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Am I turning into a hate monger ?

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thanks people for the sane advice.. but i am also grown up........but this kind of hate do affect the psyche of a person...... this sadist attitude just turn me off
thanks people for the sane advice.. but i am also grown up........but this kind of hate do affect the psyche of a person...... this sadist attitude just turn me off

Its just a few of them... identify them and avoid them.. its quite simple.
I think it also helps when you find someone trolling and give him a reasonable response. It's most likely that he'll stop- and will stop 100% if he is of your nationality.

I love this forum, I like good discussions, but we just love pulling people's nerves! Always have a cool mind, don't say things that will get 500 people after you ;)
I take people as I find them, but context also has a big part to play, in how you react, for example in a social setting, you can be perfectly reasonable and civil, but because this site is a defence forum, and involves alot of geo-political and defence issues, serious disagreements are going to release the inner beast that lives in all human beings.

The beast that allowed the Nazi's to massacre millions, and was present in Bosnia and Rwanda. I don't hate indian people, my brother is married to an absolutely wonderful Indian Punjabi girl, who - everyone in my family love dearly.

But the indian state is my country's enemy that is the way of the world, one would hope one day mankind would be able to resolve it's problems in a much more equitable manner, for the time being, this is it, I am afraid.
This is no place for sensitive and in some instances sensible people.We should hold a poll about how perceptions about India and pakistan are affected after becoming members.It will be quite revealing if it is honestly replied to.
IR.. I know how are you feeling right now.. I used to have same feeling some times back when I see people were talk crap without having knowledge. Then personal attacks and then few "specifc" moderator hand pick some guys and ban for month(s) [happened twice with me]. I tried to escape from here as this nature was overriding my feeling for my fellow pakistani friends in abroad but later I changed my strategy.. I dont get too involved (rather emotionally involved) in heated and "troller's paradise" discussions. Apart from this, I started ignoring some specific kind of posters who throws hate and you started applying "Newton's third law". I also started taking time for other things and everything is normal. So here some times "Ignorance is bliss".. enjoy the tool.
@ Thread starter, may b you are right dude. Well i am new here so did't felt any such feeling yet, but just wana tell you it is just internet and a defence forum dont take things too seriously, just enjoy your spare time here with light mood...no need to b serious dude:)
No amount of words will make me hate another nation for one stupid persons comments. It will definitely make me hate that person but that's just as animal I can go.

Check this thread -
Captured "Sikh Talib's" Interview with a Pakistani Journalist

19 Users Say Thank You to Black Blood For This Useful Post

I reported thread, no action taken. The double standards are quite spectacular here. He posted a article trying to demonize Sikhs. Why religion, why not nationality? If alleged guy in article is Sikh Indian, secret undercover RAW agent in Taliban, Then obviously he is doing this for his motherland not religion. His selection of words implies that Sikhism waged war on Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
^Can you read urdu? Got proof that it's demonizing?

And judging by the discussion, people thanked him because the article was interesting.
@ india rising.. my friend i'm in complete sympathy with your predicament. Followed this forum for a year before i started posting my comments. used to get wound up at times & then again learned to ignore those posts or threads which are only there to wind you up & raise your temperature. if you don't, you will end up mentally bankrupt & emotionally exhausted.
you have become infected with a super bug called "india super power syndrome" or ISPS for short! This super bug started in Germany with ww1 and traveled all the way to India after passing through italy, russia and USA.
control yourself buddy. i have learned this myself. i had the same feeling before, but now i just ignore them as much as possible. stupid people can be found from all sides. if a dog bark at you, you will simply ignore him, this is what one of mods told me awhile back, and i agree with him.
No one is turning a hate monger here,its just a form of our alter ego,when we start lurking the cyber space

We r largly anonymous here,have certain kind of approach towards someone,we know nobody can harm us even after all the crap we type through our keyboard,in short we feel ourselves as some warrior's fighting for some cause,i dont think hardly if anyone is serious about what he types,how many Indian's,Chinese or Pakistanis can say directly at the face of each other what they promote here,no one will,in contrast we will show generosity to each other,but this realm give us some sort of freedom that was always deep thrusted in our hearts,though,just dormant
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