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Afghan military calls for Pakistan to launch operations on ‘terrorist centers’ throughout country


Dec 12, 2008
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Afghan military calls for Pakistan to launch operations on ‘terrorist centers’ throughout country
BY BILL ROGGIO | July 19, 2017 | admin@longwarjournal.org | @billroggio

The Pakistan military recoiled after Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defense called on Pakistan to launched operations against “terrorist centers” throughout the country, including in the Pakistani cities of Quetta and Peshawar.

Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations branch said that Afghan Ministry of Defense spokesman’s comments that Pakistan is a hub for terrorist activity “is unwarranted and runs counter to Pakistan Army’s efforts for better Pak-Afghan coordination and cooperation.”

“Pakistan Army looks forward for trust based security coordination and cooperation for fight against common enemy,” the ISPR statement continued. “Rhetoric of blames and suggestive allegations are agenda of forces working against order and peace in the region which should be avoided.”

The ISPR responded to comments made by Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman Dawlat Waziri, who responded to Pakistan’s announcement of Khyber 4, an operation in Pakistan’s Khyber tribal agency.

“Military operations need to be launched in [sic] both sides of the Durand Line. Everyone understand [sic] the terrorist centers are located in Pakistan; Quetta Council, Peshawar Council and Miranshah Council that are Taliban groups,” Waziri said, according to ATN News. Waziri made the comments after ISPR spokesman Major General Asif Ghafoor suggested that the Afghan military launch an operation on its side of the border to support Khyber 4.

The three councils mentioned by Waziri refer to Afghan Taliban’s command structure that is based inside Pakistan. The Quetta Shura, the Taliban’s main decision body, is based in the city of Quetta in Pakistan’s Baluchistan province. Additionally, the Taliban operates four regional military councils in Quetta, Peshawar, Miramsha, and Gerdi Jangal.

The Taliban’s top leadership has been based inside Pakistan for decades, with the knowledge, approval and support of the military and its Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate. The Taliban’s first two emirs died while in Pakistan. Mullah Omar, the Taliban’s founder and first emir, died in a Pakistani hospital near Quetta in April 2013. His successor, Mullah Mansour, was killed by the US in a drone strike in Baluchistan in May 2016. They and other senior, middle and lower level leaders have operated inside Pakistan without consequence.

In order to justify its policy of support to jihadist groups, Pakistani elites have attempted to distinguish between what are referred to as “good Taliban” and “bad Taliban.” The so-called “good Taliban” are groups that advance Pakistan’s foreign policy goals and do not threaten the state or wage war within its borders. “Good Taliban” and other groups deemed acceptable by the Pakistani establishment include the Afghan Taliban and its subgroups, the Haqqani Network, the Mullah Nazir Group, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Harakat-ul-Mujahideen, and Jaish-e-Mohammed. These groups conduct numerous heinous acts of terrorism in the region, and are directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of American soldiers and civilians, and yet are supported by the Pakistani state.

“Bad Taliban” are any jihadist faction that challenges the primacy of the Pakistani state. These groups include the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, the Turkistan Islamic Party, and the weakened Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. The Pakistani military has pursued these groups in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province with some success. However, when targeting these groups, the military has avoided pursuing groups such as the Haqqani Network, which provided shelter and support for the “bad Taliban.”

Pakistani officials have denied that it pursues a policy of strategic depth and differentiates between “good and bad Taliban,” or alternatively, have claimed it will no longer differentiate between the two. However, these claims are false. This is demonstrated in Pakistan’s continuing support for the aforementioned groups and others, as well as an unwillingness to round up leaders and key operatives.

U.S. and Pakistan cannot fight Afghanistan's internal wars. We can only provide them the tools they need to defend themselves. It is up to them to muster up the will to fight for their own country. In that, I wish them well.
Delusional. U.S. and Pakistan cannot fight Afghanistan's internal wars -

"...Ever since Afghan jihad and right up to now Pakistan’s policy towards Afghanistan has been India-centric. This distortion has led us to support various militant groups in Afghanistan and thereby damaging our relations both with Kabul and Washington...Our previous policy of supporting the Taliban has been the primary reason for Kabul’s distrust. It is long overdue that we revise this policy and develop clarity about our relations with the Taliban -" - Ret. Lt. Gen'l Talat Masood
"...Ever since Afghan jihad and right up to now Pakistan’s policy towards Afghanistan has been India-centric. This distortion has led us to support various militant groups in Afghanistan and thereby damaging our relations both with Kabul and Washington...Our previous policy of supporting the Taliban has been the primary reason for Kabul’s distrust. It is long overdue that we revise this policy and develop clarity about our relations with the Taliban -" - Ret. Lt. Gen'l Talat Masood
P.S Pakistan dosn't have FN SCAR
What on Earth has Pakistan been doing for the past 4 years? Ever since Zarb E Azb was launched Pakistan has made every effort to cleans the tribal area and most recently carried operations across Punjab Balochestan. Operations in Sindh have been occurring from some time. These Afghans are deluded they openly know DAESH have full operational control of Baghlan Province yet won't do anything to challenge them. So when Pak wishes to secure the border and cleanse it once again the Afghans are up in arms. Clearly the Afghans mercenaries are being plugged out and Kabul is frustrated. Afghan leadership is a circus act. Pakistan continue to secure the border we don't have time for Hindustans far western province of AFG.
"...Ever since Afghan jihad and right up to now Pakistan’s policy towards Afghanistan has been India-centric. This distortion has led us to support various militant groups in Afghanistan and thereby damaging our relations both with Kabul and Washington...Our previous policy of supporting the Taliban has been the primary reason for Kabul’s distrust. It is long overdue that we revise this policy and develop clarity about our relations with the Taliban -" - Ret. Lt. Gen'l Talat Masood

Ret. Lt. Gen. Talat Masood is stating the obvious, i.e., Pakistan doesn't have much say or control over Taliban, nor are they our friends. This contradicts Afghan narrative, of course. Hence, it is best that Afghans fight their own internal wars. The question is do they have the will to fight for their country while putting aside all the ethnic differences?

Having said that, the same article you quoted states:

There is a growing perception that there is no military solution to the Afghan problem and sooner the US, the Afghan government and the Taliban realise it the better.

In our engagement with the US we have to be candid about our Afghan policy and limitations in influencing the Taliban.

Washington has been supportive of Delhi’s wider role in Afghanistan that conflicts with Islamabad’s position. More so when India uses Afghan territory for subversive activities against Pakistan, the US looks the other way.
Now U.S also accusing pakistan.. saying that Pakistan failed to act against Haqqani Network and Taliban

does U.S want more anarchy & ultimately Civil war inside Pakistan ?

who said to U.S that allow Indian agency in Afghanistan?. U.S Did it without asking Pakistan.. look U.S we will only do what's suits for us right now. stop crying over your own created mess

Pakistan has clearly conveyed to Americans by being blunt, that Haqqanis are a major player in Afghanistan whether Kabul likes it or not. Pakistan has clearly told ,that it is not our duty to bring peace in Afghanistan, which can only come through dialogue. This was reported by RUSI.


Moreover, US supply lines depend upon Pakistan's transit routes. Last time Pakistan closed them, Russia allowed NATO passage. Now, geopolitical dynamics are different, neither Iran nor Russia will oblige. Pakistan knows what to do if US resorts to coercive diplomacy.

US supplies.jpg


US and Israel back Salafist militants in Syria to achieve their perceived foreign policy goals. Pakistan too pursues its interests. If there is a divergence of interests with US and US resorts to coercive diplomacy, Pakistan knows what to do. Neither Pakistan, nor Russia, China or Iran like US presence in Afghanistan. The dynamics are different now.
Afghan military??? Who exactly are they? Do they really call themselves armed forces of Afghanistan ?? :D :D :D

We have dismantled terrorism and Afghanistan is telling us for operation on terrorist centers through out our country ? :D :D
Ret. Lt. Gen. Talat Masood is stating the obvious, i.e., Pakistan doesn't have much say or control over Taliban, nor are they our friends. This contradicts Afghan narrative, of course. Hence, it is best that Afghans fight their own internal wars. The question is do they have the will to fight for their country while putting aside all the ethnic differences?

Having said that, the same article you quoted states:

There is a growing perception that there is no military solution to the Afghan problem and sooner the US, the Afghan government and the Taliban realise it the better.

In our engagement with the US we have to be candid about our Afghan policy and limitations in influencing the Taliban.

Washington has been supportive of Delhi’s wider role in Afghanistan that conflicts with Islamabad’s position. More so when India uses Afghan territory for subversive activities against Pakistan, the US looks the other way.

It is a clear indication that the motive behind Afghanistan's response to khyber 4 is that their proxies will be taken out. DG ISPR said that both nations have agreed to work together towards a goal of eliminating Daesh from the border. What I am worried about is that why the army wants to work with them when these splinters groups of TTP that brand themselves as daesh are supported by the NDS.
prepare your self against this news @MadDog @Khanate @Horus @Starlord

when pakistan already told U.S that Haqqanis are a major player in Afghanistan whether Kabul likes it or not. Pakistan has clearly told ,that it is not our duty to bring peace in Afghanistan, which can only come through dialogue.

why U.S deliberately hue and cry ? they should Secure Durand Line instead of crying

Does U.S wants more anarchy & ultimately civil war inside Pakistan ?
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There is no denying those fact. Recently, some Afghan soldiers defected as well.

And this has been a persistent problem:
Afghan blame games aside, the fact is Afghanistan is a war economy hence dragging on the conflict is one way to ensure the economy is humming. This is obviously a short sighted approach by the Afghan elites since Afghanistan ought to focus on developing the mining sector which can feed the developing countries in the neighborhood (China, Pakistan, Iran, etc.) This will genuinely raise the living standards of all Afghans. Sadly, President Ghani is focused on petty inter-ethnic rivalries instead of peace.
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