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Agri University Peshawar Under Militant Attack




Some more images of terrorists killed during operation.
Shoot their hands shoulders legs if possible get at least one alive.
Eleven martyred, 30 injured in attack on Agriculture Directorate in Peshawar

PESHAWAR: Eleven people were martyred and around 30 injured after terrorists attacked the student hostel inside the Directorate of Agriculture Extension on University Road, Peshawar early Friday morning.

The security forces later managed to kill all the terrorists after a gunfight which lasted over an hour.

SSP Operations Sajjad Khan said that five attackers wearing suicide jackets reached the compound in a rickshaw.

They were said to be wearing burqas in the rickshaw so as to avoid detection.

The police official said the attackers' first target was the security guard of the premises, following which they made their way inside towards the students' hostel of the Agriculture Training Institute.

"They could have wreaked havoc but the police and army successfully neutralised the threat," he said further.

Later, army spokesperson Major General Asif Ghafoor praised the police performance during the operation. Speaking to a private news channel, Maj Gen Ghafoor said the terrorists were in contact with their partners in Afghanistan throughout the attack.

He, however, put the number of deceased terrorists at three.

Speaking to Geo News, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa IG Salahuddin Khan Mehsud said fortunately not many students were present due to the long weekend, adding that police APCs evacuated around a dozen students from the hostel.


Its time for USA,AFG To DO MORE !!
There seems to be 5 terrorists involved so far.

Looking at their numbers and the number of martyrs it seems a big tragedy has been averted. Had it not been a holiday a bigger tragedy would have been witnessed, bigger then APS.

Rest in peace the martyred students and staff.
The dogs of hell even didn’t care the Holy day! What the FK they are not human neither belong to any religion.
Those murderous fools really hate minds getting educated to thinking, don't they?
Their race to the lowest common denominator is quite the pitiful cry for help.

R.I.P. victims, more students will take your place proudly.
Pakistan has more strenght & resilience than suicidal cretins
. . . and more bullets too!
Sad out, Tay.
There seems to be 5 terrorists involved so far.

Looking at their numbers and the number of martyrs it seems a big tragedy has been averted. Had it not been a holiday a bigger tragedy would have been witnessed, bigger then APS.

Rest in peace the martyred students and staff.
Indeed. But you must have seen the Peshawar University. It is housing at least three or four compounds composed of Agri varsity, main Peshawar Varsity , Medical College and so on. It is a big area so reaching the other blocks would have been time consuming So it could not have been bigger than APS. But yes it would have been a big tragedy indeed. And this was in front of Islamia College. Usually even personal vehicles without official entry tag are not allowed to enter Islamia College gate of the university

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