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Afghan refugees turn F-6 children’s park into ‘tent village’

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talibans are creation of pakistan , mulla umar lived and died in exile in pakistan , osama bin laden was hiding in pakistan , hunted and killed in abbottabad .
No shit Sherlock with all that info Americans Should have contacted you Instead of searching for them in Tora Bora After The Israelies Destroyed the WTC Towers in New York
The Taliban were created by a small group of Islamic students (hence the name Taliban which means students) who stood up against a local warlord in Kandahar province who allegedly raped a young boy. They gained popularity and were joined by other armed factions to fight the criminal warlords during the Afghan civil war.so, We recognised them because they became the reality in Afghanistan
That warlord had actually raped two young girls and a dozen talibs led by Mullah Omar with like 3 kalishnikovs went to dispense justice.
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No shit Sherlock with all that info Americans Should have contacted you Instead of searching for them in Tora Bora After The Israelies Destroyed the WTC Towers in New York
After running away from tora bora taliban leadership crossed in to pakistan , many were caught by musharraf , handed over to americans , mulla umar lived in hiding died eventually in pakistan . Osama bin laden story is well known to the world , so no need to repeat again.
..... and Osama Bin Laden was deobandi from India, not from KSA while TTP existed in 1980s. Thank you.
…. KSA had to secretly despite harsh Pakistani resistance had to send him to Pakistan because Pakistan was anti jihad and anti extremism. Thank you.
After running away from tora bora taliban leadership crossed in to pakistan , many were caught by musharraf , handed over to americans , mulla umar lived in hiding died eventually in pakistan . Osama bin laden story is well known to the world , so no need to repeat again.
Did you even read before typing with all that info you could have saved Americans 20 years of Humiliation in Afghanistan because they were searching for them on the fifth floor of the Serena Hotel in Kabul
Did you even read before typing with all that info you could have saved Americans 20 years of Humiliation in Afghanistan because they were searching for them on the fifth floor of the Serena Hotel in Kabul
Humiliation was there when afghan taliban were caught and handed over to americans by your own people , greater humiliation was there when osama was killed in your backyard .
Humiliation was there when afghan taliban were caught and handed over to americans by your own people , greater humiliation was there when osama was killed in your backyard .
Oppressing common un armed people in Afghanistan for 20 years with all their might yet they still wasn't able to control and hold it that's what a real humiliation looks like and where is your proof bin laden was there? The only thing they got was humiliation getting their chopper shotdown and later claiming in the same year all those navy seals died in helicopter crash in Afghanistan 🤣 bin laden fairy tale is as real as gangus claiming "killing" whole bunch of people in 2019 balakot Airstrike
Why dont u pack up and go back to the hindu hole u came out of. U think u or ur lumber 1 or any of ur corrupt goons gave us this land?? Educate urself, we took over this land from hindus and budhists by force and we have ruled it since. Just because we decided to be part of Pakistan doesnt mean we gave ownership of our land to u or anyone else. This shows ur dumb immature mindset. Zara Peshawar aa k kisi ko kaho aesa phr dekho kya hota hay tmhare saat.
Terrorism and pashtunistan movement were never stopped. Infact we saw and still see how terrorism destroyed Pakistan and now even pashtunistan movement is rising again, so this means we failed and all were blunders.
U seem to be shoqeen of shoving stuff in ur behind, come to Peshawar and we will satisfy that urge of urs very well.
talibans are creation of pakistan , mulla umar lived and died in exile in pakistan , osama bin laden was hiding in pakistan , hunted and killed in abbottabad .
@waz propaganda account suspcted.
Despite all the vitriol here by some, Pakistan continues to quietly play it's part providing ALOC for UN humanitarian air bridge with Afghanistan:

Okay keep em then.

We are keeping them. It's just the recent economic crisis is giving a tiny minority of anti migrant sentiments to get entertained, almost all of it from Islamabad. Bunch of elitist who can't massage their egos shiny enough.
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