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Afghans rescue Indian national flag from Pakistan at Chaman Friendship Gate. Border closed

Links are not containing the proof. I see daily at least 2-3 bad claims from some fringe sites, but it doesn't prove anything. One day you stand in the market and ask these sites to fight the case on the basis of claims made there, they will run south within minutes. Please share the proof which at least can be debated. Otherwise it will not be only wastage of Pakistani resources but Indian as well fighting over things which can't be proven in court of law. Thank you.
Links are not containing the proof. I see daily at least 2-3 bad claims from some fringe sites, but it doesn't prove anything. One day you stand in the market and ask these sites to fight the case on the basis of claims made there, they will run south within minutes. Please share the proof which at least can be debated. Otherwise it will not be only wastage of Pakistani resources but Indian as well fighting over things which can't be proven in court of law. Thank you.

Can you prove Hafeez Saeed is a terrorist? There is as much proof against him as there is against Modi.
Can you prove Hafeez Saeed is a terrorist? There is as much proof against him as there is against Modi.
Do you friend really think UN designated his organization without sufficient evidence or why is he watch list? He is the person who established Lashkar E Toyyeaba. Do you know what this organization is. Why does Pakistani government puts him in protective custody even for the namesakes? Do you know his operatives work from inside the Pakistani jails, I heard even some Mumbai attack related person had fathered a child inside the jail, but not sure on that. If you still wish to really read on Sayyed, please let me know.




Can you prove Hafeez Saeed is a terrorist? There is as much proof against him as there is against Modi.

No one has put an official bounty on Modi's head....not even Pakistan lol.

The travel restrictions put on Modi (by only a cpl govts) were always due to their claims of "religious intolerance" not mass murder/terrorism (they tend to do this when investigations are ongoing). Quite unlike Hafeez Saeed.

Also the Indian supreme court cleared Modi of any crimes. They are the highest legal body in India...and their word carries much weight.

Even crooked hillary (who financed a fact finding commission to Gujarat to find mass graves - which failed miserably) shook the hands of Modi and she will work alongside him quite comfortably (continuing where Obama left off) if she wins the US elections.

David Cameron worked very well with Modi too....very cordial and professional relationship...continuing and expanding after Brexit with Theresa May.

You can watch the G-20 meeting coming up to see how everyone interacts with Modi.
No one has put an official bounty on Modi's head....not even Pakistan lol.

The travel restrictions put on Modi (by only a cpl govts) were always due to their claims of "religious intolerance" not mass murder/terrorism (they tend to do this when investigations are ongoing). Quite unlike Hafeez Saeed.

Also the Indian supreme court cleared Modi of any crimes. They are the highest legal body in India...and their word carries much weight.

Even crooked hillary (who financed a fact finding commission to Gujarat to find mass graves - which failed miserably) shook the hands of Modi and she will work alongside him quite comfortably (continuing where Obama left off) if she wins the US elections.

David Cameron worked very well with Modi too....very cordial and professional relationship...continuing and expanding after Brexit with Theresa May.

You can watch the G-20 meeting coming up to see how everyone interacts with Modi.

Nobody will put a bounty on a PM's head.

Travel restrictions put on him were still travel restrictions none the less, and the fact that they were put on him for religious intolerance shows that he is bigoted towards non-Hindus, which makes accusations about Gujarat all the more credible.

The Indian supreme court is Indian, their word means nothing. They are a biased source.

Crooked Hilary is as you said crooked, her working with Modi could just show he's also crooked.

The UK has a large Indian population, and working with India is within their interests. Why bother starting a fight? Same for the G-20.

Do you friend really think UN designated his organization without sufficient evidence or why is he watch list? He is the person who established Lashkar E Toyyeaba. Do you know what this organization is. Why does Pakistani government puts him in protective custody even for the namesakes? Do you know his operatives work from inside the Pakistani jails, I heard even some Mumbai attack related person had fathered a child inside the jail, but not sure on that. If you still wish to really read on Sayyed, please let me know.

If he was PM, all these charges would be dropped like with Modi. Also, just because he happened to found a group that started doing some shady business doesn't mean he is solely responsible. He can freely roam around Pakistan and dobody has attacked him, doesn't that tell you something? He does charity work and also helps rehabilitate militants. Even if these charges are correct, he is a better man than Modi.
Nobody will put a bounty on a PM's head.

Travel restrictions put on him were still travel restrictions none the less, and the fact that they were put on him for religious intolerance shows that he is bigoted towards non-Hindus, which makes accusations about Gujarat all the more credible.

The Indian supreme court is Indian, their word means nothing. They are a biased source.

Crooked Hilary is as you said crooked, her working with Modi could just show he's also crooked.

The UK has a large Indian population, and working with India is within their interests. Why bother starting a fight? Same for the G-20.

If he was PM, all these charges would be dropped like with Modi. Also, just because he happened to found a group that started doing some shady business doesn't mean he is solely responsible. He can freely roam around Pakistan and dobody has attacked him, doesn't that tell you something? He does charity work and also helps rehabilitate militants. Even if these charges are correct, he is a better man than Modi.
Sorry but to let you know that allegations against him were labeled some 15 years back and he is PM since 2016. Earlier he was haunted by NGOs and Some sections of politicians for what had happened under his government. But the same NGO were later found to rake the issue for their personal monetary benefits. FYI he himself was only 2-3 months old in CM post with not much of background experience, still guessed right fhat state police will not be able to control raging mobs. So he asked for police support from neighbor States which at the time were ruled by opposite party who ignored his request for backup. Still he out all state power and in three days brought to calm though uneasy and very costly one. He did what he could in limited resources and never bragged about it. That's is why people have put their faith in him including all religious minorities. Further on your last point, if a person is proven guilty, he can be punished under Indian Panel Code even if he/she is prime minister himself/herself. Hafeez Sayyed was announced terrorist not only by Indian but US, UK, France, Germany, Australian, Japanese and other governments excluding several grouping like UN, G20 etc. If you wish to compare something, please have something crdible which can be acknowledged and agreed by multiple parties. Rest if you wish to discuss just for discussing, I find no real value addition for myself. Thank you.
if a person is proven guilty, he can be punished under Indian Panel Code even if he/she is prime minister himself/herself. Hafeez Sayyed was announced terrorist not only by Indian but US, UK, France, Germany, Australian, Japanese and other governments excluding several grouping like UN, G20 etc.

The courts still had a bias, you cannot convince me otherwise. An of course Hafiz Saeed will be called a terrorist by the international community, he's Muslim. You won't see this kind of prejudice against a non-Muslim, especially one who has targeted other Muslims. Bottom line is, in today's world, genocide is fine if it's against Muslims. And everyone will come rushing the accused persons defence, as in this case.
The courts still had a bias, you cannot convince me otherwise. An of course Hafiz Saeed will be called a terrorist by the international community, he's Muslim. You won't see this kind of prejudice against a non-Muslim, especially one who has targeted other Muslims. Bottom line is, in today's world, genocide is fine if it's against Muslims. And everyone will come rushing the accused persons defence, as in this case.
Then there is no meaning of these discussions.
Stop their funding they will put your flag on fire you have to feed them continuously otherwise they bite you india stock
afghans should go to india , kiss modis's smelly feet and sing vande matarum
Travel restrictions put on him were still travel restrictions none the less, and the fact that they were put on him for religious intolerance shows that he is bigoted towards non-Hindus, which makes accusations about Gujarat all the more credible.

Only care if it was a worldwide travel restriction. It was only 2 countries as far as I am aware.

Modi visited Netherlands, France, China (your higher than blah blah ally), Korea and many other places while he was Chief Minister. No UN-mandated travel restrictions at any point.

The Indian supreme court is Indian, their word means nothing. They are a biased source.

Their word means a lot actually. They are one of the worlds most respected legal bodies. Scoring very highly on the institution and stability indices. Criticism from Pakistan which does much much worse on both comes off as quite hollow.
My close family friends are Afghans. And they love Pakistan.

And they are hurt that they are being forced to leave the country that gave them shelter and which they loved.
If they are so hurt then they better get a visa , instead of doing Rona dhona--- Pakistan bap ka maaal nae hain
Only care if it was a worldwide travel restriction. It was only 2 countries as far as I am aware.

Modi visited Netherlands, France, China (your higher than blah blah ally), Korea and many other places while he was Chief Minister. No UN-mandated travel restrictions at any point.

Their word means a lot actually. They are one of the worlds most respected legal bodies. Scoring very highly on the institution and stability indices. Criticism from Pakistan which does much much worse on both comes off as quite hollow.

When you are part of a government of a large country, ignoring you isn't really an option for most. If he was an ordinary man like Hafiz Saeed, he would be treated just like him. That's a fact.

The Indian supreme court is Indian, they are bias towards India. This is irrefutable.

Then there is no meaning of these discussions.

Yes, there is no meaning.
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