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Afganistan civil war updates; 8 provinical capitals fallen


Text book ..
Enter vity center with a bang and declare victory

21th century blitzkerg
@ziaulislam dude can u not use the correct name for taliban? Yeah we know u r against them and ur reporting good information but using slangs only makes u look less credible and low.
All of those are now confirmed fallwn

1. Sar-e-Pol,
2. Sheberghan,
3. Aybak,
4. Kunduz,
5. Taluqan,
6. Pul-e-Khumri,
7. Farah,
8. Zaranj
10. Ghazni
11. Kandahar
12. Herat
13. Lashkargah
14. Mizar
15. Qalaenaw (Badghis)
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Everyone has given up on afghan govt
Internal report say fall within a week is expected followed by civil war

Mazar and central afghanistan may still resists

The govt forces are all going to kabul to make their last stand there..would they collapse or will they fight
16. Tarinkot(uruzgan)
17. Mainama(faryab)
18. Pul a alam(logar)

Have fallen with fighting going in city center

At this rate kabul may fall this week but i am pretty sure talis will wait till USA/UK withdrawals this month but who knows they may not.

Most of kabul twitter warrior are now silent

Kabul sorrunded all but one side (nangarhar/jalabad)

The last life line left...
So basically just two cities left mizar sharif and jalabad

Thats what we are seeing...breach..bang and create confusion leading to retreat/ surrender..text book...never seen in recent history...

Question is will they hold these...
Kabul is sorrunded(execpt from one side) and can fall immediately..but its hard to beleieve that talis would want it happen that can create another excuse for reentry in afghanistan
The cordination among talis for this blitzkreig is amazing
Seems last 20 yrs it was afghan talis who got battle hardened trained rather then the ANA
Gen. Tariq was right!.

There will be no civil war rather surrender
Pakistan allowing US planes to fly over and bomb Taliban and send troops to Afghanistan and Pakistan expect taliban to just forget?
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