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Afghanistan's Vice President has completely lost his mind

This "joker" is vice president of Afghanistan, his claim matters.

It just shows pakistan is militarily supporting Taliban against civilian leadership of Afghanistan....

He is vice president of Kabul

In any case very soon an official statement would reject his stupid claim and you would be left being a clown that you are for agreeing and believing in Amarullah Saleh
No it doesn't because he is a big fat joker. He would also bring aliens one day. It just shows a mentally retarded dumbo has lost his mind. And we are ready to pay for his mental treatment.
His statement will do very well in FATF , a vice president of a nation is claiming an attack by Taliban supported by Pakistan Air Force........you can call him anything,

Check the ridiculous claim this uncle is making. This is now seriously ridiculous

When traitors have nowhere left to hide, they always squeal such nonsense. They are steadily losing all sense of rationale. This is what they do, so watch and learn. A Muslim's first and only loyalty is to Allah Subhnahu Wata'aalah, period.
His statement will do very well in FATF , a vice president of a nation is claiming an attack by Taliban supported by Pakistan Air Force........you can call him anything,
No it won't do anything. He is a joker. He will have to provide proof and as he is mentally retarded he doesn't have any proof and as you are to naive and border line dumb to realize it. Even many Indians are realizing how dumb his statement is. But please continue to defend a mentally retarded joker it only shows you also don't have any brain.
No it won't do anything. He is a joker. He will have to provide proof and as he is mentally retarded he doesn't have any proof and as you are to naive and border line dumb to realize it. Even many Indians are realizing how dumb his statement is. But please continue to defend a mentally retarded joker it only shows you also don't have any brain.
A vice president of a country has just accused your Air Force of supporting terrorists in his country......n your reply is ..

blah blah blah...... he is dumb..... you don't know........blah blah blah......
This "joker" is vice president of Afghanistan, his claim matters.

It just shows pakistan is militarily supporting Taliban against civilian leadership of Afghanistan....
His word matters as much as yours and the Indians governments, that is to say, not at all. Desperate Indians are the only people on the planet who still find the words of Afghanistans politicans to hold meaning (only when it suits them*) Because they are searching for ways to find connections between the Taliban and Pakistan knowing that they have lost the narrative everywhere.

You know what, let’s say Pakistan is openly supporting the Taliban, we supply them with arms, we send The ISI to train them, we fund them, we give them air support. What will india do about it? What will Afghanistan do about it? Absolutely nothing. Because you’re absolutely powerless. All you will do is cry. So kindly continue.

Most of The Indians on this forum are very funny, their inferiority complex is so strong that they spend hours on this forum looking at every single opportunity to somehow bash Pakistan. They have no lives outside it. They get banned once a week, then they sit staring at their computers waiting to be unbanned, then they rinse and repeat.
You know what, let’s say Pakistan is openly supporting the Taliban, we supply them with arms, we send The ISI to train them, we fund them, we give them air support. What will india do about it? What will Afghanistan do about it? Absolutely nothing. Because you’re absolutely powerless. All you will do is cry. So kindly continue.
We all know that ,but its nice to find people who finally owns up to it.

You guys should get ready for its international repercussions....

India ....we don't care .... we don't share border with Afghanistan (currently) ..... you should be the ones worried about it.
We all know that ,but its nice to find people who finally owns up to it.

You guys should get ready for its international repercussions....

India ....we don't care .... we don't share border with Afghanistan (currently) ..... you should be the ones worried about it.
Oh we’re ready, the repercussions can’t be as bad as having to deal with you trolls everyday. We’re so worried that we actually might have yawned at you this time.

India doesn’t care, says the Indian sitting 25 hours a day on a Pakistani forum telling Pakistanis how India doesn’t care. 🤔
Why can't ISPR deny it ?

Is it true that PAF is fighting for Taliban ?
Because it's not worth the effort, rebuttal will only embolden him. Tomorrow he will claim talibs are using Pakistan supplied tactical nukes and a week after that he'll accuse us of providing Taliban with infinity stones
A vice president of a country has just accused your Air Force of supporting terrorists in his country......n your reply is ..

blah blah blah...... he is dumb..... you don't know........blah blah blah......
Holy cow, you're even more dumber than I initially thought. What drinking bovine excreta does to a mf.
The loyal RAW employee never misses an opportunity to hit Pakistan and its armed forces. His daily rhetoric against Pakistan will land him in troubled waters one day. Nevertheless, till he breathes he will speak the language of his sponsors.

He knows it very well he is a dead man walking if Taliban got hold of him. Am sure somewhere his private plane is ready for him to fly away to India. He is just trying to collect some brownie points before fleeing.
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