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Afghanistan Bans Full Face Veils



New Recruit

Feb 9, 2012
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In a sudden and
shocking move,
Afghanistan’s President
Hamid Karzai has
authorized a ban on
wearing full veils in public places. This revolutionary
action makes Afghanistan the first
Islamic country to impose restrictions
on a form of attire that many Muslims
consider a religious obligation.

Ban on full-face veils instituted in Afghanistan
Afghanistan is under Indian influence and P.Musharraf has stated this on various occasions.
Aprils fool eh?

Well how much area does really fall under Afghan control?
First of April people lol

What's next, Saudis letting women vote and the Iranian mullahs voluntarily going back to their mosques?

I wish this was true though.
First of April people lol

What's next, Saudis letting women vote and the Iranian mullahs voluntarily going back to their mosques?

I wish this was true though.

Saudis do let women vote and run :blink:......
Idiotic move - Taliban will milk it all its worth..

April fool han!?

^^Ready to lift their veils at the first ever veil lifting ceremony. :coffee:

Why are you guys wishing something for Afghans that you wouldn't want in Pakistan?

But yeah, as if anybody in AFG gives two shits about any authority. Afghans will do what Afghans do best (not give a **** about anything outside the borders of their villages or towns).

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