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Adolf Hitler- The other side (unpublished photos)


Aug 7, 2007
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lol mujhe tu aaj pata chala ye hansta b thaa
Completely different Hitler to the one we see on documentaries.
But, If those kids were Jewish or any other non-white Aryan, it would have been a different sight.
There is an account where is sympathized with a little jewish girl at the austwich camp..once the cameras were off..he shot her off with his own revolver..hitler was a cunning, two face person who behaved like the most humane on camera for propaganda purpose.
Completely different Hitler to the one we see on documentaries.
But, If those kids were Jewish or any other non-white Aryan, it would have been a different sight.

There is no difference in what you are seeing here. You are seeing what the Third Reich wanted you to see. None of these pictures of Hitler are spontaneous or natural. Those are all photo ops! Each and everyone of them!

Hitler's public image was a well oiled Third Reich propaganda machine, and a very successful one at that. For references go through these:
The "Hitler Myth": Image and Reality in the Third Reich
Ian Kershaw focused on the popular appeal of the Nazi dictator in The "Hitler Myth". Arguing that "the sources of Hitler's appeal must be sought ... in those who adored him, rather than in the leader himself," Kershaw shows how Hitler's public image welded together antagonistic forces within the Nazi state, mobilized the nation for war, and contributed to the ethos that animated systematic and genocidal violence.
Responding to historians who maintain that Hitler's personality or ideological fixations accounted for his broad acceptance, Kershaw argues that, in the early 1930s, a sizable plurality of Germans hungered for an omnipotent Führer to stand above the political disharmonies of the Weimar state. Later, foreign policy and military victories attracted many more to the Hitler legend. However, victories were the price for popularity; and Hitler became more and more bloodthirsty as both his image and regime foundered under the blows of the Allied powers. The Hitler myth, then--a cultural phenomenon the Reich Minister Joseph Goebbels claimed as his greatest propaganda triumph--became a fundamental cause for the collapse of the Nazi State.

or this:

The self-reflexive Image of Evil
Adolph Hitler was, after all, a creation of the film century. His public image was born with Leni Riefenstahl’s documentary Triumph of the Will (1933) in which he arrived by plane descending from the clouds — like a God — to preside in heroic low-angled shots over the magnificently orchestrated Nuremberg rally of 1933 with its images of adulating crowds, traditional folk costumes, athletic prowess, golden youth and precisely organized patterns of humanity.


Anyone who still lives under the delusions that all those images of Hitler shows his compassionate side are fools! Each and every move of his was choreographed, every mannerism, every footstep! There are rarely any pictures which show us the real Hitler. So dont be fooled by these soft images.
Hitler was obsessive compulsive... and a good orator... it is said he could convince a horse it was a bird.
But his cunning I am not sure of.. considering the military might, the technological innovations and well trained manpower at his disposal. He truly had the capacity to rule the world.. but most of his decisions were folly and led to his defeat.
Consider this.. the man was so deluded that he ordered the Me-262.. a fighter with enormous air combat potential to be used as a bomber.. so that it would inspire fear amongst the advancing enemy... whereas has he put all the Me-262's to defend against the bomber formations.. the war in europe may have ended differently.

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