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An American report: Saudi Arabia is the fifth most powerful country in the world ... and the first in the Arab and Islamic world

The Seven Great Powers

To kick off 2015, we present our take on who the real “G-7” countries are: the world’s seven great powers, ranked by their ability to shape both their immediate environments and the broader world.

This is a paid report sadly. There is no way KSA is above France or the US or Germany. These nations are developed, have big economies with little to no dependence on just oil and these three nations produce and manufacture defense equipment that KSA and other nations buy. One can't be a top 5th power when 100% of their air force is foreign made. Tomorrow, if the US, UK or France put sanctions on KSA, how long will the -15's and EFT's, etc, going to fly on their own? To be in top 10 powers, you MUST have a diversified economy and over 75% of the defense equipment locally manufactured. Just using common sense.
I think the reports says the "world" and the title says the first in the arabic and islamic world.

Read it again, the title is intentionally misleading, dishonest and in violation of PDF rules.
There are two articles in the OP..
This is a paid report sadly. There is no way KSA is above France or the US or Germany. These nations are developed, have big economies with little to no dependence on just oil and these three nations produce and manufacture defense equipment that KSA and other nations buy. One can't be a top 5th power when 100% of their air force is foreign made. Tomorrow, if the US, UK or France put sanctions on KSA, how long will the -15's and EFT's, etc, going to fly on their own? To be in top 10 powers, you MUST have a diversified economy and over 75% of the defense equipment locally manufactured. Just using common sense.
You did misread the article..it mentions US as first and Germany above KSA.. Maybe France and the UK are in top 10 but this is a particular context.. read it again..
This land of gold and treasure, land of prophets and wonders has all the capacity to gain its former undisputed importance.

Sauds ruling over prophet Muhammed's pbuh land is like giving a priceless treasure to an ape. Like prophet himself prophesized, i saw the day when monkeys and apes are teetering from my pulpit.

Anyways, this important land has turned into milky cow of Anglo savages. They have left a huge havoc in Muslim world that anyone can step into Islam's backyards and abuse the religious differences of its followers. Brits, Americans and so on. Prophet Muhammed's land has become a stab in the hearts of Muslims.

This useless monarchy can never be an important power as far as getting milked by the Anglos.

It is promised that someone from Yemen will cut Off the head of this snake and liberates Muslims of peninsula. We are waiting for it. Americans are free to woo their cow, no one cares.
Can you explain?
Amongst Hadiths of prophet Muhammed pbuh, it is mentioned that during the end times someone from Yemen will appear and will engage with Sufyani (Son of Abu Sufyan one of the most important enemies of Hashemites). He will receive help from Persians and he will liberate Ka'aba from Kuffar. He is one of my grandsons and he will help Mahdi AS. Imams of Shias have mentioned him for plenty of times calling him Yemeni Sayyed (prophet's grandson).

Yemeni flag will be the most guiding flag amongst flags of Muslims and he is my true follower.

These words of prophet reminds me of Houthi flag
download (1).png
Amongst Hadiths of prophet Muhammed pbuh, it is mentioned that during the end times someone from Yemen will appear and will engage with Sufyani (Son of Abu Sufyan one of the most important enemies of Hashemites). He will receive help from Persians and he will liberate Ka'aba from Kuffar. He is one of my grandsons and he will help Mahdi AS. Imams of Shias have mentioned him for plenty of times calling him Yemeni Sayyed (prophet's grandson).

Yemeni flag will be the most guiding flag amongst flags of Muslims and he is my true follower.

These words of prophet reminds me of Houthi flag
View attachment 779103View attachment 779104
Interesting. In Orthodox Prophecies (and some by Catholics),there will be a great war between Russia and Turkey,then the Americans with some European countries and others in the East will attack the Russians. Some Orthodox elders and saints have said that China will betray Russia in the end in exchange for Siberia and will let their enemies attack from the East.

I've got a lot of these prophecies on my PC.
Interesting. In Orthodox Prophecies (and some by Catholics),there will be a great war between Russia and Turkey,then the Americans with some European countries and others in the East will attack the Russians. Some Orthodox elders and saints have said that China will betray Russia in the end in exchange for Siberia and will let their enemies attack from the East.

I've got a lot of these prophecies on my PC.
These are not prophecies my friend but throwing Random predictions in social media to attract the attention of religious people. The most ridiculous of these prophecies must be what Nostradamus said. According to him the world was gone a Long time ago. Bunch of attention seekers.

What I told you are the words belonging to almost 1400 years ago. When there was no Turkey, Russia by their names.
Foreign Minister of the fifth greatest power ignored Hindutva in India and said they cannot take a step toward Taliban without consulting "international partners".
This is a paid report sadly. There is no way KSA is above France or the US or Germany. These nations are developed, have big economies with little to no dependence on just oil and these three nations produce and manufacture defense equipment that KSA and other nations buy. One can't be a top 5th power when 100% of their air force is foreign made. Tomorrow, if the US, UK or France put sanctions on KSA, how long will the -15's and EFT's, etc, going to fly on their own? To be in top 10 powers, you MUST have a diversified economy and over 75% of the defense equipment locally manufactured. Just using common sense.
Reads like paid report. Advertising.
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These are not prophecies my friend but throwing Random predictions in social media to attract the attention of religious people. The most ridiculous of these prophecies must be what Nostradamus said. According to him the world was gone a Long time ago. Bunch of attention seekers.

What I told you are the words belonging to almost 1400 years ago. When there was no Turkey, Russia by their names.
What I'm telling you started from the first Byzantine centuries to our times. Not predictions and definitely nothing like Nostradamus.
When there was no Turkey and Russia by their names,like you said. They are all available and in detail.
Amongst Hadiths of prophet Muhammed pbuh, it is mentioned that during the end times someone from Yemen will appear and will engage with Sufyani (Son of Abu Sufyan one of the most important enemies of Hashemites). He will receive help from Persians and he will liberate Ka'aba from Kuffar. He is one of my grandsons and he will help Mahdi AS. Imams of Shias have mentioned him for plenty of times calling him Yemeni Sayyed (prophet's grandson).

Yemeni flag will be the most guiding flag amongst flags of Muslims and he is my true follower.

These words of prophet reminds me of Houthi flag
View attachment 779103View attachment 779104
Interesting. In Orthodox Prophecies (and some by Catholics),there will be a great war between Russia and Turkey,then the Americans with some European countries and others in the East will attack the Russians. Some Orthodox elders and saints have said that China will betray Russia in the end in exchange for Siberia and will let their enemies attack from the East.

I've got a lot of these prophecies on my PC.

This is some shia hadith fabrication and all their hadiths are fabrication without any authentic chain links.. Mahdi will take over in Saudi Arabia from Medina. The Mushrikeen in Yemen will be decimated by 12.000 from Aden and Abyan this is real hadith.

there is not one single Shia muhadith in Islamic collections that is authentic they meet the fabrication mark when the Hadith examining criteria is used meaning no direct chain or link to the prophet or his trustworthy Sahaba the origin of their saying is obsecure because there is no jurisdiction link or chains to the main sources
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Amongst Hadiths of prophet Muhammed pbuh, it is mentioned that during the end times someone from Yemen will appear and will engage with Sufyani (Son of Abu Sufyan one of the most important enemies of Hashemites). He will receive help from Persians and he will liberate Ka'aba from Kuffar. He is one of my grandsons and he will help Mahdi AS. Imams of Shias have mentioned him for plenty of times calling him Yemeni Sayyed (prophet's grandson).

Yemeni flag will be the most guiding flag amongst flags of Muslims and he is my true follower.

These words of prophet reminds me of Houthi flag
View attachment 779103View attachment 779104
The as-Sufyani will be a Syrian tyrant and he will order his army to invade KSA to prevent rise of Mehdi in the region. His army will fail however. This would be a war between KSA and Syria to be precise. The relevant hadith is not Sahih however.
The as-Sufyani will be a Syrian tyrant and he will order his army to invade KSA to prevent rise of Mehdi in the region. His army will fail however. This would be a war between KSA and Syria to be precise. The relevant hadith is not Sahih however.

It is actully authentic it also says that same army will also take over balad-ul fars meaning Iran. It Will fall to that same army from Arabia once again as per hadith goes and it has many authentic chains that leads back to the main sources. Iran itself will be invaded from Arabia once again but army from Khorasan will be the bulk of it but they will come from the Arabian route allied to that leader because they will answer his call once he steps into the world arena
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It is actully authentic it also says that same army will also take over balad-ul fars meaning Iran. It Will fall to that same army from Arabia once again as per hadith goes and it has many authentic chains that leads back to the main sources. Iran itself will be invaded from Arabia once again but army from Khorasan will be the bulk of it but they will come from the Arabian route allied to that leader because they will answer his call once he steps into the world arena
Interesting to see that the flag of Taliban and Afghanistan now is the same flag as the army of Khorasan..
Interesting to see that the flag of Taliban and Afghanistan now is the same flag as the army of Khorasan..

This is incorrect. The IEA flag is white and that flag is said to be black. Not the same completely different also the Khorasan there is in my opinion more Pakistan than it is Afghanistan. technically both are Khorasan. When they say the people of Khorasan it means both including some parts of Central Asia. The black flag has not emerged yet
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