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Aatif Mansaf Khan , embraced shadat (PTI Political Representative)


Sep 8, 2009
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إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Pakistani Citizen , PTI Politician together with 10 people in Vehicle died after a deadly Rocket attack


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Rogue ISI campaign unless prove. Otherwise
I think the game plan is to atleast pivot hazara division to PMLN

seems maryum is indeed coming back with votes in hazara and Central Punjab
Who fired a rocket at him?

What was his location, could be TTP, personal fued, or the state
The account is posted by PTI Balochistan it may have been our naraz Baloch brazars 😿
It's literally happened in KPK
Either way it was terror group,
They're not active enough in a Hazarawal to kill a political representative and that too by firing a frickin rocket, I don't see the incentive
personal fued
Some are saying political feud - common in AJk too
or the state
some kinda new incendiary rocket that leaves the target vehicle in one piece? masha'allah! does it shoot the occupants then rains down some petrol then lights a match?
PMLN is mostly done and dusted.

What makes you think she's gonna comeback in an actual fair election?
Fair elections won't happen like it didn't in 1960s

PMLN was successfully created out of thin air .that's why..

Now if Khan makes a deal and doesn't persecute the killers like dirty hairy then sure PMLN is done

The reason why maryum wants to quickly be done with PTI
Its extremely unusual to have such incidents in that part of KPK.
People do have Kalashinkovs , but not heavy weapons such as Rocket launchers.
Definitely fishy.
I heard that Pakistan embassies are building up Billo Rani as the future PM.
Yeah- but that's where we the diaspora comes in
Nani Jan will be the CM of Punjab, which she already is.
No, people, especially the Urban middle class liked her uncle SS, even NS enjoyed support amongst the masses

She on the other hand is universally disliked/hated by the same crowd, even my die heart Patwari uncle hates her as a witch sorta negative character

Add to that Punjab is a misogynist society, we don't accept women in position of power that easily, Sindh was different they made BB thier Rani

Honestly in long term PMLn as a party is f-ed unless Hamza steps up, which he won't, he isn't built for politics

For next couple decades it'll be a battle ground between PTI, tlp, Chaudharies and whatever remains of PMLn, establishment playing it's games of deindustrializing Urban Punjab, grabbing land for housing society, taking water resources and taking away prime farmlands

Punjabis need to unite behind one politcal force to stop this from happening or else we'll become politically unstable for decades to come and that'll be catastrophic

PPP isn't even in the conversation LMAO - unless establishment declares open martial law and mass rigging like never before
Bilo isn't becoming PM of anything
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