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Afghan Presidential palace under Taliban attack.

@Star Wars

That Afghanistan is 30 years away. Compromises would have to be made along the way.
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@Star Wars

That Afghanistan is 30 years away. Compromises would have to be made along the way.

When the Taliban comes to power , that Afghanistan will NEVER come ... You cannot compromise with terrorists ... Atleast with this govt. in power if not for current afghans their children will see a better future... they deserve it ...
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@Star Wars

You are so innocent. It was America which had a 'schortched earth policy' in Vietnam. "Kill anything that moves".
@Star Wars

You have to understand the whole history to make sense of why we brought Taliban govt in Kabul.

Yes that Afghanistan will come but slowly.
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@Star Wars

You are so innocent. It was America which had a 'schortched earth policy' in Vietnam. "Kill anything that moves".

I am aware of American crimes in Vietnam and in Afghanistan and in Iraq...i was aware of it in 2007 when people called me a "Conspiracy theorist nutjob" just for believing it... I was just saying these specific crimes in Afghanistan are actions of individuals..

America is the lesser evil in this conflict ... at-least in the afghan theater
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Now it became good taliban vs bad taliban.

BS logic of those in denial about the Afghan Taliban.

Bottom line is that Taliban on both sides = Hunger for power + Ultra conservative religious zealotry

Aeronaut is right you have no clue about history, check my post to sandy. Afghanistan was not peaceful country post soviet war. And it was not only taliban who brutally murdered people but those local warlords who used to not only rape girls but small kids too.....

Just answer one question for me since you are aware of all the history of Afghanistan .

Do you think Afghan Taliban will lay down the arms once NATO leaves ?

Since they are not terrorists but freedom fighters according to you lot , this is what they should ideally do.
Just answer one question for me since you are aware of all the history of Afghanistan .

Do you think Afghan Taliban will lay down the arms once NATO leaves ?

Since they are not terrorists but freedom fighters according to you lot , this is what they should ideally do.
Ok heres what I believe.
You just cannot take away decades of tradition away from them. Holding Ak 47 in those hands is like wearing a wedding ring for them so dont expect them to lay down arms.
they want to come in Power....well why do you US is on the table with them. Rather than taliban taking over kabul again, you give them a place in govt yourself.and that is what US is doing.
How to stop for future misadventures, well my dear you dont just leave them on your own after withdrawal like you did to them in 90s and 80s.
They had passes to the Green Zone and a "blue" marked SUV. Now someone tell me this, how did they gain access to both these items restricted to NATO/ISAF unless the internal workings of the Afghan security establishment is hollow and compromised?
Nice attempt.to troll my dear but no it is not ok to just attack any secure facility especially when it comes to presedential palace. You have layers of security, red zone , green zone around the facility. Taluban were not only able to attack the Presential palace but they successfully sabotaged and infiltrate the security ....there was an intelligence failure....there was a security lapse.....

Nice attempt to troll my friend. They got stopped at first checkpoint and killed when presenting fake documents to get in. That shows they succeeded in preventing them from successful destruction of the facilities and the death of all attackers and one wounded security officer. Nice try.
Taliban Launch Deadly Attack in Kabul
KABUL — At least four suicide bombers launched a daring and sophisticated attack on the heart of the Afghan government early Tuesday morning, using at least two land cruisers similar to those used by international soldiers here, fake badges and vehicle passes, which allowed at least one to get inside the heavily guarded area, according to Kabul’s deputy police chief.
The Taliban sent a statement taking responsibility for the attack and saying the targets were the Ariana Hotel, which they said is the C.I.A. base in Kabul, and the presidential palace.

The attack came just days after the Taliban opened an office in Doha, Qatar, ostensibly for starting negotiations about a peace process. It raised new questions about divisions within the Taliban and whether there is any broad commitment to peace.

At least five people were killed in the attack. For the first half-hour of the attack, which began about 6:30 a.m. local time, gunfire could be heard across the Green Zone diplomatic area of Kabul, the location of the presidential palace and the headquarters of the International Security Assistance Force.

It was unclear exactly how far the attackers had gotten into the Green Zone, but the gunfire and explosions could be heard throughout the area.

“Three suicide bombers were driving a land cruiser packed with explosives with a fake vehicle pass and they wanted to enter the presidential palace area but they were stopped at the gate,” the police chief, Gen. Ayoub Salangi, said in a brief telephone call. “We don’t know their main target.”

Once the guards realized that the pass was fake, the suicide bombers got out of the explosive-laden car and one of them detonated it, killing one of the attackers. The others got into a firefight with the guards, General Salangi said. However, people in the Afghan security forces who asked not to be identified said that there were two vehicles that got through a heavily guarded gate used only by ministerial-level officials.

A government official told Reuters that three or four other attackers were killed by security forces and at least two Afghan security guards were killed in the firefight.

The U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, Jim Cunningham, assailed the violence and urged the Taliban to once again return to the peace process in Doha.

‘'We remain steadfast in supporting the Afghan government and people against the scourge of terrorism and the violence directed against them,'’ he said.
Nice attempt to troll my friend. They got stopped at first checkpoint and killed when presenting fake documents to get in. That shows they succeeded in preventing them from successful destruction of the facilities and the death of all attackers and one wounded security officer. Nice try.

I got nothing more to.say to you. You might think it is ok and all was good but that doesnt change the fact that Presedential palace.was attacked and security force was infiltrated. Check post #99.and 100
Ok heres what I believe.
You just cannot take away decades of tradition away from them. Holding Ak 47 in those hands is like wearing a wedding ring for them so dont expect them to lay down arms.
they want to come in Power....well why do you US is on the table with them. Rather than taliban taking over kabul again, you give them a place in govt yourself.and that is what US is doing.
How to stop for future misadventures, well my dear you dont just leave them on your own after withdrawal like you did to them in 90s and 80s.

Thanks a lot for this honest answer . This is what I have been saying all this while.
So someone is trying to sabotage US-Taliban talks.

Qayum Karzai must be benefited by Karzaai's death.

No one is sabotaging talks. Taliban in Qatar have made it clear that despite of having talks they will continue to attack NATO and Afghan forces as there is no cease fire.
It is a principle of guerrela warfare to talk as well as attack. Moreover to gain upper hands in talks, taliban would intensify their attacks on kabul governament and americans.
ALl attackers are dead.... from what i hear...not sure...what do u mean screwed ? any causalities ?

Same happened in kabul air port attack, all attackers got killed without killing any opponent....Afghan forces seem well-trained.
When the Taliban comes to power , that Afghanistan will NEVER come ... You cannot compromise with terrorists ... Atleast with this govt. in power if not for current afghans their children will see a better future... they deserve it ...

My friend.

What is the difference between the taliban and the Northern alliance drug and war lords?
Speaking of their morality and ethic.

Do you know who controlled Kabul before the taliban?
I'll tell you who... no-one. Any man with a gun and no brain could claim a block of streets as his.

The US when it invaded picked sides and the war lords and drug lords put down their AK-47s and started wearing suits as they were sworn in as parliamentarians and ministers.

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