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Afghan air force coming along strong: Video

No doubt Afghani Air Force should be the most strongest in the world because there are more Jahaz (aeroplanes) in Afghanistan than anywhere else.

So when they gonna use all these against Talibans??

Sure looks Scary man

Nice to hear. Is there a plan for sustaining the same. Airforce and Navy are always long time investment
Nice to hear. Is there a plan for sustaining the same. Airforce and Navy are always long time investment
Yeah agree, @A-Team please also start developing navy. Always nice to see how much Indians are interested in Afghanistan.
As said they are carrying out around 100 mission daily and those are mission are meant to support ground forces to target enemy locations.
Institution building is very slow and painfully but once realized it's the biggest investment for any country when it comes to defence institutions. Hopefully Afghanistan defense forces will gain the knowledge and will perform their duties to safeguard the nation from internal as well as external threats.
Good luck the the Afghan air force, and army aviation, I sincerely mean that. The last thing I want are Canada's sacrifices to go in vain.
Question for Afghan Airforce; kept hitting snooze button when we were bombing Torkham?
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