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Afganistan civil war updates; 8 provinical capitals fallen

I never exepected his milita to crumble so easy
I guss the fear of talis is so strong that all his men fled
He however was caught according to some reports
Lets see what happens in mizar..how will "old dog" field marshall dostum do will he crumble like the "lion of herat"

Several other capitsls fell..notably ghor. This takes the number to atleast 17.
We still can bet on our spy master, lion of kabul to unite the ANA in kabul and launch counter offensive

Spies never quite..time to launch an attack on peshawar..our winter capital
Spies never quite..time to launch an attack on peshawar..our winter capital
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Afghanistan Provisional capital cities captured by Taliban since 6th August:
1 Nimroz
2 Takhar
3 Kunduz
4 Jawzjan
5 Saripal
6 Samangan
7 Farah
8 Baghlan
9 Badakhshan
10 Ghazni
11 Herat
12 Badghis
13 Helmand
14 Kandahar
15 Ghor
16 Zabul
17 Logar

Honestly doesnt matter any more

Only three cities matter
1. Mazar
2. Jalabad
3. Kabul
Mizar sharif and jalabad have fallen
Effectively ending the 40 years civil war

Kabul and pansheer valley are left
But i expect a negoitiated settlement there or swift fall
Kabul is already check mated

There are no pawns knights or bishops left...

Kabul fall is assured..the only question is will talis wait for 96 hours for USA withdrawal or will roll in befor that
Also no point in counting districts anymore

Its just kabul and some rural pansheer valley that is left
End of blitzkreig
I dont see a civil war


The guru who predicted this

And the ofocurse who explained it to us

A man covering up pictures of women painted on a wall in Kabul.

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