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Altaf demands at least 20 administrative units in Pakistan

We need to create small unit but only on the basis of economic and administrative factor.
Because MQM are supporting demands of new provinces, to pave the way for their own Karachi or Mohajiristan province. Sindhis will feel that they are deprived of a port city and business centre. Sindhis would protest against it and mohajirs would reteliate through violence. So its better to keep sindh intact. But if it has to be partitioned, it shouldnt be partitioned along linguistic lines. Division of sindh should be such that sindhi majority districts should be attached to karachi city , making it province with sindhi majority i.e a city shouldnt become a province. Those who give example of singapore, have no respect for sindhis and their sensitivites. If Hazara or seraikistan are demanding to be separate provinces then it makes sense. Historically hazara e karlugh (present day hazara plus attock) and multan always have been separate provincs of mughal empire and before. Rest of KPK can be divided into south, central and northren provinces. Balochistan can be divided into quetta (former british balochistan), kalat and makran.

I believe sindh/ppp is the reason new provinces may never be made. I think Sindh can be devided like you said, instead of just Karachi as separate province. North Sindh and South Sindh sound good.
KARACHI: Chief of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain has demanded to increase the number of provinces of the country to at least twenty, ARY News reported.

In a statement, Altaf Hussain said making new provinces is utmost requirement keeping in view of the growing population for serving the people and devolving power to grassroots.

MQM Chief suggested that appointment of Chief Minister for Sindh should be carried alternatively adding “if it isn’t possible administrative division of the province should be done.”

Giving example of other Asian countries, he said India has 36 provinces, Afghanistan has 34, Iran has 31 and even Sri Lanka which is a small country has 9 provinces but unfortunately, Pakistan still having only four provinces.

Altaf Hussain has once again appealed the government and protesting parties in Islamabad to restart the dialogue process immediately.

Altaf demands at least 20 administrative units in Pakistan | ARY NEWS
Will Altaf Hussain pay for construction of 20 Governor Houses and 20 Chief Minister Houses and all the salaries of the 20 province ministers. Who will pay for the 16 additional assembly buildings and additional required government infrastructure? May be Altar Bhai is taking too many diabetes, blood pressure, cardiac medication and his thinking is getting retarted. He is not thinking through.
KARACHI: Chief of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain has demanded to increase the number of provinces of the country to at least twenty, ARY News reported.

In a statement, Altaf Hussain said making new provinces is utmost requirement keeping in view of the growing population for serving the people and devolving power to grassroots.

MQM Chief suggested that appointment of Chief Minister for Sindh should be carried alternatively adding “if it isn’t possible administrative division of the province should be done.”

Giving example of other Asian countries, he said India has 36 provinces, Afghanistan has 34, Iran has 31 and even Sri Lanka which is a small country has 9 provinces but unfortunately, Pakistan still having only four provinces.

Altaf Hussain has once again appealed the government and protesting parties in Islamabad to restart the dialogue process immediately.

Altaf demands at least 20 administrative units in Pakistan | ARY NEWS

He is British citizen and taxpayer. On what basis he dictates any thing to Pakistan.How can he speak for Pakistan or her future, when he doesn't even live here or contribute any thing to Pakistani economy.

Today's port Qasim was port of Debal ... Port Qasim is near by Thatta ... So it was definitely part of Sindh but early days of Karachi it was not the part of Karachi ... Karachi was just limited to Lyari & Saddar while Pakistan had formed in 1947 and Baloch community had dominated over here ... However later Karachi has gone under influence by Muslim immigrants from areas constituting India migrated in large numbers in Karachi...........

"Karachi was reputedly founded as "Kolachi" by Baloch tribes from Balochistan and Makran, who established a small fishing community in the area.Descendants of the original community still live in the area on the small island of Abdullah Goth, which is located near the Karachi Port. The original name "Kolachi" survives in the name of a well-known Karachi locality named Mai Kolachi in Balochi."
Karachi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Today's port Qasim was port of Debal ... Port Qasim is near by Thatta ... So it was definitely part of Sindh but early days of Karachi it was not the part of Karachi ... Karachi was just limited to Lyari & Saddar while Pakistan had formed in 1947 and Baloch community had dominated over here ... However later Karachi has gone under influence by Muslim immigrants from areas constituting India migrated in large numbers in Karachi...........

"Karachi was reputedly founded as "Kolachi" by Baloch tribes from Balochistan and Makran, who established a small fishing community in the area.Descendants of the original community still live in the area on the small island of Abdullah Goth, which is located near the Karachi Port. The original name "Kolachi" survives in the name of a well-known Karachi locality named Mai Kolachi in Balochi."
Karachi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
40% of Sindhis are baloch by origin
Agree with Altaf, first and probably last time I ever do.
MQM criticises PTI for opposing new administrative units

Lashing out at the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for its reaction against administrative units in Sindh, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has reiterated its demand for formation of units all over the country including the southern province.

MQM leader Haider Abbas Rizvi, while addressing a press conference at the Khursheed Begum Secretariat on Friday said the PTI had called for better governance and devolution of power in all the provinces except Sindh.

“Is Sindh not a part of their ‘Naya Pakistan’?” he asked.

“As much as Nadir Akmal Leghari is a Sindhi, so are all of us,” he said while referring to the PTI president in Sindh.”

On Thursday, the PTI leader Leghari in a press conference had said that being a Sindhi, he will not accept division of Sindh.

Responding to the PTI, Rizvi said that while Leghari was opposing the units in Sindh, Arif Alvi, the MNA from Karachi, who was sitting next to him, was also supporting him.

“MQM has never demanded the division of Sindh, and does not want the province to be divided,” he said. “We want administrative units to be formed in the entire country, including Sindh such that there is good governance and power is devolved at the grass root level.”

He added that it was the need of the hour as the population was growing in the country.

Rizvi said that every party had supported formation of administrative units and provinces in the country.

“The PML-N had called for Seraiki province and spoken of granting provincial status to Bahawalpur,” he said. “The PPP had passed a resolution for Seraiki and Hazara provinces while PTI’s election manifesto has also talked of new units.”

The MQM leader added, “However when the MQM demanded the same, condemnations and criticism came from everywhere, which was unfortunate.”

Rizvi said neighbouring countries including India and Afghanistan were also divided in administrative units.

“At the time of independence, India had only 8 units. Today it has 36.”

Opposition to new provinces is condemnable: Altaf – The Express Tribune

@Samandri seem like even PTI is against Sindh divide. I think its clear establishment do not want Sindh to be divided.

40% of Sindhis are baloch by origin

I don't know about 40% figure but many Baloch tribes are now Sindhis. PTI Sindh leader Nadir Akmal Leghari is Sindhi from Baloch tribe and opposing divide of Sindh.
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@save_ghenda PTI's has taken sensible stance. And you are right, the sindhi-balochs are more sindhi than sindhi themeselves. Even majority of sindhi nationalists have baloch tribal surnames.
KARACHI: Chief of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain has demanded to increase the number of provinces of the country to at least twenty, ARY News reported.

In a statement, Altaf Hussain said making new provinces is utmost requirement keeping in view of the growing population for serving the people and devolving power to grassroots.

MQM Chief suggested that appointment of Chief Minister for Sindh should be carried alternatively adding “if it isn’t possible administrative division of the province should be done.”

Giving example of other Asian countries, he said India has 36 provinces, Afghanistan has 34, Iran has 31 and even Sri Lanka which is a small country has 9 provinces but unfortunately, Pakistan still having only four provinces.

Altaf Hussain has once again appealed the government and protesting parties in Islamabad to restart the dialogue process immediately.

Altaf demands at least 20 administrative units in Pakistan | ARY NEWS

It is very low compare to world standard. It should be at least 40 based on 50 lakh per unit and can go upto 1 Crore and then further divide into two
Because MQM are supporting demands of new provinces, to pave the way for their own Karachi or Mohajiristan province. Sindhis will feel that they are deprived of a port city and business centre. Sindhis would protest against it and mohajirs would reteliate through violence. So its better to keep sindh intact. But if it has to be partitioned, it shouldnt be partitioned along linguistic lines. Division of sindh should be such that sindhi majority districts should be attached to karachi city , making it province with sindhi majority i.e a city shouldnt become a province. Those who give example of singapore, have no respect for sindhis and their sensitivites. If Hazara or seraikistan are demanding to be separate provinces then it makes sense. Historically hazara e karlugh (present day hazara plus attock) and multan always have been separate provincs of mughal empire and before. Rest of KPK can be divided into south, central and northren provinces. Balochistan can be divided into quetta (former british balochistan), kalat and makran.

So in other words, you guys given all rights to rest of Pakistan but not Sindhi or Urdu speaking and they will live like a slave like they live in past 68 years (Chappay chappay)

Phir tau Karachi k hi 4 se 5 units ban jayengey :P

So whats wrong in it?
Because MQM are supporting demands of new provinces, to pave the way for their own Karachi or Mohajiristan province. Sindhis will feel that they are deprived of a port city and business centre. Sindhis would protest against it and mohajirs would reteliate through violence. So its better to keep sindh intact. But if it has to be partitioned, it shouldnt be partitioned along linguistic lines. Division of sindh should be such that sindhi majority districts should be attached to karachi city , making it province with sindhi majority i.e a city shouldnt become a province. Those who give example of singapore, have no respect for sindhis and their sensitivites. If Hazara or seraikistan are demanding to be separate provinces then it makes sense. Historically hazara e karlugh (present day hazara plus attock) and multan always have been separate provincs of mughal empire and before. Rest of KPK can be divided into south, central and northren provinces. Balochistan can be divided into quetta (former british balochistan), kalat and makran.

Every political party supports something because of its perceived political interests, whats the pecuilar thing about MQM doing it here then? I do not understand it, similar will be the case if Baluchistan and KPK are divided into new provinces, a few violent protests here and there shouldn't be used to suppress the demand, which will work extremely better long term in the interests of Pakistan and the way I see it, even end the monopoly of a select few parties which dominate the elections again and again, despite having nothing to show as their achievements. If the rest of the pronvinces are being divided, do not try to make the case as if Sindh or Karachi or both are an exception and special cases or as if the people here are ultra-sensitive, this is discriminatory behavior at its extreme and will do nothing better than promote hatred within. Equal treatment will work best, bringing history or native people thing here will work just the opposite.

P.S The basis of division being administrative is mentioned clearly, he isn't asking for division on ethnic or linguistic lines.
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