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After ISPR's Press Release has the Judiciary crossed the line by Emphasizing on "GOOD GOVERNANCE" ?

Like Really ?? I did not know that may be because i am not into Law and stuff But I think if Chief Justice says such remark in a Open Meeting and not in court doesn't it sounds little bit awkward may be.

Yes, like really. Like that. Really.

The General's claim of " a clash of interests" in nothing but a threat for promoting criminal behavior. He should be charged with attempted subversion of government..

Armed forces constitutional role is to defend the Country from external and internal threats.

No Sir. This oft-repeated claim of a duty to potect against "internal threat" is illegal. The Army has only two roles, but under direction of the Federal Government: defending the geographical borders against external threats, and aiding civil power as and when asked. That is it.

No ...it cannot... its not part of its constitutional role

Yes SIr, it most certainly can. Legally.
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So one party made statements (the ISPR) as the Arch Angel Gabriel was sent to them by God. But, the second party, when made a retaliatory statement, were "smoking Afghani weed"??? Nice. Speaks volume of how much intellect you really have between both of your ears!!

Did you guys know what the "purpose" or "the reason" behind the "good governance" comment was? They were going over ops in Karachi, Baluchistan and KPK. And the statement meant that Good Governance is the only permanent solution to this terrorism issue (NOTE: NOT Marshal Law, Not Military Rule, but Civilian based Good Governance :) ). As the Civilian governments (in Sindh, KPK and Baluchistan) are ultimately responsible for creating more jobs, state level growth, stability and all. And I didn't leave Punjab out for a "biased" reason. If there were massive military ops being conducted there, and the Corps Commanders were discussing it, I'd add Punjab too.

This is a very positive comment. It clearly show the military has no remote ideas about even getting involved with the government of any of these troubled areas. But they can't be there forever as the local governments need to step up, create better living, educational, economic and tolerable, safer environments, that would reduce terrorism and will eventually eliminate the extremism from the society, and will provide a better economic, financial and a safer lifestyle at the province level, to all the residents of these troubled provinces.

This is the SAME statement the US has been making about Afghanistan's situation. The military action ALONE can't change or help the Afghani's, it'll root out the terrorists through using US's force for the time being. But it's really the local Afghani government's responsibility to install fair, good governance there so people don't become terrorists to begin with, and there are proper educational institutes (Science and Technology, not just religious madrasas) in place that use the youth's talent towards modern science and technology, and away from extremism, and setting up a peaceful and growth focus environment with tolerance for all religions, people and sects, is and will always be a part of the local government's responsibility towards establishing good governance.

First of all @Viper0011. Mr. Google (a.k.a Mr I Know Everything) I am Responsible for what i say NOT for What you Understand.

"So one party made statements (the ISPR) as the Arch Angel Gabriel was sent to them by God. But, the second party, when made a retaliatory statement, were "smoking Afghani weed"??? Nice. Speaks volume of how much intellect you really have between both of your ears!!"

:coffee: HHMMMMM No Arch Angel especially Gabriel is needed for Heaven's sake to calculate whats wrong with Anti Terrorism Operations going on in whole Pakistan. Military is doing a "FANTASTIC" Job :tup::enjoy: in Eliminating Terrorists but they are facing "POLITICAL VACUUM" and therefore they Pointed out their sincere concern for "GOOD GOVERNANCE".

I know exactly what was the "purpose" or "the reason" behind the "GOOD GOVERNANCE" comment made by ISPR. Your Paragraph no 2, 3 and 4 Explains my Point exactly. Military's Job is to defend Pakistan and lack of "GOOD GOVERNANCE" is a threat to national security of Pakistan and this is making all good work of Military and Blood shed by Martyrs of PAK ARMY go to waste therefore Military pointed out a genuine security lapse in Govt policy Which was Taken as "Threat" :woot::blink: by so called Democratic Powers. There was NO Threat of Martial Law or Coup or Whatever but Achkzai and People i mentioned earlier went nuts :taz::taz: about it NOT ME so I said sarcastically that they were smoking some Premium Afghani Pineapple Express Weed:drag::big_boss:

For some reasons I don't know :undecided: Why everyone is quite when same thing was stated by Chief Justice.

P.S: Without understanding My point you said this about me "Speaks volume of how much intellect you really have between both of your ears!!" Really I don't know what to say about your Level of Understanding or Intellectual.


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All Hell Broke loose after ISPR's Press release :mad::mad: that emphasized on "GOOD GOVERNANCE". There was "RETALIATORY" Press release from Govt Spokesman. Mahmoud Khan Achkzai Stood up after Getting High on Afghani Weed. :hang2:

Atizaz Ahsan said Every Institution must stay in its constitutional Limits.:feminist:

Khursheed Shah Termed ISPR's Press Release as Undemocratic and Uncalled for :fie:

Asma Jahangir (B*%$#H) said she would cut Military Budget to Tame Army if she was the Prime Minister. :cuckoo::crazy:

Why is Everyone Silent on Same remark from Top Judiciary ?? o_Oo_O Where is Media?? HAMID MIR?? Asma Jahangir (B*%$#H) and Especially Mahmoud Khan Achkzai ?? Still Smoking some Premium Afghani Pine Apple Express I Guess :big_boss:

Mulk Main Bad Governance Ka Mahool Bana Huwa Hai, Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali - Vidrail
Judiciary is the pillar of constitutional framework and a watchdog over the parliament, so they have a right to correct the legislature when they see issues. Hence there was no noise.
Judiciary is the pillar of constitutional framework and a watchdog over the parliament, so they have a right to correct the legislature when they see issues. Hence there was no noise.

Rojer That but is Anyone Paying any attention to the "ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM" ?? The issue of :pleasantry:"GOOD GOVERNANCE":pleasantry:

This is the Focus of our PM, He spends more time deciding his Menu than solving issues which involve National security of PAKISTAN

No there are overall governance issues. There are 20+ points in the approved action plan, which was supported by all parties in the wake of APS massacre. Federal government has not moved an inch over its part of setting up anti terror force, madrasa reforms, setting up of NCTA and so on...Instead government is busy protecting terror financiers.

Forget the example of USA and so on.

France has imposed emergency and called up the military in wake of Paris attack. Was there any such urgency shown by Pakistani government after 12/16. I can write and write on this but i know its for no avail.

In USA a President faces impeachment if he lie to the nation about his personal extra marital affairs. Here are stooges, who are collaborating with enemy nations on how to end the nuclear program or other such matters of life and death for Pakistan.

You call the above rambling a "post" that has some factual value to such a sensitive topic? Help us understand a few things with facts backing up your claims:

1: Which "terror financiers" is the Federal government protecting? Be clear in your response, who is protecting who, so name the people. Just to remind you, Musharraf was the MAIN weapons suppliers to MQM post 2005. Before i was General Zia. So include these realities in your response. Without these lethal weapons, these barberic murderers from MQM would'e never spread terror in the way they did. Same goes for the Taliban, aka, the ex-Strategic depth, supported, and weaponized by the mighty Pak military!!

2: France just imposed an emergency after horrific acts by barbaric terrorists who don't care about human lives, whether it be France, the US or Pakistan, or anyone else. But for Pakistan, your military has been under an emergency for years. Announcing a new emergency would accomplish what????

3: Which Pakistani president and the PM, aka, the "stooges" are working with the "enemy nations"? Remember, your current PM stood in front of the world and pressed the Flash button in 1998, under probably the most pressure put on any civil government by the world, including threats, force, billions of aid, billions of benefits, international support for decades, foreign nationalities, threats of sanctions, retaliation, etc, etc!!! So what makes you think that SAME guy (who is now working on growing Pakistan economically), would "work" with a foreign nation???

The above are some serious points, and you should give us some real facts too. Just stating the regular propaganda, won't help. I'd like to have a factual debate on this. Not what twenty people on this forum "think", or who is preferred to rule Pakistan by thirty officers in the Pakistani military's senior ranks.

Pakistan wasn't made by any military or any general. It was made by the people who gave sacrifice of their lives and their families lives......to be in a country that the people can run the way they want to. Not to be in a country where a 550K big military runs it the way "they think" they should run it. Even after 60 years of mess ups and without any real growth!!

The military of Pakistan is doing very critical work for Pakistan as a nation and for the entire globe's safety. This honorable institute needs to remain respectful and not get into politics and civilian matters. A military doesn't define the foreign policy, the civilians do. And the military has to suck it up. If a "civilian" is working against the state, at this time, your judiciary is strong enough that if the military can provide proofs to the law enforcement, they will investigate someone. There simply is no reason for a military to act bigger than a civilian government and "assume", they are the most patriotic. That's a false assumption and can be proven wrong very easily.

I am not against Pak military, I have always had good relations with the top guys, starting with Gen. Zia. I am just stating a fact that the military has her own rule, responsibilities and honor to protect and grow. It should follow and work with the civilian leadership, as that's the ONLY viable option for Pakistan's better future.

Rojer That but is Anyone Paying any attention to the "ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM" ?? The issue of :pleasantry:"GOOD GOVERNANCE":pleasantry:

This is the Focus of our PM, He spends more time deciding his Menu than solving issues which involve National security of PAKISTAN

So...the CPEC, the Motor Ways, the Semi-Conductor manufacturing agreements, the expansion of various Medical and Technology Universities, the establishing of Peace and Tolerance across Pakistan, the growth of Pakistan's stock market to the top 5 markets (ever in Pakistan's history), strengthened Moodies ratings (stable from C three years ago), the NASDAQ stock membership of Pakistan's stock and markets under "PAK" symbol (Currently around $ 15 dollars per share), a TON of electric producing programs, a TON of international agreements for cheaper Oil and Gas, the GSP Plus, and the country's rising FOREX, currently at $ 21 Billion dollars (not touching Gold and other reserves of Pakistan).

ALL the above, are JUST examples of a PM who spends his time in "selecting his food menu"???? The above list is MORE work than ANYONE has ever done (COMBINED) in Pakistan's 70 years of history!!!! Any other ruler, whether Civil or Military that has these many programs going simultaneously and in JUST three years??? NO. You can't find one for even 50% comparisons!!!

Take your propaganda somewhere else. People aren't stupid on here. Unless one is blind, missing these extremely large infrastructure development and other projects on average Pakistani streets if impossible!!
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