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Afghan Taliban launch coordinated attacks in 10 provinces in Afghanistan, hundreds of soldiers, mili

Not really the weapons of the mujahideen were supplied by CIA after that particularly post US invasion the weapons have been Russian made financed by Opium money

The Taliban appeared years after the US left.
The Taliban fought against the original Mujahedin which were engaged in a civil war.
Gulbuddin Hekmyatar’s forces were besieging Kabul, where the goverment formed by the rest resided.
The Taliban appeared years after the US left.
From the groups that were fighting each other in Afghanistan ad now they sustain themselves from the opium money which US after almost 17 years couldnt remove they now have more land and resources than they ever had and what is the US doing about it?Nothing they just do random bombings and let 10 districts fall to the taliban
From the groups that were fighting each other in Afghanistan ad now they sustain themselves from the opium money which US after almost 17 years couldnt remove they now have more land and resources than they ever had and what is the US doing about it?Nothing they just do random bombings and let 10 districts fall to the taliban

The Taliban gain a few regions during the annual spring offensive and then they lose them.
Happened before, and will happen again.
A lot of innocent civilians are getting killed because of the annual spring offensive.
The Taliban gain a few regions during the annual spring offensive and then they lose them.
Happened before, and will happen again.
A lot of innocent civilians are getting killed because of the annual spring offensive.
For the last few years the gains have been greater than the loss and what does the Afghan army do about it?
It sells arms to the same group it claims to fight and regualrly have troops defectimg to taliban
where has she said that she created, just a few column writer say so doesn't make it so...
official Pakistan never supported Taliban..how difficult is this to get in your mind..please quote her saying not some here and there person..i can post president of USA supporting and sponsoring future taliban leaders
You can only show that the US supported the Mujahedin, not the Taliban.
Showing that some Mujahedin leaders decided to join the Taliban is totally irrelevant.
Mullah Omar ”created” the Taliban.
The funding approved by Pakistan made it relevant.
It is pretty clear from the quotes that this happened.

For the last few years the gains have been greater than the loss and what does the Afghan army do about it?
It sells arms to the same group it claims to fight and regualrly have troops defectimg to taliban
So the Afghan Army is corrupt, does that mean the Taliban killing of innocent civilians is something PDFers should rejoice in, like many do?
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