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Adolf Hitler- The other side (unpublished photos)

gubbi Failed!

Try not to believe everything from a book published as a propaganda and to earn $$.

Because doing so can bring in indian acts and drama in scenario relating to Bangladesh and Kashmir. And that certainly will make you look fool! Propaganda and anti-hitlerism is so deep and that there are now dozens and dozens of fanatics with weird beliefs I compare it to bush jr's Era when every tom dick and harry speech of his would start with the Letter T "Terrorist" and the americans got tired so was the world.
hitler said seeing is believing..so let the world see what they want to see.
Let me share you an interesting moral of human nature: A human, any human, always needs a feeling of recognition.

It is known that Adolf Hitler hated even by many of his own people- and one day, a small boy wrote him a letter. It consisted only of a few words; the boy wrote that he believed that nobody but Hitler deserved to be the ruler of Germany. It was nothing big- and yet, because so many hated Hitler, it really touched him. He came out all the way to meet this little boy and his mother; the same woman he later married.
ruthless killer he indeed was !!
dont know about the photos,
but his other side surely included paintings, which btw are pretty good.

Adolf Hitler, failed dictator of Germany during the Second World War, produced a variety of oil and watercolor paintings. In addition to being responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people, including the genocide of six million Jews, Hitler was an artist who used cathedrals and flowers as subject matter for many of his paintings.
a few:


“Cathedral in Vienna”

Example of Hitler’s signature:
Not Hitler almost every person has a dual personality but one is dominant at a particular time.....

Hitler was indeed a great man.
the big satan lies, hitler is cursed by amerca becoz of being its political rival, ad thts why nazis r vilified....
& I have seen documentaries claiming Hitler was a pedophile. OOPS!! those were made by West~~
gubbi Failed!

Try not to believe everything from a book published as a propaganda and to earn $$.

Because doing so can bring in indian acts and drama in scenario relating to Bangladesh and Kashmir. And that certainly will make you look fool! Propaganda and anti-hitlerism is so deep and that there are now dozens and dozens of fanatics with weird beliefs I compare it to bush jr's Era when every tom dick and harry speech of his would start with the Letter T "Terrorist" and the americans got tired so was the world.

What fail?

You either really have no idea about WWII and the politics involved or you turn a blind eye to glaring facts due to your unsubstantiated visceral hatred anything western especially American.
You believe in your propaganda carried out by fringe elements, I will stick to mine.

Instead of just posting "fail" and "western propaganda" why dont you for once come up with real rebuttals, eh?
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