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Afghanistan minerals fully mapped

Sher Malang

Aug 3, 2010
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Afghanistan has become the first country whose surface minerals have been mapped from the air.

The US Geological Survey released the results of a "hyperspectral imaging" effort, in which reflections of light shone from an aircraft are analysed.

Different minerals - as well as snow or vegetation - reflect specific colours, resulting in a "mineral map".

The map comprises more than 800 million data points corresponding to an area of 440,000 sq km, some 70% of the country.

Afghanistan is known to have vast reserves of oil, gas, copper, cobalt, gold and lithium. In late 2011, a consortium of Indian companies inked a deal to begin mining some of the country's large stores of iron.

But the country is known to have a wider array of mineral resources; in 2010, the Afghan ministry of mines claimed a value of its reserves of nearly a trillion dollars, then carrying out tours to promote investment in them.

But it remains to pin down which economically viable minerals are where, an effort for which the USGS's hyperspectral imaging expertise was enlisted.

In a series of 28 flights over 43 days, the USGS gathered the data by shining visible and infrared light from a height of 15,000m and using a camera to capture the reflections. Each "pixel" of the camera was analysed and correlated with the materials that reflect at a given colour.

The USGS public release of the data includes two maps: one of iron and iron-bearing minerals, and one of minerals principally containing carbon, silicon, or sulphur.

The survey was funded by the US Department of Defense's Task Force for Business and Stability Operations (TFBSO) as well as the Afghan government.

"This is a tremendous tool for the Afghan government for locating and identifying its myriad rich mineral deposits," said TFBSO director Jim Bullion.

"These maps clearly show the enormous size and variety of Afghanistan's mineral wealth and position the country to become a world leader in the minerals sector."

Source: BBC News - Afghanistan minerals fully mapped

Afghanistan the First Country Mapped using Broad Scale Hyperspectral Data

For the first time, about 70 percent of a country has been mapped using an advanced remote sensing technique known as hyperspectral imaging. In order to assist Afghanistan in understanding their abundant natural resources, in particular the development of an economically viable minerals market, the U.S. Geological Survey and the Department of Defense Task Force for Business and Stability Operations led an effort to fully map Afghanistan with hyperspectral data.

Airborne hyperspectral sensors measure light reflected from the earth. The spectrum of the reflected light can be interpreted to identify the composition of materials at the surface, such as minerals, man-made materials, snow, and vegetation. These materials can be identified remotely due to their unique light spectra. In addition, these data allow large geographic areas to be mapped quickly and accurately, showing mineral resources, natural hazards, agricultural conditions and infrastructure development.

The project was funded by the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the Afghan Government. The TFBSO is a Department of Defense organization that promotes stability and security in Afghanistan by developing growth of the private sector. The Task Force has been working closely with the Afghan Ministry of Mines to assist in identifying and tendering major mineral deposits to international mining companies.

"Hyperspectral sensors deployed from aircraft are the ideal tool for mapping the mineral provinces of a nation with rugged topographic relief and lack of substantial ground cover," said USGS Director Marcia McNutt. "When compared with conventional ground mapping, use of this technology has accelerated by decades the identification of the most promising areas for economic development in Afghanistan."

"This is a tremendous tool for the Afghan government for locating and identifying its myriad rich mineral deposits," said Jim Bullion, Director of TFBSO. "These maps clearly show the enormous size and variety of Afghanistan’s mineral wealth and position the country to become a world leader in the minerals sector."

In developing the maps, more than 800 million pixels of data were generated. Over the course of 43 days and 28 flights, USGS flew nearly 23,000 miles (37,000 kilometers), collecting data that covered approximately 170,000 square miles (440,000 square kilometers).

The hyperspectral data collected in Afghanistan have already allowed USGS and the Afghan Geological Survey to identify several areas with a high potential for mineral formations. These data are being used by the Afghan Government to develop information packages to support mineral development in the country.

The hyperspectral coverage was unveiled at the Afghan Embassy in Washington, D.C., by USGS and the TFBSO on Tuesday, July 17, 2012.

The new hyperspectral maps of Afghanistan are available online. There are two maps:

USGS Scientific Investigations Map 3152-A: Surface materials map of Afghanistan: carbonates, phyllosilicates, sulfates, altered minerals, and other materials
USGS Scientific Investigations Map 3152-B: Surface Materials Map of Afghanistan: Iron-bearing Minerals, and Other Materials

Source: USGS Release: Afghanistan the First Country Mapped using Broad Scale Hyperspectral Data (7/17/2012 5:00:00 PM)
i was just about to post this. great news and very happy to see so much untapped potential in Afghanistan. :tup:
Congrats to Afghanistan , the mineral exports will help generate revenues to redevelop the war ravaged infrastructure of their country ...

The Proposed railway link being dev between Chahbahar port in Iran to mineral-rich Hajigak region of Afghanistan will play a significant role in transporting the minerals !
Afghanistan should become one of the richest country in the world ..they have seen darkest night hope they will see brightest day soon
Afghanistan should become one of the richest country in the world ..they have seen darkest night hope they will see brightest day soon

There is nothing wrong in hoping , infact my wishes are with them too but i guess we need to be more realistic than that !!!
Lottery for Indians, they have licencee to steal in Afghanistan and they even are friends to TTP.
Though richness which comes with ones work stays longer but the country needs some booster to get started
dont hate; appreciate; the work indians and afghans are doing is great; no need to get irate.
Stealing is no work, its simple stealing, and without co-operation of TTP (terrorist branch of RAW+ANA) no one can work and if peace prevail in Afghanistan, Indians got to face tough competition in stealing Afghan minerals.
Stealing is no work, its simple stealing, and without co-operation of TTP no one can work and if peace prevail in Afghanistan, Indians got to face tough competition in stealing Afghan minerals.

said the pakistani. facepalm

begaani shaadi mein abdullah dewana

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