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Afghan refugees in Pakistan wait for reforms

If you Afghanistanis are angels & Pakistanis are devils ask the incharges of your country(US & Europe) to build a wall @ Pak-Afghan border, what is stopping you? As i said don't show your ungratefulness because the $133 million is peanuts even for taking care of peaceful refugees let alone the refugees from Afghanistan who messed up our country Pakistan badly..

We will build a wall when the time comes, at the Indus river, the natural border.
You are a genie, whats is Afghanistan population and what is Pakistan?
if you look at GDP per capita, you will get a much different result.

Whether your population is small or big, doesn't matter Afghanistan is one of the most illiterate (in fact second most illiterate country) in the world and one of the poorest in the world. Pakistan is moving ahead with the new government. Also your "per capita income" is in Pakistani rupees which is a common currency in Afghanistan, that should tell you something.
We will build a wall when the time comes, at the Indus river, the natural border.

As they say in Urdu
"Hazaron Khawahishen aisi kay har khawahish pe dam niklay"

One more for you if you don't understand Urdu.
If wishes were horses p1g$ would fly.

Who knows in future you will loose your Eastern Pashtun region to Pakistan.
We will build a wall when the time comes, at the Indus river, the natural border.

First build yourself a home, this is what your homes look like. They are made from mudbrick, the Sumerians in 3500 BCE used mudbricks to construct their buildings...



Whether your population is small or big, doesn't matter Afghanistan is one of the most illiterate (in fact second most illiterate country) in the world and one of the poorest in the world. Pakistan is moving ahead with the new government. Also your "per capita income" is in Pakistani rupees which is a common currency in Afghanistan, that should tell you something.

Afghanistan economy is measured in dollars and Afghani, btw, the Afghani, is a much stronger currency than your rupee.
You are comparing afghan stats on literacy from 2000 with Pakistan 2012 stats, well done.
Actually Afghanistan level of literacy is above 40%, and are getting closer to Pakistan, which have been standing still for some years now.
the size of a country's population is directly a factor for how big the GDP is.

First build yourself a home, this is what your homes look like. They are made from mudbrick, the Sumerians in 3500 BCE used mudbricks to construct their buildings...




Many homes in pakistan is also build by mud briks, i can't really get your point here.

And the funny thing is that your will crash, when hit by a litle earthquake. :omghaha:
As they say in Urdu
"Hazaron Khawahishen aisi kay har khawahish pe dam niklay"

One more for you if you don't understand Urdu.
If wishes were horses p1g$ would fly.

Who knows in future you will loose your Eastern Pashtun region to Pakistan.

time will show us.

lol Afghani(currency) is stronger than Rupee, yes we will see it after 2014. Are you an 8 year old who doesn't even knows that Afghanistan is just a war economy nothing else.

it may be based on war and aid, but Afghanistan is able to change it, when peace come.
Afghanistan economy is measured in dollars and Afghani, btw, the Afghani, is a much stronger currency than your rupee.
You are comparing afghan stats on literacy from 2000 with Pakistan 2012 stats, well done.
Actually Afghanistan level of literacy is above 40%, and are getting closer to Pakistan, which have been standing still for some years now.
the size of a country's population is directly a factor for how big the GDP is.

Many homes in pakistan is also build by mud briks, i can't really get your point here.

And the funny thing is that your will crash, when hit by a litle earthquake. :omghaha:

Many homes aren't build with mud brick in Pakistan only a segment of the poor have them, in Afghanistan mud brick homes are the mainstream. In other words your country's majority lives like the segment of poor in Pakistan.
Many homes aren't build with mud brick in Pakistan only a segment of the poor have them, in Afghanistan mud brick homes are the mainstream. In other words your country's majority lives like the segment of poor in Pakistan.
Afghanistans and Pakistans GDP per capita is almost the same, which means after all those years you have had to improve it while Afghanistan was burning, you didn't therefore Pakistan is a failed state.
Afghans refugees are blood sucking parasites in our society, on top of it they do not honor or acknowledge the favors Pakistan or Pakistanis have given them over past several decades. This should be enough for our govt to realize that we should just kick them in their nuts and throw them out of our country as sooner as possible. And seal the border with Afghans once and for all, tax their trades after making it legal.. So much of this Afghan brothers crap already..
time will show us.

Time has already told you that get rid of your ungrateful nature, it is you guys who need to learn.

it may be based on war and aid, but Afghanistan is able to change it, when peace come.

Good Luck with that, i've got nothing against Afghanistan, it is like a young brother country of Pakistan but some ungrateful people...i just can't tolerate them when they spread venom & talk as if they are SUPA PAWA. Hope peace return to Afghanistan & Afghans live like a peaceful brothers & neighbor of Pakistan.

P.S If you don't mind i wanna ask you one offtopic question, many people in Pakistan keep their father's name after their name. Now in your case you've your name as @Afghan-India...i'm curious from last few days that whats cooking there. Note that this is not meant for offense or insults...just ask out of curiosity...if you didn't like this question i'll delete it.
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Afghanistans and Pakistans GDP per capita is almost the same, which means after all those years you have had to improve it while Afghanistan was burning, you didn't therefore Pakistan is a failed state.

Pakistan per capita income of Pakistan is actually higher than reports, due to billions of remittance money that is sent back to Pakistan by Pakistanis living abroad. In July alone overseas Pakistan sent $7 billion back to their families. You have no idea of the typical income and revenue Pakistani families have.


As for Afghans they make naan and work in tandooris throughout Pakistan.
Afghanistans and Pakistans GDP per capita is almost the same, which means after all those years you have had to improve it while Afghanistan was burning, you didn't therefore Pakistan is a failed state.

Pakistan's GDP per capita is $2,424 whilst Afghanistan's is $1,083 (Page 164, Table 6, Human Development Report 2013 of the UNDP)
Pakistan's GDP per capita is $2,424 whilst Afghanistan's is $1,083 (Page 164, Table 6, Human Development Report 2013 of the UNDP)

$2,424 is not correct due to that u use the PPP of Pakistan while using GDP nominal for Afghanistan, it is like comparing bananas and apples

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