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Aik Din Geo K Saath with Maulvi Burka and his goons (Must watch).


Jul 14, 2011
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Old video but still . How funny when the journalist asked him about the Burqa incident Lmao. :omghaha:

Lots of Jihadi stuff gets taught to people in there .

Everyone should watch it ..

When are we going to close this damn terrorism hub in the capital ?
I saw a part of it and doesn't look like a Brelvi madrasah. Never the less, what is wrong with teaching girls and creating Alimah Al-Islam? @M.SAAD focus on your own life and mind your own business.
wow wow wow cool down here, execute them all? why? because you don't like their point of view? that is exactly what Taliban do, execute everyone who does not agree with them. so what be the difference? what is your moral ground to support such hardline stance? two wrongs don't make it right.

for the sake of Pakistan , this guy along with all his students ( male or females ) should be executed ...
they are creating future Suicide bombers ...
wow wow wow cool down here, execute them all? why? because you don't like their point of view? that is exactly what Taliban do, execute everyone who does not agree with them. so what be the difference? what is your moral ground to support such hardline stance? two wrongs don't make it right.

TTP are not the only ones who are khawrij. Comments like the one you're replying to support this.
I saw a part of it and doesn't look like a Brelvi madrasah. Never the less, what is wrong with teaching girls and creating Alimah Al-Islam? @M.SAAD focus on your own life and mind your own business.

Watch the full video, didn't you hear the Chours of 'Al Jihad' 'Al Jihad' , didn't you see the part where he admitted of having a Kalashnikov, Guns and other Asleha etc? Didn't you see the part where he admitted of teaching the students of Madrassa to use weapons ?? Offcourse you'll justify it .

and I'm minding my own business, I live in the capital city of Pakistan and its my concern if such terrorist hubs are operated in my city .
Watch the full video, didn't you hear the Chours of 'Al Jihad' 'Al Jihad' , didn't you see the part where he admitted of having a Kalashnikov, Guns and other Asleha etc? Didn't you see the part where he admitted of teaching the students of Madrassa to use weapons ?? Offcourse you'll justify it .

and I'm minding my own business, I live in the capital city of Pakistan and its my concern if such terrorist hubs are operated in my city .

I saw the rest of it now. I must confess his focus on Jihad aspect is interesting as it's not a focus in Brevali Madaris curriculum. However, ISLAMICALLY he has said nothing wrong. In fact, I was hoping he or the Muftia would say something heretic to expose them. They're on the haq! Very strong Muslims with convictions.

Stop exaggerating he implied' a pistol and kalashnakof with a LICENSE. If you go to a bank, makma, all have guns for security. This is a boarding for girls and If I was a father, I would EXPECT my daughter is safe.

As you're living in the capital of the LAND OF THE PURE! You need to understand why this land is pure?
I saw the rest of it now. I must confess his focus on Jihad aspect is interesting as it's not a focus in Brevali Madaris curriculum. However, ISLAMICALLY he has said nothing wrong. In fact, I was hoping he or the Muftia would say something heretic to expose them. They're on the haq! Very strong Muslims with convictions.

Stop exaggerating he implied' a pistol and kalashnakof with a LICENSE. If you go to a bank, makma, all have guns for security. This is a boarding for girls and If I was a father, I would EXPECT my daughter is safe.

As you're living in the capital of the LAND OF THE PURE! You need to understand why this land is pure?

And what's the difference b/w them and TTP then?? they both want to install their versions of Shariah law by force ? Isn't it? They both want Jihad in Pakistan.
And what's the difference b/w them and TTP then?? they both want to install their versions of Shariah law by force ? Isn't it? They both want Jihad in Pakistan.

I did not know TTP wanted to install Sharia. I was under the impression their grievance is with the government for allowing Amrika to bomb them and they're taking revenge for the loss of their loved ones.

What Jihad in Pakistan? Enlighten me! All this is new to me and not what we were told.
I did not know TTP wanted to install Sharia. I was under the impression their grievance is with the government for allowing Amrika to bomb them and they're taking revenge for the loss of their loved ones.

What Jihad in Pakistan? Enlighten me! All this is new to me and not what we were told.

I have watched lots of TTP videos and I know what their purpose and mentality is .

They consider Pakistani Fauz and politicians as Murtad (front line ally of Amerika), as they took money from America to install rid to government in FATA etc. and also wants to install Shariah law in Pakistan .. (Shariyat ya Shahadat) is their main slogan.

They think killing of Pakistani Murtad Fauj and the collateral damage as a result of it is allowed and completely Jaiz for achieving the bigger puspose (i.e Installation of Shariah in Pakistan).

Lal Masjid and Jameiya Hafza also tried to did this in 2007, when Lal Masjid Operation happened.

Now do you justify this??
Yaar i know he is traitor but atleast give him little respect we all are responsible for people like him become leaders we must first criticise us

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