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Amid Shifting Geopolitical Dynamics, India Plays Hard Ball in Afghanistan

So you are counting the days when the NUG fails and the Taliban return? Shame on you if you do! This is the kind of thinking and statments that alarm the common Afghan about the intentions of Pakistan vis-a-vis Afghanistan.
Guess what will happen if the Taliban return, Afghanistan will become a heaven for anti pakistan elements and they will slaughter your people along with Afghans.

So get your head out of sand and pray and hope that the NUG stands and that you have a stable state in Afghanistan, no matter how anti-pakistan for you can deal with state but if non-state actors like TTP, Daesh and Afghan Taliban take over Afghanistan you will be slaugthered as well.
We are only country who have faced Afghan Treacherous actions for last 70 years, and we are only country where Afghan in million are free to roam and to do whatever mostly crimes they like,let me clear you one thing
Why every War Lord is Arming himself from Arm to teeth,Oh Yes call it they are fighting Taliban,when there are 100% chances if Taliban make a high gain these militia will simply join there Ranks.
Afghanistan's warlord vice-president spoiling for a fight with the Taliban | World news | The Guardian
The risk of arming local militias in Afghanistan′s Kunduz | Asia | DW.COM | 03.06.2015
Is it not enough proof that Central Govt has lost faith.These militia and War Lords have proved themselves worst curse to Afghanistan in last 25 years by shifting sides again and again.
Afghanistan today is just launching pad of Indian Intel,what more anti-Pakistan would be, when Mullah FM and his henchmen are operating from there.We have seen enough ranting daily from Afghan officials i bet if kind of support they rant we start providing to Mullah henchmen then i am sure they will take kabul in week but you know that we never supported Taliban, never we controlled them Afghan Govt instead of solving problems is just blaming Pakistan everyday what you expect from anyone if you blame him for you own misdeeds?
My friend we recognized Taliban Govt on same lines we Recognized imported ISAF Govt in kabul.

Gee, aren't you jolly happy to see the return of head-beheading, woman-raping, beard-never-shaving Islamic terrorists in a country that is not Pakistan. Wonder why the crocodile tears for the massacred school-children then.
when did you last time visited Afghanistan,i mean during 1996 and 2000.
Afghans have attacked Pakistani checkpoints in the past because they believe they were built on Afghan land.

I believe there is some sort of fence/ditch being built though.

Most of the problems Pakistan/Afghanistan is facing is because of Afghanistan/Pakistan cross border terrorism. So it is better you resolve these border issues for your own security.
Why don't you built a fence on your side?? You don't need their permission for that. That way you can control who is crossing into your country.
It ain't that easy.
We are all up for that.
But when we do they attack the ones building the checkposts.
Oh you show a lot of misplaced concern for your fellow beings. There are institutions in india to take care of that and its none your business.

I think you are calling the kettle black (as in "the pot calling ....")

The democratic institutions on India and most importantly the people of India have propelled those responsible for the massacre of Muslims, the rape of Muslims women, the burning alive of Muslims, the ripping of babies out of pregnant Muslims mothers to the highest office of the land.

Why not help the hapless syrians or palestinians ? Or you can help your own fellow balochs from getting disappeared, mutilated and dumped.

Why does anything to do with the Syrians or Palestinians have to preclude searing Gujrat into Muslim collective memory?

The Syrians are not being attacked by a democratic setup let alone the World largest democracy.

I have not heard of Palestinian citizens Israel or even of the West bank being subjected to such humiliation, agony and dehumanization that the Muslims at Gujrat were. The Muslims of Gujrat perished in a flash of agony and dehumanization -- even the insidious treatment of the Blauch has been a trickle by the same standards.

Similarly the perpetrators of crimes against the Baluch -- the security arms of the Pakistan -- do so from Shadows, above the law -- for a crisis wracked country, no lunatic like Modi has in Pakistan, to date (the future is full of disappointing possibilities) been propelled to the highest office in the land with overwhelming public support.

That the majority of Indians do not, even begrudgingly see this as a travesty is mind boggling.

So please -- have a serious conversation or move along.
I think you are calling the kettle black (as in "the pot calling ....")

The democratic institutions on India and most importantly the people of India have propelled those responsible for the massacre of Muslims, the rape of Muslims women, the burning alive of Muslims, the ripping of babies out of pregnant Muslims mothers to the highest office of the land.

Why does anything to do with the Syrians or Palestinians have to preclude searing Gujrat into Muslim collective memory?

The Syrians are not being attacked by a democratic setup let alone the World largest democracy.

I have not heard of Palestinian citizens Israel or even of the West bank being subjected to such humiliation, agony and dehumanization that the Muslims at Gujrat were. The Muslims of Gujrat perished in a flash of agony and dehumanization -- even the insidious treatment of the Blauch has been a trickle by the same standards.

Similarly the perpetrators of crimes against the Baluch -- the security arms of the Pakistan -- do so from Shadows, above the law -- for a crisis wracked country, no lunatic like Modi has in Pakistan, to date (the future is full of disappointing possibilities) been propelled to the highest office in the land with overwhelming public support.

That the majority of Indians do not, even begrudgingly see this as a travesty is mind boggling.

So please -- have a serious conversation or move along.

Oh! So you sole justifications for atrocities committed elsewhere is that they were not atrocious enough, do you have even an iota of idea behind what sparked Gujarat riots, how many people were convicted and judicial proceedings against Modi?

Indian Supreme Court is one of the most respected supreme courts in the world and is considered to be unbiased and fair. It's judgements are quoted as everywhere from S. Asia to Europe to USA in the law courses as an example of excellent jurisprudence. Whenever it is autonomy is in threatened like in dark days of emergency it has fought like a cornered tiger and come out on top. It is that SC that has exonerated Modi. That is the final word on the issue for most Indians not politically motivated.

Kindly leave India to Indians alone, and expend your sympathies and hypocrisy elsewhere, just close your eyes and put a finger on any inhabited land mass on globe and you would have some abortion of human decency to rail against.

Oh! So you sole justifications for atrocities committed elsewhere is that they were not atrocious enough, do you have even an iota of idea behind what sparked Gujarat riots, how many people were convicted and judicial proceedings against Modi?

Do you really think I've not studied the Gurat incident and the aftermath?

Do you really think that it matters not how horrific the Gurat incident is when compared to other atrocities -- what on earth are you trying say?? -- really? really? -- don't insult yourself and your intelligence, please!!!

Indian Supreme Court is one of the most respected supreme courts in the world and is considered to be unbiased and fair. It's judgements are quoted as everywhere from S. Asia to Europe to USA in the law courses as an example of excellent jurisprudence.

Yes, and it is that legal instrument which the Indian Supreme Court is a part of which has allows this heinous crime to go unpunished.

As, the legal instrument, this wonderful institution is a part of is powerless to stop corruption, other predatory action of the Indian government and society.

Please, India is not Sweden -- we all hope one day it will be -- I'm confident in a hundred years, us brown smelly South Asians may make it -- but until then let's not insult our own intelligence.

Whenever it is autonomy is in threatened like in dark days of emergency it has fought like a cornered tiger and come out on top. It is that SC that has exonerated Modi. That is the final word on the issue for most Indians not politically motivated.

Yes, that is the travesty -- it has exonerated Modi -- he is technically innocent

Kindly leave India to Indians alone, and expend your sympathies and hypocrisy elsewhere, just close your eyes and put a finger on any inhabited land mass on globe and you would have some abortion of human decency to rail against.


Well I would appreciate it if you apply that standard to yourself -- leave Afghanistan/Pakistan to Afghans and Pakistanis -- please exit this forum

If not at least have the human decency to admit that India is a third world country and more importantly a third world society with all it's flaws, just like Pakistan is.

As a counterpoint it did not take the fine institution of the Indian Supreme court to certify the bonafides of people like Ghandhi, Nehru and Ambedkar. Why Indians are so committed to intellectually and emotionally defending a monster like Modi is beyond me. I guess there are defenders of Gen Hamid Gul too -- oh wait but he was dismissed from service and didn't win the general election to the highest office by a landslide in a liberal democracy and wasn't directly responsible for the rape, burning alive, dehumanization of a people. I guess nationalism poisons the mind and in South Asia it even robs us of our basic human decency.

To intellectual honesty and basic human decency!!!
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I think you are calling the kettle black (as in "the pot calling ....")

The democratic institutions on India and most importantly the people of India have propelled those responsible for the massacre of Muslims, the rape of Muslims women, the burning alive of Muslims, the ripping of babies out of pregnant Muslims mothers to the highest office of the land.
People like you always portray and cry as victims while perpetuating the crime. For a pakistani like you commenting on our democratic institutions shows heights of hypocrisy. Our institutions are not perfect but certainly they dont require certificate from you.

For all the things you have mentioned are nothing but pure hearsay and allegations. Just like they kill for blasphemy in pakistan. Keep propagating lies till shit hits roof. We dont expect a pakistani tell the truth do we ? You can continue practicing your al-taqiyya. You can eat your own propaganda.

Alleged Kausar Banu gang rape case
The report which was brought to the notice of the bench, consisting of Justices Arijit Pasayat, P Sathasivam and Aftab Alam, noted that the much publicised case of a pregnant Muslim woman Kausar Banu being gangraped by a mob and foetus being removed from sharp weapons, was also cooked up and false.[127][130]
NGOs, Teesta spiced up Gujarat riot incidents: SIT - The Times of India

By the way all these atrocities were committed by pakistan in bangladesh thats why you have so much knowledge about atrocities about how to do all these burning,ripping,raping..etc.

Why does anything to do with the Syrians or Palestinians have to preclude searing Gujrat into Muslim collective memory?
The Syrians are not being attacked by a democratic setup let alone the World largest democracy.
Those attackers are your own muslim brethern , clean you home first and stop pontificating to others.

I have not heard of Palestinian citizens Israel or even of the West bank being subjected to such humiliation, agony and dehumanization that the Muslims at Gujrat were.
Oh my bad , i have been having replying to an illiterate radical living in cave.

The Muslims of Gujrat perished in a flash of agony and dehumanization -- even the insidious treatment of the Blauch has been a trickle by the same standards.
Why dint all those muslims cross over to pakistan then immediately? Or dint you invite them to land of pure ?

Similarly the perpetrators of crimes against the Baluch -- the security arms of the Pakistan -- do so from Shadows, above the law -- for a crisis wracked country, no lunatic like Modi has in Pakistan, to date (the future is full of disappointing possibilities) been propelled to the highest office in the land with overwhelming public support.
That the majority of Indians do not, even begrudgingly see this as a travesty is mind boggling.

So please -- have a serious conversation or move along.

Ask Bangladeshis they will tell you how pakistanis treated them. Just like your countrymen talk about superiority of muslims,ghazw a hind, being land of pure ..etc. You can keep ranting and raving we dont give a fig about what you or your country men think.

By the way what are you doing in land of satan instead of camel grazing in middle east ?:p:
Do you really think I've not studied the Gurat incident and the aftermath?

Do you really think that it matters not how horrific the Gurat incident is when compared to other atrocities -- what on earth are you trying say?? -- really? really? -- don't insult yourself and your intelligence, please!!!

If you had studied Gujarat incident, then your posts would have been more balanced going into what sparked Gujarat Riots, how many Hindus along with Muslims were killed, how many people were charged and how many convicted. Your post is devoid of any facts and just contains empty bombast.

And I would not evade your other question, Yes I think the degree of atrocity matters not, what matters is that atrocity has been committed, to me Gujarat Riots in which 1000-2000 Muslims died are has horrific as Syrian Crisis and Slaughter of innocent Bangladeshis in Operation Search light where many multiples of that figure died. My head hangs in shame due to Gujarat atrocities but I wont bear any foreigner leaving in a glass house takes pot-shot over my country due to this.

Yes, and it is that legal instrument which the Indian Supreme Court is a part of which has allows this heinous crime to go unpunished.

As, the legal instrument, this wonderful institution is a part of is powerless to stop corruption, other predatory action of the Indian government and society.

Please, India is not Sweden -- we all hope one day it will be -- I'm confident in a hundred years, us brown smelly South Asians may make it -- but until then let's not insult our own intelligence.

Yes, that is the travesty -- it has exonerated Modi -- he is technically innocent

Please understand how judiciary works, it is not legislative nor executive branch of Government. The Congress Govt which ruled India for 10 years tried their best to get Modi convicted and incarcerated. The full force of Indian executive branch in form of CBI and other special investigation teams were out to find an iota of proof of Modi's involvement in Riots, Neither money nor political will was lacking - still they could not find evidence to implicate Modi.

Unlike some other countries we try not to sacrifice innocents at the altar of justice.

Well I would appreciate it if you apply that standard to yourself -- leave Afghanistan/Pakistan to Afghans and Pakistanis -- please exit this forum

If not at least have the human decency to admit that India is a third world country and more importantly a third world society with all it's flaws, just like Pakistan is.

As a counterpoint it did not take the fine institution of the Indian Supreme court to certify the bonafides of people like Ghandhi, Nehru and Ambedkar. Why Indians are so committed to intellectually and emotionally defending a monster like Modi is beyond me. I guess there are defenders of Gen Hamid Gul too -- oh wait but he was dismissed from service and didn't win the general election to the highest office by a landslide in a liberal democracy and wasn't directly responsible for the rape, burning alive, dehumanization of a people. I guess nationalism poisons the mind and in South Asia it even robs us of our basic human decency.

To intellectual honesty and basic human decency!!!

You are going way off the rails here, my participation in this forum is of no concern to anyone except the admin and mods. If they want they can fully restrict posting privileges of Indians or confine them to India only topic. What matters is if I lecture Pakistan on events un connected to India - I do not.

I have never said India is without faults, I would go as far as to say no country or individual or institution is without faults because at core to err is to be human. I do not see the validity of this part of your post to my comment, it sounds all well and good but has no relevance.

I am not defending Modi, I am defending my judicial system - I defending the democratic DNA of my country.

Indian law prohibits anyone who is convicted to stand for elections, Modi is not convicted ergo the people of my country are free to choose him as their leader. I love how you guys say he was responsible for Gujarat riots without having any sense of idea who was responsible for Gujarat Riots - Hint read about Godhra.

The worst Modi was charged with was negligence and our courts exonerated him for lack of evidence.
If you had studied Gujarat incident, then your posts would have been more balanced going into what sparked Gujarat Riots, how many Hindus along with Muslims were killed, how many people were charged and how many convicted. Your post is devoid of any facts and just contains empty bombast.

And I would not evade your other question, Yes I think the degree of atrocity matters not, what matters is that atrocity has been committed, to me Gujarat Riots in which 1000-2000 Muslims died are has horrific as Syrian Crisis and Slaughter of innocent Bangladeshis in Operation Search light where many multiples of that figure died. My head hangs in shame due to Gujarat atrocities but I wont bear any foreigner leaving in a glass house takes pot-shot over my country due to this.

Please understand how judiciary works, it is not legislative nor executive branch of Government. The Congress Govt which ruled India for 10 years tried their best to get Modi convicted and incarcerated. The full force of Indian executive branch in form of CBI and other special investigation teams were out to find an iota of proof of Modi's involvement in Riots, Neither money nor political will was lacking - still they could not find evidence to implicate Modi.

Unlike some other countries we try not to sacrifice innocents at the altar of justice.

You are going way off the rails here, my participation in this forum is of no concern to anyone except the admin and mods. If they want they can fully restrict posting privileges of Indians or confine them to India only topic. What matters is if I lecture Pakistan on events un connected to India - I do not.

I have never said India is without faults, I would go as far as to say no country or individual or institution is without faults because at core to err is to be human. I do not see the validity of this part of your post to my comment, it sounds all well and good but has no relevance.

I am not defending Modi, I am defending my judicial system - I defending the democratic DNA of my country.

Indian law prohibits anyone who is convicted to stand for elections, Modi is not convicted ergo the people of my country are free to choose him as their leader. I love how you guys say he was responsible for Gujarat riots without having any sense of idea who was responsible for Gujarat Riots - Hint read about Godhra.

The worst Modi was charged with was negligence and our courts exonerated him for lack of evidence.

Oh boy this is going to be a long response.

However the heart of the matter is in your response I think:

The worst Modi was charged with was negligence and our courts exonerated him for lack of evidence.

In a third world country with a highly flawed system (as you world expect in any other third world country) -- a person who at best is criminally negligent got off because there was no evidence against him. And, the decent people of India elected him by overwhelming majority to the highest office. If it had happened in Pakistan -- it would have been a stain on our society.

The rest of the response will have to wait until I have more time.
Oh boy this is going to be a long response.

However the heart of the matter is in your response I think:

The worst Modi was charged with was negligence and our courts exonerated him for lack of evidence.

In a third world country with a highly flawed system (as you world expect in any other third world country) -- a person who at best is criminally negligent got off because there was no evidence against him. And, the decent people of India elected him by overwhelming majority to the highest office. If it had happened in Pakistan -- it would have been a stain on our society.

The rest of the response will have to wait until I have more time.

By all means take your time and come with a factual response based on legal arguments and statistics not empty rhetoric.

Their seems to be a comprehension problem - Modi is at worst charged with criminal negligence and not at best.

Decent people of India have been accused of many things by none other than different sub-set of decent people of India - one more accusation from an inconsequential anonymous poster makes no difference.
We are only country who have faced Afghan Treacherous actions for last 70 years, and we are only country where Afghan in million are free to roam and to do whatever mostly crimes they like,let me clear you one thing
Why every War Lord is Arming himself from Arm to teeth,Oh Yes call it they are fighting Taliban,when there are 100% chances if Taliban make a high gain these militia will simply join there Ranks.
Afghanistan's warlord vice-president spoiling for a fight with the Taliban | World news | The Guardian
The risk of arming local militias in Afghanistan′s Kunduz | Asia | DW.COM | 03.06.2015
Is it not enough proof that Central Govt has lost faith.These militia and War Lords have proved themselves worst curse to Afghanistan in last 25 years by shifting sides again and again.
Afghanistan today is just launching pad of Indian Intel,what more anti-Pakistan would be, when Mullah FM and his henchmen are operating from there.We have seen enough ranting daily from Afghan officials i bet if kind of support they rant we start providing to Mullah henchmen then i am sure they will take kabul in week but you know that we never supported Taliban, never we controlled them Afghan Govt instead of solving problems is just blaming Pakistan everyday what you expect from anyone if you blame him for you own misdeeds?
My friend we recognized Taliban Govt on same lines we Recognized imported ISAF Govt in kabul.

when did you last time visited Afghanistan,i mean during 1996 and 2000.

Don't be offended but I stopped reading your response after the 3rd line, you need to do a better job of explaining your position, as you are incoherant, make little sense and full of emotions.

Don't be offended but I stopped reading your response after the 3rd line, you need to do a better job of explaining your position, as you are incoherant, make little sense and full of emotions.
@Hiptullha and @pakistani342 gentleman as you two have liked my post no #31 please explain it to mr @A-Team as i am pretty bad at comprehension and explanation.
Don't be offended but I stopped reading your response after the 3rd line, you need to do a better job of explaining your position, as you are incoherant, make little sense and full of emotions.


@Hiptullha and @pakistani342 gentleman as you two have liked my post no #31 please explain it to mr @A-Team as i am pretty bad at comprehension and explanation.

He makes a good point. Don't you find it worrying that the Afghan government is relying on the same militias and warlords who at one point were the ones causing the most violence and warfare in the country? Do you really expect Dostum who has switched sides a couple of times to remain loyal to the Afghan government when **** hits the fan?
A-Team the policy makers in Kabul in the last decade have played a cunning game against Pakistan, however retribution is on its way and they will know true despair soon. Please take back the Afghan refugees because we are simply too tired to babysit a bunch of ungrateful morons.
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