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Afghan Taliban capture an IndianšŸ‡®šŸ‡³ Mi-35 gunship donated to the Afghan airforce back in 2019. Left for Taliban on the tarmac by AAF. (serial # 123)

Donated by India. So if Afghanistan or China or Iran captured a part of Pakistan, same logic would apply.

You should use more relative and real events, like recent PLA moves and conquering of 1200 sq KMs of Indian claimed territory. :D

Please forward this tweet to all your kind, the likes of that Major Gaurav, Gen Bakhshi , and ofcourse that Swamy chap. Modi tweeter will be icing on the cake.
Average Wannabe Cool Pajeet , Resorting to making Insults rather than facts.
Isn't Pajeet a Punjabi name? Didn't we donate half of Punjab to you?
You should use more relative and real events, like recent PLA moves and conquering of 1200 sq KMs of Indian claimed territory. :D

Please forward this tweet to all your kind, the likes of that Major Gaurav, Gen Bakhshi , and ofcourse that Swamy chap. Modi tweeter will be icing on the cake.
Lol. 1200 square kms? In which country?
Haha. Sure, sure. Since 1947 keep waiting for Kashmir and keep waiting for the Chinese to help you.

Dude, you want to play this "assumption" game when you started with your non sense of capturing of Pakistani territory, I am telling you that if you want to use assumption, use a more relative example, like PLA recently conquering 1200 sq KMs of Indian territory, without firing a single bullet it must be said. It will make more sense. :D
We will. If Pakistan gives us independent land and air access to Afghanistan. No questions asked. We will spare nothing in helping the Afghans.

i have even better suggestion -

pak can ship all afghan refugees and drop them at wagah, you just open the gates

no need to worry about air and land routes !
i have even better suggestion -

pak can ship all afghan refugees and drop them at wagah, you just open the gates

no need to worry about air and land routes !

Do not demean fellow muslim men, women and children, even if it is to try and debate with such cheap Indians. They know they have lost, so best they can do is try and provoke us on forums. Pity them. Slaves to their higher castes....
Lol. But if they conquered 1200 sq kms of Indian territory without firing a bullet, there must be some Chinese source which says so no?

But I must say you are an enlightened Pakistani by acknowledging the Kashmir is Indian territory. More power to you.

You got plenty of Indian sources to confirm this rather humiliating lose of territory to PLA. You want me to tag? :D

Good on you to point the discrepancy, actually I used the term Indian "claimed" territory in my initial response to you.
Lol ho gaya ye tu:)
india kay sath

now they want indian IAF to come on donate fighter jets to talis lol

note: lol is English wala meant here
Do you understand the difference between built and donated?
Did you just build it by supplying labour or you financed it.
If India just built it by providing manpower then it's Afghanistan's own money invested and should be of no interest of India and if India financed it then it's no different than giving the Gunship.
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