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A year ago, I was almost killed

You just went full retard here....

You are trying to cover up the things he said by comparing the situation with India
the truth being both are not interlinked in any way.....RSS never killed in the name of religion......India is not oppressing the minorities.....

I still remember the day Rumi was attacked...I find this article appropriate
What he is trying to say is for every terrorism in pakistan 2002 gujrat and 1984 sikh. you got my point ?

I'm not surprised at this statement, to a layman like you AFSPA indeed sounds like awarding the ‘Right to Kill’ to our armed forces.
AFSPA gives legal immunity to the armed forces, when they undertake measures to quell violent protests in a “disturbed region. The Act was passed in the context of separatist movements and the violence caused by them. To score brownie points politicos jumped upon the opportunity and soon AFSPA was projected as a draconian law by international media.
India has witnessed many secessionist movements and has long suffered from extremist attacks. The very notion of secessionism disturbs the territorial integrity and unity of our country, AFSPA is the only solution in regions where violence is a daily routine.
Everything has its pros and cons and so does AFSPA.
And you should stop cherry picking On one-off incidents to pull blanket statements on Indian army.
I'm somebody who has spent good amount of time in both North Eastern India and J&K so I know what am talking about.

Btw we're off topic and I will not reply back to anymore off topics.

The truth is, that we both perceive things differently. My set of rights and wrongs 're definitely not same as yours. If you can not understand this, then you can put me on your ignore list. I don't have any issues!

I have been often been called double agent on this forum.Those who're anti-Pakistan think I support Pakistan while those who 're anti-hindutvawad think I'm a hindutvawadi. Lol
I express my honest opinion about what I hear and read, if that makes me a fool-troll(rhymes!) then so be it!
My opinion for you is always one. he he he he
Levina who is not agreeing with the above sis. But why an Indian specially and posters like Solomen turns blind eye out of hatred on the efforts of Pakistan army curbing this fitna and taking back the 'reported' 30% as a counter argument? Things are changing and only a rational mind can calculate the the positive growth though gradual but you are just duplicating an outdated story. I repeat- gradual, slow growth. I do agree with you regarding some points but also mark my words - titanic needs to be sunk for good. What actually anecdotal is on the forums like these every Tom, Dick Indian emerges as he-man, a saviour of Pakistan which is absolutely hilarious. Haven't you noticed this tendency and am not talking about you. And who am I to reduce your freedom of speech. Please go ahead.
I agree and sympathize with you..must be tiring countering hordes of Indian posters who can give easy and cheap solution for pakistan, but not before gloating over her misfortune. :undecided:
Extremists will always need a victim to discriminate against.

Hindus are already gone.
After Ahmedis and Shias, perhaps Deobandis and Barelevis will turn on each other.

Barelvis are not involved in any form of terrorism. A typical Indian who doesn't know jack!@# about what he's talking about.
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comparing rss with lej is the most ludicrous thing I ever read .. we don't kill people just bcz they happen to be someone from other religion..!![/QUOTEI]

I am sorry, why is this a bad comparison? Both kill, torture and terrorize people under the name of religion, one Muslim, the other one Hindu. Why should the world close their eyes on Hindu terrorists and keep their eyes open on Muslims? They are ALL terrorists as they kill innocent civilians under the name of religion. One's a bigger country (India) so they should have a free license to kill their minorities because of their "trade" influence? That's fukked up!

And you said "you don't just kill people because they are from another religion", what was the criteria behind burning scores of homes at night with people in them, both Christian and Muslim communities? A trader who sells cow's meat for a living, was hung and beat up a few days ago, by Hindu extremists, what was the purpose behind that? Why did thousands of Christians ran into jungle to find shelter when hundreds of their people got killed the night before? This is DAILY life in India. What's the criteria behind killing so many innocents??? There is ONE, they are NOT Hindu and are NOT converting to Hinduism. Go ready your bullshiit somewhere else! We are not stupid.
right is right wrong is wrong no matter a Hindu or Muslim,an Indian or Pakistani but at last we are not going to sink,you will witness our rise soon,we never give up....
It whooshed over your head I guess.
I told you that my set of rights and wrongs 'll be different from your's, may be you dont understand that there's no universal truth.
If somebody tells you that sun rises in the east then do you think its true?or is it the only "right"??
To somebody who is brought up in an environment of religious extremism,do you think for such a person killing in the name of religion would be wrong??
what is right and what is wrong here?
Have you met Arundhati Roy and saluted her bravery?

I want to meet this man!
Hats off to him for being so honest about the situation in Pakistan today. Anyone who skims through his article can sense the patriot in him, who is being suppressed by the militia.
I dont really understand the judiciary system and the Govt of Pakistan. On one side the way Pak govt is vigorously pursuing the mega corruption cases of Musharraf, makes me applaud their system (after all he was the President of Pak not so long back) and on the otherside when I see masterminds of several terrorists attacks at large I wonder if Pakistan is going to be the next Afghanistan.
Raza Rumi is right, it is indeed religious extremism and xenophobia masked as patriotism which is perilous for Pakistan's future. For my own selfish reasons I dont want to see a neighboring country sinking like a Titanic.


@jamahir I think you were talking about this mod.
if he was from RSS or BJP then a hero, if a normal hindu (if there can ever be???) then a criminal if a muslim then definitely a terrorist.

My neighbour was murdered yesterday, does it mean the murderer is a terrorist..??

that's conditional love

I would salute her for her book "god of small things'. Any probs?
Extremists will always need a victim to discriminate against.

Hindus are already gone.
After Ahmedis and Shias, perhaps Deobandis and Barelevis will turn on each other.
Indian dream.
With all the problem this society and country is running.
Indian army rapped women-- > Thats not blowing up 1000s of people daily and thats not even religious extremism, thats a crime and the criminals are counting there days in jail or maybe even dead

Entire christian village burnt down by hindus--> yeah where..??

Terrorism, Rape, Murder are three different crimes... Learn to differentiate

I am trying to find words to show how stupid your post sounds. Terrorism, Rapes and Murders are different???? When done on a larger set of population to terrorize them of a bigger macho religion or scare them through violent use of force????

So wait, how should anyone classify 911 as mass murders or Bombay attack as "just murders"? And villages of people burnt are also murders not terrorism?? ALL OF THE ABOVE were terrorist attacks, that terrorized a lot of people, directly and indirectly. You can't invent new definition based on your support or your own religious terrorists, and simply call them "murders" when they happen at a larger scale to show Hindu supremacy, force, and threat to die or to convert to Hinduism. All these are act of terrorism.

ALL of the above were conducted in the name of religion, Islam and Hinduism. Learn to effing use common sense. Your Hindu terrorists are "murderes" but somehow, your Hidutva lovers make them the PM of India and ministers of India, when they should be facing capital punishment. While you are too busy trying to coverup for your own Hindu terrorism and bashing the Muslim terrorists. What a hypocrisy!!!

Ask the mods to allow me to post videos on here, I'd show you where IA raped women, where RSS, BJP Hindu fanatics killed scores of Christians and Muslims, and forced (and constantly force) others to convert or die. This is life in India, if you are a Christian or Muslim. Hindus rule and everyone else is a fool right?
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so basically he is Supermen ??
what is new here ? everyone in Pakistan is surviving , actually its more appropriate to say everyone in this world is trying to survive on the daily basis ...
It whooshed over your head I guess.
I told you that my set of rights and wrongs 'll be different from your's, may be you dont understand that there's no universal truth.
If somebody tells you that sun rises in the east then do you think its true?or is it the only "right"??
To somebody who is brought up in an environment of religious extremism,do you think for such a person killing in the name of religion would be wrong??
what is right and what is wrong here?
confused...you really don't know where to stand and for right nearly every person knows about right and wrong but we change definition about certain situation at our will and our own target or benefit, it's religion,business or s*x we only try to guard our interest at best by changing definition it's true your hero would be my villain and my hero would be you villain.......dismiss
Yes I decided to cherry pick the "Indian" part..... cause I am indian, duh...... Regarding BJP terrorism, I would like to say a three letter word---> LOL .... Hindu, Christian,Sikh,Budhist, religious extremists doesnt use assult rifles and doesnt blowup kufirs daily.... And the thread is on Pakistan not India.... Sweet dreams
Technically bombs, rifle etc are easy mode of killing. These are instantaneous too. But killing by using swords, trident, spears, incendiaries etc in a broad day light for 3 days is really a sick mentality and an organised genocide. Yes many have been killed and many religious institution were attacked but never brought down to build extremist majority religious buildings
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