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All Pakistani F-16s are accounted for: US Govt buries Indian propaganda.

Some ‘brother’ Muslim country loaned an F-16 to Pakistan to make up the numbers

Knew some moron would use it. Yeah its like counting the number of milk cartons in a store and not matching serial numbers and registration numbers to the stock kept by a state.
Pakistan accomplishment:

1) Breach of Indian airspace
2) bombing runs on 6 different military installation
3) disabling of Indian multi-layered air defense systems
4) taking Su-30mki out of the equation
5) shooting down 2 IAF jets
6) capturing an indian pilot alive
7) shuttering and exposing India’s decades old misinformation campaign

India’s accomplishment:

1) one failed air incursion
2) killing of some trees and a crow

Crow’s accomplishment:

Downing of Indian Mig-21 in the Rajistan area


Even the crow downed more jets than the IAF. You can’t make this up lol

Thanks to JF-17! JF-17 is an accomplishment that belongs right at the top of that list!
pakistan air force makes us proud.i am stunned.they violated indian air space. indian sam brought down their own helicopter.paf dropped bombs.they returned safely and even kill one mig-21 and probably one su-30.this is amazing.i can't believe that anyone can survive in this type of indian defensive layers.we even jammed transmission.this is very professional!
Thanks to JF-17! JF-17 is an accomplishment that belongs right at the top of that list!

Don’t forget the crow too. The crow remembers!

pakistan air force makes us proud.i am stunned.they violated indian air space. indian sam brought down their own helicopter.paf dropped bombs.they returned safely and even kill one mig-21 and probably one su-30.this is amazing.i can't believe that anyone can survive in this type of indian defensive layers.we even jammed transmission.this is very professional!

More importantly, each claim made by PAF has turned out to be 100% correct. I know firmly believe the SU-30MKI kill.
i think this dagger story might also be false.i actually trusted iaf when they said f-16 down.i am stunned.looks like they lost su-30.can russia count su-30?
They would be screaming it from the rooftops (Indian government and media) if it was true.

Of course now that their nose is getting rubbed into the dirt so thoroughly over both Balakot and the F-16 claims, Modi May very well start selective propaganda leaks to hide his failures before the elections and claim some nonexistent victory at the LoC.

Just remember what it took to dislodge the PA & NLI from Kargil. Pakistan is an even match for India when it comes to limited skirmishes on the LoC. At most you might see some very limited success on both sides, but there is going to be no dramatic change either way.
Don’t forget the crow too. The crow remembers!

More importantly, each claim made by PAF has turned out to be 100% correct. I know firmly believe the SU-30MKI kill.

one of my friend told me about f-16 simulation and how hard it's to survive in this type of defensive layers.chances of being hit is always high but we did it perfectly.their spyder failed.their communications failed.abhinandan was flying blind.sad state of affairs by iaf.
Two senior U.S. defense officials with direct knowledge of the situation told Foreign Policy that U.S. personnel recently counted Islamabad’s F-16s and found none missing.
Why so late in counting might be other friendly country's F-16 painted as Pakistani F-16 .;)

a vintage MiG-21 Bison, got a lock on the Pakistani F-16, fired, and genuinely believed he scored a hit.
But Pakistan found un exploded missile on mig-21 debris so this claim by Indian is fales
Let the Indian SU-30 Counting begin.

Why Pakistanis haven't ask for it is surprising as they like their Indian counter part believe paf shot down a Su-30mki.
And so it happened as predicted @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @Tps43 @Dazzler @Bratva @Rafi

Our gang is all there, same can’t be said for the other side.

However, that also means the end for the Tata F-21 bid now that the US has refuted the holy scripture that is the Indian narrative
I think the perceptual impact of this situation gives the F-16V and Block-72 a huge case for the PAF, provided it's ever offered and the money to buy them is available. With LM's current orders in the pipeline, the fighter will be in production for at least 5-7 years, so you never know...
Why so late in counting might be other friendly country's F-16 painted as Pakistani F-16 .;)

But Pakistan found un exploded missile on mig-21 debris so this claim by Indian is fales

Why Pakistanis haven't ask for it is surprising as they like their Indian counter part believe paf shot down a Su-30mki.

Excuses excuses...Why is the IAF screaming for Rafales and Mig 29s??
They would be screaming it from the rooftops (Indian government and media) if it was true.

Of course now that their nose is getting rubbed into the dirt so thoroughly over both Balakot and the F-16 claims, Modi May very well start selective propaganda leaks to hide his failures before the elections and claim some nonexistent victory at the LoC.

Just remember what it took to dislodge the PA & NLI from Kargil. Pakistan is an even match for India when it comes to limited skirmishes on the LoC. At most you might see some very limited success on both sides, but there is going to be no dramatic change either way.

Geographical advantage is a nightmare fr opposing forces. One of the major reasons why Pakistan was able to take those High peaks in kargil without major damage ( which it would have sustained had the peaks been manned properly) is the emptiness of them. This made it a nightmare for India to dislodge Pakistan from it and they had to make multiple thrusts to pull it off suffering casualties. Even then some peaks remained under Pakistan control. just like Pakistan India is also entrenched at many advantageous positions which is why if you would study the 1965 and 1971 war you would see that Pakistan and India tried to pace the Kashmir skirmishes to the points where they held the advantage and avoided attacking places where the opposing forces were entrenched.

Modi has a very efficient media campaign and social media accounts working 24/7 feeding propaganda to the masses. I doubt he needs to do anything more. This report will barely earn a mention from some media sectors of Indian media which will then be attacked ruthlessly by other sections for being unpatriotic. By the time the elections end the Indian masses will be choking on propaganda and these findings will be ignored and forgotten completely.

As I stated before. Their media is working over time feeding to the masses that A. Pakistan is losing everywhere with internal faultlines with massive casualties and is suffering on the LOC

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