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Alert! UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco!

This is the example of how elite works "Problem And Solution"
First to create the problem "Alien invasion" then
the solution One world Army to fight Aliens .
there is no alien only Jinns , lots of people worship Jinns some people call them spirits .
@Obambam and Yasinbin
america is a fool who thinks it can take on the aggresive new Grey Aliens (who enterd earth around 1940s which is new because many other alien civilizations are on earth since multi million years).... Now the big problem with china is it likes staying in news.... In a way want to show world its a sub superpower. America knew about it.... Countries like Russia and india been offerd the joint search against the new Grey aliens. Russian President already declared Russia will only protect Russia and wont join America.... India already said we are with America on Himalayan (with tall greys).... And we cant help more than that.... Now china Left and as i mentioned about China dont like to miss a thing.... America told china about tall greys. Recently chinese manned mission was protected by tall Greys.... When the Rocket took off you can clearly see the UFO around it protecting it.... China has to return the favour.... The joint search is due to it (tall greys just using humans as sheild).... Now the Question is what will america and china do against this new deadly aliens? The answer is 'they cant do a thing'.... Infact i will say this both nation is a fool (sorry for saying this).... The russian scientist openly gave details of this new Grey aliens. He clearly said that this Greys are far ahead than even Tall Greys in technology.... The new Grey alien created too many problems for russia in past. There are news that many murders that happened in russia was blamed on this new grey aliens because the murderers who murder have said they lost control on their self when this UFO's hover over them. They all felt strong feeling of killing.... Later i will give u the proof here....
@Forcetrip it is believed that the new Grey alien are Created by Annunakis.... As you know Annunakis already warned many times about Nuclear weapons we humans holding.... This new Grey aliens always been seen hovering over Nuclear stock pile of America, uk, india, russia, france and china.... Annunakis knows earth is precious.... They fear we humans might harm earth if they take control over us.... So its is very much likely the new Grey aliens are Creation of annunakis.... However America and tall greys knows far more on it.... This new grey aliens are said to be far more aggresive than even Alpha draconians....
Now here is the proof of what i have said in my above Post....
the new aggresive Grey alien's eyes are over our nuclear stock piles....
UFOs are scouting our nuclear weapons stockpile [Archive] - Quarter To Three Forums
and here is proof of tall Greys protecting chinese manned mission and in return they want humans as shield against new aggressive Grey aliens (india too comitted as we gave himalaya to tall Greys and in return our Mars mission will be protected one unlike our chandrayan which got shot)....
YouTube - UFO Spotted In Shenzhou-9 Launch (In China) - June 16, 2012
Zhu Jin denies UFO hitting Shenzhou 9 - China.org.cn
All commentators, astronauts, jet fighter pilots, and commercial airline pilots are trained not to say anything about UFO's they experienced seeing. If they say anything about them, it'll be a career ending mistake. This is why retired Air Force and Naval officers eventually come forward with information about them. They have nothing to lose by disclosing information. Sadly, they are shunned and told they're losing their minds from old age.
@Obambam and Yasinbin
america is a fool who thinks it can take on the aggressive new Grey Aliens

The Human race has potential to exceed and advance to a Type 2 Civilization. We have the ability to make our dreams come true and the sky is not the limit.

We humans should not be underestimated.

It's best that the people of earth is not aware of these things as there's nothing they can do. It's best to just simply go on with your daily lives and try to help each other
If they can find us before we can even find them, then the answer of whose gonna win is pretty obvious lol.

PS: I don't know anything about UFOs though, I'm just taking a wild guess xD
Alien busted click the link tell me what you think

Jinn/ djinn/ jinns - UFO, alien, spirit, demon, ghost, Grey, poltergeist, Ascended Master, Fairy, incubi, Men in Black, reptilian, nephilim, doppelganger,* space brother, monster

WHY we haven't solved the UFO Mystery

"Ufology is still in many ways stuck in the technological mindset of the Jet Age.

....we should stop thinking of UFO's as spaceships."

"Dimensional Rift"

Materialism is the simplest (or most simplistic) explanation of reality: the belief that all that exists is the physical; there are no higher realities; no psychic or spiritual truths independent of the physical world. Materialism itself is a meme, a specific, culturally determined way of thinking about reality. http://www.kheper.net/topics/worldviews/materialism.htm

We can't solve the UFO mystery because we're trying to make sense of the phenomenon with an outmoded set of rules about reality which don't apply.

People still think that being "scientific" requires applying a philosophy of materialism, but this is actually highly unscientific. Physics is the real "bottom line" for Science, and quantum physics is telling us that the scientific materialism of the past is no longer a valid paradigm for understanding the world. Some physicists posit the existence of parallel universes -- A "Multiverse", if you will.

We're trying to apply a nuts-and-bolts science of materialism to beings that are masters of the shape-shift, the quantum leap, levitation, dematerialization and materialization, telepathy and alchemy. It'll never work!

Despite how much we've learned about the material world, we still don't know nearly enough to make assumptions about extraterrestrial life. But there are grounds for looking into the likelihood that deceptive jinn are masquerading as extraterrestrials.

There is tremendous historical evidence of these entities moving about in "flying saucers" or other devices (see links below).

Some jinn have resembled the Virgin Mary, while others appear reptilian, inhuman or insect-like. Some are tricksters, while others are sadists or simpletons. Some pass themselves off as all-knowing "Masters" who can be channeled. Some can cause hallucinations and visions, and some may lend themselves out for the uses of humans (although usually at a tremendous cost, it seems).

They have always been with us. Many displays of superiority, threats, and prophecies of doom are likely a ruse.

They could inadvertently be helping us by bringing to light the limitations of our materialistic viewpoint.

They may always thwart our understanding. Maybe they want to thwart our understanding. Perhaps that's the true nature of their relationship with us. It certainly seems that way.
Aliens off California sure.

Aliens in California i think we have proof.


Chinese US military joint exercise nah cant be ;)
@Ulysses do u want me to answer that?.... my friend that was stupid post (please forgive me for saying this).... Aliens landed on Earth from a planet we dont know.... They found us while we still looking over the deep space and guessing.... We havent landed on mars yet (even moon. Trust me it was a fake landing and i can prove it).... They using light speed Spaceships.... We cant even handle speed of F-22 jet fighter.... Please tell me how humans can fight this aliens who are even keeping an eye on this thread? (they keep tap of every frequency and data).... Humans can fight (no one stop them) but humans cant win....

@czar my friend i hope u had kept an eye on my previous thread posts.... i explained everything.... Jinn is the Bad Annunaki created by ENKI....(fallen angels).... Jinn aka Annunaki can travel light speed and has capablity to take control of any human body.... i want to explain everything but am sure people who read my previous thread posts may get bored reading same thing again.... So i will explain it by the links.... The first 2 links are about the Jinn aka Annunaki.... The last 2 links are about Death cycle of annunaki (annunaki people and not annunaki Gods as they are immortal).... Only few annunakis becomes jinn.... Majority annunaki are humanoids who are super humans and has capablity to leave body when body wearandtears.... Annunaki has long life (due to their planet which takes upto 3600years to take a full circle of planet sun. Their planet is invisible by the technology annunakis has)....
The Real Truth About the Annunaki (not for skeptics), page 1
Yahoo! Groups
Gods of Mesopotamia
NIBIRU PLANET X ANNUNAKI SECRETS HELD BY GOVERNMENTS ??? !! - Welcome to the Illuminati End Game - Mystagogue
I am going to dig deep underground n stockpile weapons and food...i dont care whoever it is...Annunaki or America...actually i want this to happen:P...plz Isro inform your sources in the outer space thru frequency or whtever u do...we Humans are ready Bring it on ASAP
@malik underground base is the most safe place to be at times of alien invasion.... Infact American goverment totaly ready.... Many military men told that they been adviced by their officers to tell families to go at a place which will be told them at a time of Alien invasion.... The sad part is only rich bussiness mans, VIP, VVIP's, goverment officials, oppositions are the only people who will be shifted to underground bases.... Rest will be left to die.... The FEMA already buyed multi million plastic cofins for the dead americans who will loose their life in this invasion.... By the way people in france village and italy are fools.... They watching UFO's going in and out of volcanic Mountain and people thinks they will save them at a time of alien invasion.... But they are fool because this same Catagory Grey alien planning invasion.... This new aggressive aliens are the ones who makes underground bases near volcano where humans dont like to go....
********.com - The U.S. Military Is Officially Preparing For An ?Alien Invasion?
UFO Bases, Underground Tunnels and Cities, Hollow Earth, Secret Government Bases, Alien Bases
********.com - BBC reports a possible alien invasion
********.com - Alien Invasion Confirmed 5
Obambam has asked the golden question. why wasn't India in China's place!!!!!??? Any theory isroo 2222................

the aliens are suspected to be Aamir Khan fans, so indians have expressed reservations in confronting them
The Biggest Alien base is in california underwater and in japan underwater.... The california underwater alien base is so advance than even Humanoids cant destroy it due to the defence advance lazor beams this new Grey alien civilization installed it.... While in japan the goverment of japan openly declared that aliens invaded Japan sea and goverment should prepare for war.... Whole japan got panic after the declaration....
Underwater UFO Base in S. California
YouTube - Alien under water base found in Dragons triangle
I know there are billions of galaxies which contain many billions of "solar" systems and hence by sheer numbers there must be life supporting planets and artefacts, it is just that the distance between all these beings so vast
Many of you always put out this argument of stellar distances. As per Dr Michio Kaku the world famous theoretical scientist, we are not even a Type I civilization as yet. There may be far, far more technologically advanced civilizations out there who are Type III and higher!

Remember, our Solar System came into existence about 4 billion years ago in the universe that is over 15 billion years old. It is possible that advanced civilizations were flourishing on star systems even BEFORE the formation of our Solar System! That means they could be millions if not billions of years ahead of us in technology!

Think of what we've achieved in the last 100 years - from scientists who said that heavier than air machines were impossible to landing on the Moon, to nanotechnology, to quantum computers! Now think of what a civilization would have achieved in a million years? Where would we be? We would have perfected FTL (Faster Than Light) technology and other means like bending the space-time continuum to explore the galaxy and even other galaxies traveling thousands of light years through inter galactic space in perhaps a few days if not months.

The University of Innsbruck and the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (Nist) have even achieved teleportation by teleporting qubits from one atom to another with the help of a third auxiliary atom. Think about it. It is well within the realms of possibility that advanced races of ETs have developed the means of interstellar travel to reach not only Earth but other systems as well.

and the time scales so considerable that these civilisations are wiped out by the natural cycles of their systems that not one of the civilisations has been able to travel further enough or fast enough to meet other beings.
How are you so sure that advanced ET civilizations have been wiped out by natural cycles? How can you apply the same yardsticks as on Earth to other star systems? We know squat about how they evolved.

So the chances of visitors from another galaxy is very remote.
Really? Just the opposite! But why the ETs would choose to come all the way to Earth which is tucked away in one of the remote corners of a spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy is the million dollar question! And how they manged to find this speck of a planet in the vastness of the galaxy is another!!

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