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America Is Finished

What human spirit do you americans have.

I was referring to the fact that people, not inanimate objects, fuel conflict and violence.

But since you brought the subject up (What human spirit do you americans have) - it is the same spirit that makes our GDP roughly 3X China's, and makes the U.S. the goal of millions of people for immigration. People are streaming into the U.S. wanting citizenship, not out of the U.S. It is the spirit that fuels the world-wide craving for U.S. cultural products.

are probably the most hated people in the world

Because of our brutal treatment of vanquished nations like Japan and Germany? Because we helped prevent South Korea from turning into a nation of "Dear Leader" worshipping zombies? OK.

Why are you living in the U.K, which is "America-Lite", if Western society and lifestyle is so... crude, evil, terrible?
Very unbiased article indeed !
Yeah, I thought Aryan was doing great until he got to "Zionist Jewish" There are no Christian Zionists of course. Rick Perry, Bush, and Obama just pretend to give Isreal everything the Zionists want.
More realistically, the idea of ending debt in a "Year of Jubilee" is Jewish.
By Hitler's standards I am a Jew, even if by no one else's. I am not a Zionist, and I certainly am not a banker. I do not believe that everyone who opposes Isreal is an "Anti-Semite"
Still, I appreciated the data in the post, yet I ended with the fear that the end of US America may resemble the end of the Yugoslavia more than the end of the Soviet
What country do you want to live in after the collapse, Aryan? I am hoping El Paso ends up in Atzlan, not Texas.
I was referring to the fact that people, not inanimate objects, fuel conflict and violence.

But since you brought the subject up (What human spirit do you americans have) - it is the same spirit that makes our GDP roughly 3X China's, and makes the U.S. the goal of millions of people for immigration. People are streaming into the U.S. wanting citizenship, not out of the U.S. It is the spirit that fuels the world-wide craving for U.S. cultural products.

Because of our brutal treatment of vanquished nations like Japan and Germany? Because we helped prevent South Korea from turning into a nation of "Dear Leader" worshipping zombies? OK.

Why are you living in the U.K, which is "America-Lite", if Western society and lifestyle is so... crude, evil, terrible?

Actually, the US is attracting mostly the low-average IQ members of the global community, excluding India and Africa.

Canada is more popular among older, more well educated people.

Developed Nations Attract Young vs. Educated Migrants

US has only a 12% potential brain gain while Canada is 144% and Australia higher still, despite the US scoring higher on overall immigration. The result is, yes, millions want to immigrate to the US, but they're mostly the low level coolies of society. The well educated see the writing on the wall; they'd rather move to stable, egalitarian societies like Canada and Australia.

Not saying anything about Asia. Asians hate Asia in general. Maybe we're too overcrowded and have extremely high pressures. Educated Chinese hate China less than educated Koreans hate South Korea though. Uneducated Chinese hate China more than uneducated Koreans hate South Korea though.
I agree with benefits helping out single mums, disabled people etc. But you should not be able to live a life of them otherwise there is no incentive to work.

Why should nation be responsible for illegimate children of someone's one night stand?
Actually, the US is attracting mostly the low-average IQ members of the global community, excluding India and Africa.

tell that to all the university students who come here to study and decide they don't want to leave.
tell that to all the university students who come here to study and decide they don't want to leave.

The statistics don't lie. US is attractive to more low IQ coolies than educated people while Canada and Australia are more attractive to highly educated professionals.

Maybe that has to do with the fact that the US culture is loud, aggressive, lowest common denominator, dirty, dumb, and rude.
Unlike what you hear in media. America has reached top position. so there is no more growth. No growth for couple Qtrs or -ve growth means not end. To reach current American standard, china by that matter any other country needs another 20 yrs.

America is still power house of invention.
The statistics don't lie. US is attractive to more low IQ coolies than educated people while Canada and Australia are more attractive to highly educated professionals.

Maybe that has to do with the fact that the US culture is loud, aggressive, lowest common denominator, dirty, dumb, and rude.

mate you got it the other way around!!!
the US attracts the the brightest from overseas since they have a better education system and they're professionals are far more higher paid than in Australia and Canada
Mediocre observations propped up uneducated guesses at best.It's unfortunate to see everybody buying into the political rhetoric that's flying around without taking the relevant facts into consideration.Consider the following;

The majority of the American debt is held by America itself.Out of the $14.3 trillion debt,American agencies like Social Security,Medicare,pension payments etc. make up $9.8 trillions of it.In other words,America owes a paltry $4.5 trillion to foreign countries.More importantly,it means that the majority of the $9.8 trillion debt held by American agencies can be suspended or even written off as what the budgetary reforms call for.Still think that the United States wouldn't be able to pay off her debts?

The profitability of American corporations remains unchanged.American firms still rule the roost in international market penetration and global credibility.How does that aid the United States?Even a miniscule increase on corporate taxes and closing off legal loopholes will be sufficient to keep America afloat with funds for decades.

America still brings in the highest percentage of FDI amongst every other nation on the planet.People everywhere,on their own risk,want to invest more in America.Why America won't privatize her social infrastructure is beyond me.

The soft power of the United States is unchallenged.No other culture has even come close to replicating itself in foreign lands in such a pervasive manner.And it's here to stay.

The Western bloc will never let the United States fall.It's not like America needs help yet if the situation calls for it,her allies will pull her out just like how the United States takes the fall for many of their interests.

In essence,the United States remains a flawed nation in numerous ways but it ain't going anywhere just yet.
The statistics don't lie. US is attractive to more low IQ coolies than educated people while Canada and Australia are more attractive to highly educated professionals.

Maybe that has to do with the fact that the US culture is loud, aggressive, lowest common denominator, dirty, dumb, and rude.
And what does China's culture encourages...??? Copycats, sheeple, and thieves.

Why does China Copy Designs? : SGEntrepreneurs
...for every US company which makes it work, China will have a carbon copy.

...thinking out of the box is not encouraged.

When you grow up in a country where life is cheap,...

...copying a successful designs (such as the iPod).

...focus on technical skills instead to thinking skills,...

China has realized that they are actually very far behind the rest of the world under the rule of the Communist styled government.
How are your applications at those fake Apple stores doing? Any calls for interviews yet?
When ?? How ??? Why ??? Please change the topic of this thread . It must be like amrica might be finished .
America and finished lol, they will probably invade a another Muslim country and steal its oil and gold and then it will be fine again.
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