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Afghan 'acting' president Amrullah Saleh flees to Tajikistan with Panjshir commanders, claims Taliban - Indian investment loss

In what exact way ?

Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation

india should bet on cows only....

They are losing even that bet. :rofl:

Volunteer falls ill after drinking cow urine, BJP leader arrested for hosting party

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Title of the book highlighted in yellow box "FIASCO" sums it all up.
Seems pretty nonsensical from the Pakistani perspective given Indian actions such as creating purposeful economic competition to isolate Pak from Central Asia as well as purposefully trying to isolate them from regional groups such as the Indian Ocean organization (cant recall its actual name) these are just 2 out of many instances. If India means well there has to be a reciprocating response.
How exactly we Isolated you from central asia? You have a route through china that can easily reach Tajikistan circumventing Afg.

I dont know exactly what IO org is, are you talking about RCEP? I dont know any instance where India blocked Pakistans entry into any regional grouping. Especially an economic grouping.
But lacking initiative is going to bring the same result a broken arm as per your analogy.
Yeah you need to play your cards well. Training proxies will have a price to pay, we paid it. Looks like its your turn now.
If this truly was the case India would be way far ahead but they are tunnelvisioned into seeing things as 'Pak is enemy no.1' it doesn't help that your public also sees it that way hence why successive governments put the main military, economic, diplomatic and political focus on that.
Thats an interesting take from a Pakistanis perspective, Im going to say quite the opposite, but we all have our biases.
Of all the observers out there, Chinese govt have a different take, which they published on country analysis, their perspective is India stopped seeing Pakistan as a threat since Bangladesh liberation. India thereby solved its geography problem and is now looking to expand its naval power.

Public as far as surveys are conducted see China as the biggest threat than Pakistan, I dont know what the government thinks. Back in 2011, I remember an article by an eminent def analyst who predicted Chinese actions especially the string of pearls strategy Im guessing the govt also sees China with a heightened threat perception.
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