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Al-Qaeda assassin worked for MI6


Dec 29, 2008
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An alleged al-Qaeda militant suspected of bombing a luxury hotel and two churches in Pakistan in 2002 was an informer for MI6, it has been claimed.

Adil Hadi al Jazairi Bin Hamlili was detained at Guantanamo Bay between 2003 and last year when he was sent back to his native Algeria by President Obama.

The Guardian claims to have seen secret Wikileaks files in which he is described as an al-Qaeda "assassin".

But US interrogators believed he was also a British intelligence informer.

The revelations come as The Daily Telegraph revealed separate secret files which suggested London was the hub of a global terror network.

The files, also believed to come from Wikileaks, alleged the Finsbury Park mosque in north London was a "haven" for extremists.

BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner said some of the files show MI6 in a very bad light.

He said: "A lot of it doesn't surprise me... In my view they completely under-estimated how dangerous recruiters and proselytisers like Abu Qatada and Abu Hamza were."

The Guardian says Mr Hamlili was described in his Guantanamo assessment file as a "facilitator, courier, kidnapper and assassin for al-Qaeda".
Sent back to Algeria

But despite the accusations, he was never brought to trial and although he was sent back to Algeria last year it is not clear whether he is still in custody.

Wikileaks released the files of 759 Guantanamo detainees at the weekend.

They included unverified claims that al-Qaeda had hidden a nuclear weapon in Europe for detonation should Osama Bin laden be captured and attempts by al-Qaeda to recruit workers at London's Heathrow Airport.

Mr Hamlili was captured in Pakistan in June 2003 and taken to Bagram detention centre in Afghanistan where he was interviewed by the CIA.

The CIA agents were apparently told he had been an informer for MI6 and the Canadian secret service since 2000.

But the CIA claimed he had "withheld important from the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service and the British Secret Intelligence Service... and to be a threat to US and allied personnel in Afghanistan and Pakistan".

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who has apparently admitted being the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, allegedly told his interrogators Mr Hamlili was behind a March 2002 grenade attack on a church in Islamabad, which killed five people.

Mr Mohammed also alleged Mr Hamlili was responsible for an attack on a church in Pakistan in December 2002 whic killed three children.

Separate US intelligence reports said Mr Hamlili was "possibly involved" in a bombing outside Karachi's Sheraton hotel in May 2002 which killed 11 French engineers and two Pakistani citizens.

BBC News - 'Al-Qaeda assassin worked for MI6', secret cables claim
Even Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh used to be a british spy.
Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, in his book In the Line of Fire, stated that Sheikh was originally recruited by British intelligence agency, MI6, while studying at the London School of Economics. He alleges Omar Sheikh was sent to the Balkans by MI6 to engage in jihadi operations. Musharraf later went on to state, "At some point, he probably became a rogue or double agent".[7]
God Help Pakistan.

All this news and all unexpected different paths of terrorist, must give you headaches.

Should close down UK and USA embassy in Pakistan for 1 month to teach them a lesson.
recruiters and proselytisers

Actually police informants, even policemen

How many have we warned our Pakistani forum members to be careful of those who come here and sell us abu boo boo bin baba types --
I think it's becoming common knowledge that Western spy agencies have used Islamist extremists to achieve their means in various countries in the past; such as the Al-Qaeda, Hizb-ul-Tahrir, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan as well as numerous other groups, and continue to do so today.
If the accusations are true then doesn't that mean that other countries are actively attacking Pakistan and its people?

err no- how did you come to that logically?? they were recruited to spy on terrorists- its the terrorist who hoodwinked them . gosh you guys are scary with twisted conspiracies..
Just goes to show how the US and British intelligence agencies have been using the "Jihadis" for their own aims and ends. Wether it be against the USSR or in the Balkans or something else.

Makes no sense-- the terrorist in question attacked western interest too. good lord man...
err no- how did you come to that logically?? they were recruited to spy on terrorists- its the terrorist who hoodwinked them . gosh you guys are scary with twisted conspiracies..

I was talking about the following part of the article:
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who has apparently admitted being the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, allegedly told his interrogators Mr Hamlili was behind a March 2002 grenade attack on a church in Islamabad, which killed five people.

Mr Mohammed also alleged Mr Hamlili was responsible for an attack on a church in Pakistan in December 2002 whic killed three children.

Separate US intelligence reports said Mr Hamlili was "possibly involved" in a bombing outside Karachi's Sheraton hotel in May 2002 which killed 11 French engineers and two Pakistani citizens.

Spying on terrorists is one thing and attacking a country (albeit allegedly) is another. How about we send people to spy on terrorists networks in other countries too??
I was talking about the following part of the article:

Spying on terrorists is one thing and attacking a country (albeit allegedly) is another. How about we send people to spy on terrorists networks in other countries too??

Huh? sry, you are making no sense. They recruited the guy to get information about terrorist not knowing he was hoodwinking them- not knowing he was killing civilians himself , not knowing he was directly responsible of killing Europeans, not knowing he was planning attacks against the very interest he was recruited to provide safegaurds on ... get it? it's really that simple.

You guys never see the terrorist for what they are- you seem to be punch drunk and blind about conspiracies.

Flash news: Nobody is interested in Pakistan edging to a failed state- it's bad for the region and world. The goal is not create another Afghanistan , hot bed of terrorists to attack all over the world!
Huh? sry, you are making no sense. They recruited the guy to get information about terrorist not knowing he was hoodwinking them- not knowing he was killing civilians himself , not knowing he was directly responsible of killing Europeans, not knowing he was planning attacks against the very interest he was recruited to provide safegaurds on ... get it? it's really that simple.

You guys never see the terrorist for what they are- you seem to be punch drunk and blind about conspiracies.

Flash news: Nobody is interested in Pakistan edging to a failed state- it's bad for the region and world. The goal is not create another Afghanistan , hot bed of terrorists to attack all over the world!

CIA backs Islamic terrorists in Uzbekistan:

Intelligence officer claims CIA was complicit in torture in Uzbekistan - Herald Scotland

CIA backs Jundullah, against Iran & Pakistan:

Ex-CIA agent confirms U.S. ties with Jundullah - Geopolitical Monitor

CIA backs Muslim Brotherhood:

The CIA and The Muslim Brotherhood: How the CIA Set The Stage for September 11 (Martin A. Lee – Razor Magazine 2004) « ce399 | research archive (fascism)

CIA backed Kosovo Liberation Army & Al-Qaeda:

German Intelligence and the CIA supported Al Qaeda sponsored Terrorists in Yugoslavia
So this further proves that Al-CIAdah is nothing but a western-agensies-perpetuated "ghost" organization,,, off course in collaboration with israel & india that they r breeding & feeding to acheieve their goals against muslim countries.
maybe Mi6 will be answerable to the Frenchies now --- latter was busy pointing some fingers at the usual convenient suspect'/scapegoat (aka the 'ISI')

CIA have agents going rogue and killing their own; assets going to mumbai to scope out possible areas for attack; Mi6 has assasins in a terrorist organizations who are making their way to Pakistan and waging terrorist attacks

is something wrong here? I sense that we have a problem

especially when Iraq and Afghanistan had to be bombed to oblivion
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