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Abdul Kalam frisked twice in US



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Jul 2, 2010
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It was an Air India aircraft on September 29 at JFK airport in New York. The time was around 2pm. After everybody settled in for a long flight and the aircraft was about to begin taxiing, frantic security men forced the crew to open the doors.

They wanted to frisk one of the passengers.

The man they targeted had been screened once, although he should not have been at all, as he was the former president of India. AI officials protested. The security men finally relented, but took away the passenger's jacket and shoes.

They returned them later, satisfied that he was not a terrorist.

But it was not a new experience for APJ Abdul Kalam, who was president of India till July 25, 2007.

Despite the international protocol followed by every country, Kalam was humiliated in the same way two years ago, at the Delhi airport.

In April 2009, Kalam had been frisked by officials of US airliner Continental Airlines despite the fact that his name featured in the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security's list of people exempt from security checks in India.

Then, an upset aviation ministry had even considered filing a criminal case against the airline officials, but finally did not.

On the latest incident, sources close to Kalam said he did not attach any importance to such issues and always cooperated with security agencies without fuss.

A detailed report was sent to the aviation ministry by Satish Mathur, director, security, AI.

"The incident report was sent to the aviation ministry," said Mathur but refused to comment further.

A ministry official told Hindustan Times: "While US officials can check anyone in their country as the Indian exemption list is not applicable there, they should accord the same treatment we give visiting US dignitaries like a former president (George W Bush) who was here last week."

"Protests were lodged by the ministries of external affairs and civil aviation and we have received an apology. The US authorities have also ordered an inquiry," the official said.

The two sides are now working on a 'common list' of people who will be exempted from security checks.

Kalam frisked twice, once inside aircraft, in US - Hindustan Times
If this is how their Muslim ex-President is treated, then just imagine how other Indian Muslims are treated. Shameful.
if the former president of India a Muslim is not safe from being frisked because of his religion then the common Muslim is not safe from frisking either. but on the other hand i do not blame them for such paranoia and excessive safety measures after what happened in 2001.
if the former president of India a Muslim is not safe from being frisked because of his religion then the common Muslim is not safe from frisking either. but on the other hand i do not blame them for such paranoia and excessive safety measures after what happened in 2001.

The funny thing is that the first time he got frisked was in Delhi.
muslims(fanatic one's) are the only one to be blamed for the current situation,its because of these strong security measures USA is able to stop terrorist attack after 9/11.
if the former president of India a Muslim is not safe from being frisked because of his religion then the common Muslim is not safe from frisking either. but on the other hand i do not blame them for such paranoia and excessive safety measures after what happened in 2001.

How you link 9/11 with indian muslims? :no:

American can exploit anything by giving excuse of 9/11 ..
People should also realize it was Air India he got frisked in. And the first time he got frisked in was in Delhi. If he is treated like this, imagine what happens to Indian Muslims.
This is really idiotic of Americans. How does a 80 year old man make a terrorist suspect? One look at him is enough to convince anyone that he is too old to be wearing a suicide belt or hiding a pistol in his shoes. Any lingering doubt in the minds of even the most paranoid would be dispelled the instant one talks to him. I have spoken with him and have heard him speak. Two things become clear as soon as he speaks, his towering intellect, compassion and unbelievable humility. I doubt that these are the qualities the Homeland security guys expect in a terrorist.

While some of the paranoia in the US can be understood and appreciated but I have a lingering feeling that this goes way deeper than that. I have a feeling that these expressions of irrationality are a symptom of deep seated racism and chauvinism. They perhaps derive a perverted pleasure out of humiliating other nationalities and the present situation gives them the perfect alibi. I hope I am wrong. Anyway, APJ is the wrong guy to target, he will just keep smiling at them, cooperate totally and will be polite to a fault. I doubt that he has ever thrown a tantrum in his life. Must be frustrating for the Americans.

And yes, next time GW Bush comes calling, we should inspect his underpants in great detail.
if the former president of India a Muslim is not safe from being frisked because of his religion then the common Muslim is not safe from frisking either. but on the other hand i do not blame them for such paranoia and excessive safety measures after what happened in 2001.

you are fallling into the trap of the Pakistanis here...

frisked by the ground staff of American airliner Continental Airlines at the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGI) on April 24, 2009 at the insistence of the company's American boss.


People should also realize it was Air India he got frisked in. And the first time he got frisked in was in Delhi. If he is treated like this, imagine what happens to Indian Muslims.

If this is how their Muslim ex-President is treated, then just imagine how other Indian Muslims are treated. Shameful.

you are fallling into the trap of the Pakistanis here...


You're the one that's falling into the trap. This is how Indians are looked at & treated by Americans, inside India & inside the US. Not even the Indian ex-president is spared. This is not how the ex-president of the 'next superpower' should be treated.
You're the one that's falling into the trap. This is how Indians are looked at & treated by Americans, inside India & inside the US. Not even the Indian ex-president is spared. This is not how the ex-president of the 'next superpower' should be treated.

Now when you are proved that you are doing mental masturbation, you are changing your version but earlier your post was 'People should also realize it was Air India he got frisked in. And the first time he got frisked in was in Delhi. If he is treated like this, imagine what happens to Indian Muslims.'? If it was USA who is doing the checking, how and why only Indian muslims are impacted. Why are you so desperate? Have some shame!
if the former president of India a Muslim is not safe from being frisked because of his religion then the common Muslim is not safe from frisking either. but on the other hand i do not blame them for such paranoia and excessive safety measures after what happened in 2001.

way to stand up for your ex-Prez


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