south asia. what china did is try to help pakistan while avoid unnecessary worry of the picky usa.

China cannot afford Pakistan becomes a taliban-style country as well.
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