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Afghan Taliban launch coordinated attacks in 10 provinces in Afghanistan, hundreds of soldiers, mili




pakistan never created taliban ALONE, e created them with west to battle soviets and protect pakistan..after wards usa left leaving
10 million refugees and put sanctions on us, we were desperate to support any group that would BAN OPIUM AND BRING PEACE, so we supported who ever brought stability and were not war criminals

opium kills 10x more people in west every month than terrosim has killed in last 20 years..in USA alone it was 10,000 overdoses related to heroine(world 95% is produced in Afghanistan)

usa and europe supported mujaheddin no surprise if their black lash

the level of insensitivity you have is amazing

do you really belong to Sweden, you look like typical insensitive/inhuman Indian

The US financed the Mujahedin, and the Taliban emerged several years later.
The Taliban were financed and armed by Pakistan according to Pakistanis then and now.
Blaiming the US for not doing something is OK, but blaming Pakistan for not doing the same thing is not OK? The comment was made to show how ridiculous it is to confuse non-action with action.
You do not finance a crook, by not stealing his money.
The US financed the Mujahedin, and the Taliban emerged several years later.
The Taliban were financed and armed by Pakistan according to Pakistanis then and now.
Blaiming the US for not doing something is OK, but blaming Pakistan for not doing the same thing is not OK? The comment was made to show how ridiculous it is to confuse non-action with action.
You do not finance a crook, by not stealing his money.

Does it even matter? We will never agree on this point.

We can agree on the fact that we are not on friendly terms.

It is better for the US/NATO to focus on the lost war in Afghanistan. All I can say is that Pakistan cannot help you in this regard.

Time has come for the Western world to accept that Pakistan doesn't belong in their camp. This constant nagging to do more is shameless. It serves no purpose. Our interests collide on every level.

Instead, save your breath and try your best in Afghanistan. Try to salvage what you can because right now everything is lost.
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The whole bloody world knows that the West created the Taliban and many other terror groups for their own gains. You denying this won't change the reality. President Trump stands in front of the whole world and admits how his country created ISIS.

Having said that, the West has lost its war in Afghanistan. It doesn't even matter what you propose. It is game over.

Afghanistan and Pakistan are not on friendly terms and this is largely because of Western meddling. You got your wish, but now you are also responsible for cleaning up the mess that you created in Afghanistan. Playing this cowardly blame game against Pakistan won't get you anywhere. You should in now that after 17 years.

The simple reality is that Pakistan won't be part of any US/NATO campaign in Afghanistan anymore. We lost tens of thousands of innocent people. Our economy bore the brunt. Today we are accused by people like you for not doing enough and even worse.

It is over. Pakistan now firmly belongs in the other camp. We will work with regional allies. The West has no future with Pakistan.

The whole world has heard Benazir Bhutto claim that Pakistan funded and armed the Taliban.
PDFers confirm in this thread that the support continues.
If it is that obvious, then it is not surprising that there is bad blood between the Afghan government and Pakistan.
The whole world has heard Benazir Bhutto claim that Pakistan funded and armed the Taliban.
PDFers confirm in this thread that the support continues.
If it is that obvious, then it is not surprising that there is bad blood between the Afghan government and Pakistan.

It is irrelivant at this point who did what.

Just focus on Afghanistan. Read the news article. The Taliban are wreaking havoc in your presence.
The US financed the Mujahedin, and the Taliban emerged several years later.
The Taliban were financed and armed by Pakistan according to Pakistanis then and now.
Blaiming the US for not doing something is OK, but blaming Pakistan for not doing the same thing is not OK? The comment was made to show how ridiculous it is to confuse non-action with action.
You do not finance a crook, by not stealing his money.
wrong, they are the same, name changed dont change anything..this is the most fundamental thing that everyone accepts..otherwise its very easy for
terrorists, please go read about afghan history

glade to you didnt start making stupid comments on opium, which is the real problem(supported by NATO/US inaction)

i am not blaming usa, west is blaming pakistan rather accepting the fact that current situation is ecery one fault..atleast we hosted 10 million refugees and did SOMETHING RATHER THAN NOTHING

currently pakistan only blame USA for opium,afgan taliban, DAESH,TTP, and refugee crisis
while USA blames pakistan on haqqani network

who funded maula omer?, he was an afghan mujahid, dont believe me look at his blind eye!..how ironic they changed their name and all of sudden its something new..never knew this principle..it seems very new

just wait and see the west is going to leave Afghanistan again the same way after ruining it the 50th time since last 200 years
Dogs Killing Dogs. Good Riddance.

Takfiri Terrorists Scum on one side
and Sellout Bit**** known as Kabul Regime on the other.

They should both kill each other and Rid Afghanistan for good.

Pakistanis should understand that this is never a zero sum game. We don't need to choose a side. They are both scum on earth.
wrong, they are the same, name changed dont change anything..this is the most fundamental thing that everyone accepts..otherwise its very easy for
terrorists, please go read about afghan history

glade to you didnt start making stupid comments on opium, which is the real problem(supported by NATO/US inaction)

i am not blaming usa, west is blaming pakistan rather accepting the fact that current situation is ecery one fault..atleast we hosted 10 million refugees and did SOMETHING RATHER THAN NOTHING

currently pakistan only blame USA for opium,afgan taliban, DAESH,TTP, and refugee crisis
while USA blames pakistan on haqqani network

who funded maula omer?, he was an afghan mujahid, dont believe me look at his blind eye!..how ironic they changed their name and all of sudden its something new..never knew this principle..it seems very new

just wait and see the west is going to leave Afghanistan again the same way after ruining it the 50th time since last 200 years

Does not matter if they are the same, the Mujahedin was formed around the goal of making the Soviets leave. The US supported that goal and left.
The Taliban was formed several years laters during the infighting between the forces of Hekmyatar Gulbuddin, and the government formed by the Mujahedin War Lords.
They quickly overran the country, armed and funded by Pakistan, according to Pakistanis.
The US has not supported the political idea of the Taliban, even if some Mujahedin leaders joined the Taliban.
The West is not destroying Afghanistan, the Taliban are.
  • They kill anyone not sharing their view.
  • They kill women trying to get an education.
  • They extort money.
  • They and their supporters simply are evil.
He already escape from the wrath of Taliban and living in Turkey . Rashid Dostum . Look at these picture and you will understand the ground situation .In Afghanistan people call him the Butcher of Kabul.


Why is Erdogan who goes on about muslim suffering everywhere in the world. Now we seen him meeting and shaking a hand of a disgusting serial mass killer of muslims. And a recognised War criminal by most human rights groups worldwide. Being of a Turkish decent is no escuse mr president.

When we Pakistanis catch him he will not be dining in Istanbul. But hanging from a tall tree
Afghanistan in deep turmoil: Afghan Taliban on offensive and hundreds of soldiers killed in 10 provinces
20 May, 2018


KABUL - The security situation in Afghanistan is in turmoil with Afghan Taliban on an offensive in over 10 provinces and hundreds of security forces officials killed and wounded.

The *Members of Wolesi Jirga, the Lower House of Parliament, on Saturday said they were extremely concerned about an increase in civilian and government forces fatalities in recent days.*

READ MORE: US sanctions against Iran threaten Afghanistan economy
“The number of casualties among security forces is horrible,” MP Abdul Rahim Ayubi said.

The MPs said disagreements between government leaders is one of the reasons behind increasing insecurity in the country.

READ MORE: Terrorists target cricket match in Afghanistan
“Security situation in some provinces has deteriorated recently. The reason behind this is the inability of central government authoritiesand a disagreement between government leaders,” said Musa Khan Nusrat, an MP.

Other MPs meanwhile criticized foreign forces over the “lack of cooperation” with Afghan forces.

READ MORE: 8 districts in Afghanistan on verge of collapse to Taliban
“Why the US forces and US Air Forces in Afghanistan do not act before the incidents happen? Why don’t they prevent big cities fromfalling (to militants)? asked Nader Shah Bahar, an MP.

This comes as head of the National Directorate of Security Masoom Stanekzai admitted that it is the responsibility of government forces to ensure people’s safety.

“We are committed to working together and improving cooperation among police, army and other forces,” Stanekzai said. “We appreciate our international partners for their cooperation, but it is our job to build our country.”

“We are accountable. We are a government that has been established based on an election,” Defense Minister Lieutenant Gen. Tariq Shah Bahrami said in Farah.
Using Pakistani money and Weapons supplied by Pakistan and trained by Pakistanis according to Benazir Bhutto etc.
Not really the weapons of the mujahideen were supplied by CIA after that particularly post US invasion the weapons have been Russian made financed by Opium money
Using Pakistani money and Weapons supplied by Pakistan and trained by Pakistanis according to Benazir Bhutto etc.
please share the link where benazir says she pakistan trained taliban after 1990..i am waiting

and i never knew we have 1000 billion investment fund that we can spend money on taliban

mean while opium is worthless, its used to make pie cake in Afghanistan nothing sisnster
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