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A year ago, I was almost killed

You just went full retard here....

You are trying to cover up the things he said by comparing the situation with India
the truth being both are not interlinked in any way.....RSS never killed in the name of religion......India is not oppressing the minorities.....

I still remember the day Rumi was attacked...I find this article appropriate

You decided to cherry pick the "Indian" part obviously, but the entire article has a whole different meaning and message, which, you obviously didn't care for!! There are similar people in similar situation who get killed in India today by the Hindu religious extremists for being Christians or Muslims, etc. So to me, LeJ who tried to kill the OP or BJP / RSS who kill in the name of religion and persecute minorities....is no different. Both India and Pakistan need to focus on interneal religion based terrorism and not get innocents killed by these crazy barbaric religious nut cases. Humans deserve a free mind and spirit and its beyond any religion.

An unfortunate incident that happens way too often in certain countries, including Pakistan, if you speak against the majority religious fraction. India, Pakistan Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, etc, etc. Its a similar story. Getting humans killed in the name of religion or because they speak freely, should be an international crime and should have international / UN based human rights motioning a country who has a certain percentage of these crimes reported or happening per year. Human freedom and liberty, with freedom of speech are indeed invaluable and non-negotiable characteristics of human beings and human life. There shouldn't be ANY compromise on these basic human rights and values, no matter where you live.

Pakistan with respect to this article, has to change, tolerance has to come in and people need to learn to live with each other without violence. The society itself needs to change as they have lost thousands of people to terrorists, including many children who were recently killed in cold merciless blood by barbaric terrorists.

Pakistan's future, its economic growth, stability and security ALL depend on creating a tolerant society. Pakistan as a country has a huge opportunity coming up with respect to growing its economy, without peace and tolerance, this religious mess will make the economic progress disappear very quickly!
I did not beat around the bush...my post was very straightforward.
Pakistan is in shambles, economy is struggling and the political system is notoriously corrupt and unresponsive,nobody can deny that. According to some reports in 2014, taliban forces occupy almost 30% of Pakistan.
Unfortunately for Pakistan it has always been in the center of every storm, whether it was US-soviet tiff or post 9/11 wars.
The issue is.... that no matter how ineffective the regime is, massive foreign aid which is pumped by major powers and their allies, defuses any pressure on political elites to launch effective domestic reforms (that could promote sustained growth and higher standards of living within the country).
Add to it that excessive war-making efforts 've drained Pakistan’s limited economic resources.
As I said earlier that for my selfish reasons I want the Pakistani middle class to wake up from their deep slumber, and unmask those who use religious extremism and xenophobia to propagate hatred in the country. Let there be peace!
The religious extremism in your country effects my country too,I gave you my honest opinion...you can take it or ignore it.
Just by reducing my freedom of speech on this forum you wont be able to change much.

Levina who is not agreeing with the above sis. But why an Indian specially and posters like Solomen turns blind eye out of hatred on the efforts of Pakistan army curbing this fitna and taking back the 'reported' 30% as a counter argument? Things are changing and only a rational mind can calculate the the positive growth though gradual but you are just duplicating an outdated story. I repeat- gradual, slow growth. I do agree with you regarding some points but also mark my words - titanic needs to be sunk for good. What actually anecdotal is on the forums like these every Tom, Dick Indian emerges as he-man, a saviour of Pakistan which is absolutely hilarious. Haven't you noticed this tendency and am not talking about you. And who am I to reduce your freedom of speech. Please go ahead.
Levina who is not agreeing with the above sis. Things are changing and a only rational mind can calculate the the positive growth though gradual but you are just duplicating an outdated story. I repeat- gradual, slow growth. I do agree with you regarding some points but also mark my words - titanic needs to be sunk for good. What actually anecdotal is on the forums like these every Tom, Dick Indian emerges as he-man, a saviour of Pakistan which is absolutely hilarious. Haven't you noticed this tendency and am not talking about you. And who am I to reduce your freedom of speech. Please go ahead.
My post was in context to what was written in the article (by Raza Rumi). And did I say the titanic has sunk???

But why an Indian specially and posters like Solomen turns blind eye out of hatred on the efforts of Pakistan army curbing this fitna and taking back the 'reported' 30%?
I disagree!
Lakvi's bail proves you wrong, I guess Pakistan still differentiates between a good and bad terrorist.
My post was in context to what was written in the article (by Raza Rumi). And did I say the titanic has sunk???

I disagree!
Lakvi's bail proves you wrong, I guess Pakistan still differentiates between a good and bad terrorist.

Fine :-)
Dont mind bro...but you're too bad when it comes to arguing...this is the second time you've given in saying "fine". Lol

And may be you're right about the slow and gradual growth....


the replies to this post were very unexpected...

According to some reports in 2014, taliban forces occupy almost 30% of Pakistan.
30% good joke.

I disagree!
Lakvi's bail proves you wrong, I guess Pakistan still differentiates between a good and bad terrorist.
Lakvi is never proven guilty,and about good terrorist India also supported Muktis and LTTE.
30% good joke.

Not my words you see :)

Lakvi is never proven guilty,and about good terrorist India also supported Muktis and LTTE.
Just a few politicans in tamil nadu favor LTTE for their selfish reasons, otherwise majority of Indians 're against any kinda terrorism. Thats the reason you will find very few Indians (muslims or from other religion) in terrorist organisations like Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Dont mind bro...but you're too bad when it comes to arguing...this is the second time you've given in saying "fine". Lol

No, I don't mind. Oh if you know me that much then you would know that I never resort to the same old vicious circle of argument upon argument and that doesn't mean am running away, trust me. You may know my answer from Pakistan point of view bearing in mind am not Indian. Of course my personal thoughts might be different for some stands, might be inline. And what's new in the vid and fb? Fb link is some usual corner talks.
Not my words you see
start acting like a wise person,they say you believe 30 % means at least a whole province and you still think being a knowledge able person on these matters that nukes=ak 47,bullshit with AFSPA present in North-East India and J&k area with Red Corridor in center should we call India a failed state.
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Just a few politicans in tamil nadu favor LTTE for their selfish reasons, otherwise majority of Indians 're against any kinda terrorism. Thats the reason you will find very few Indians (muslims or from other religion) in terrorist organisations like Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
At height it enjoyed full support from RAW.Al-Qaeda i still think it's a hoax.
start acting like a wise person,
If you think I am a fool then stop giving likes to my posts, stop tagging and quoting me.
And yes, I'm not so wise. :)
they say you believe 30 % means at least a whole province and you still think being a knowledge able person on these matters that nukes=ak 47,bullshit with AFSPA present in North-East India and J&k area with Red Corridor in center should we call India a failed state.
India had its ups and downs in the past, but comparing Pakistan to India is ludicrous. To begin with we 're a democratic and secular country many times larger than Pakistan, our economic policies 're poles apart, and India is very diverse demographically. I never turned a blind eye towards whats happening in India. I know what went wrong in NE and I know why AFSPA is a necessary evil in some parts of India right now. But hey... India is off topic here, lets discuss my country on a more appropriate thread.

At height it enjoyed full support from RAW.Al-Qaeda i still think it's a hoax.
And you thought FBI,CIA,ISI 're angels?
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So.....you are an India, and you'll ignore religious terrorism in India. But when it happens elsewhere you'll cry fool's tears over it???? Right. How about before commenting on other places, you clean your own house first because it stinks just as bad??
Next, Assault rifles have been used in India, how do you think Indian Army has raped thousands of innocent Kashmiri women, many times in front of their men???
Does burning the ENTIRE village count where Christians were sleeping inside their home and your RSS-BJP Hindu nut cases burnt the entire villages, the Christians who didn't die, actually ran to the nearest jungle and had to hide their families there, so much happened that the Pope called the Indian Prime Minister asking him to stop mass murdering of minorities?
Forgot the Europeans, the Brits and the the President of the US's many statements urging India to protect its minorities??? Well, if Kafirs are being killed by Muslims extremists, the Hindu extremists are killing what they call Kafirs, which are the Christians and Muslims. So between Taliban and BJP - RSS, what's the difference? They BOTH kill others in the name of their religion. So to me, they are both terrorists. You can't cherry pick the ones you hate and support the ones you like. Be a man, call terrorism, terrorism, not Indian terrorists are better and safer at killing others, while the other terrorists are just blatant. That's some craziness in a fogged up head, high on blind patriotism !!

Racism is present in every country on this planet to some extent or the other. To truly understand the contours and facets of persecution of minorities, one has to understand a basic fact of human beings, that there will always be a percentage of them who don't believe in fair play and equality, and endorse might is right, if they are part of a majority.

Be it a developed country like the U.S. or Australia, or a developing country like India, Pakistan or China, or any undeveloped country.

There are so many cases of racism and race riots involving blacks in the U.S. that I feel it is laughable when countries like the U.S. can lecture us about mistreatment of minorities.

Similarly, about things like rape and gender violence, the comments from the west seem extremely hypocritical, when they forget their own statistics about both.

Born in Delhi, I still remember the anti Sikh riots in 84, so I'm not here to say that India is free from persecution of minorities. Fact is that no country is entirely free from this, as a certain percentage of it's population would definitely be extremist in nature.

What matters is degree of extremism in a country. And this would be directly proportional to the ratio of the percentage of it's population which is extremist in nature versus the percentage which is non extremist in nature.

What the author was emphasizing, and what you failed to understand was that, in India this ratio ensures that anyone speaking on tv against Hindutva extremism (and news shows are full of people airing their views and vilifying Hindutva extremism) does not have any fear of getting shot, whereas in Pakistan, this ratio ensures that anyone speaking against Islamic extremism on tv, has a very real apprehension of retaliatory action against him like getting shot or kidnapped.

So by comparing extremism in India and Pakistan you're basically comparing apples and oranges. Hope that you can understand the essence of the author's article without dragging in India.
If you think I am a fool then stop giving likes to my posts, stop tagging and quoting me.
And yes, I'm not so wise.
You act like fool trolls sometimes,i tag you because i think you are on forum to learn,nobody is enough wise.

I know why AFSPA is a necessary evil
Yes rape and killing of own peoples is necessary...huh...

And you thought FBI,CIA,ISI 're angels?
FBI is internal,ISI is angel as compared to CIA,RAW,KGB and Mossad.
قناص said:
Yes rape and killing of own peoples is necessary...huh...
I'm not surprised at this statement, to a layman like you AFSPA indeed sounds like awarding the ‘Right to Kill’ to our armed forces.
AFSPA gives legal immunity to the armed forces, when they undertake measures to quell violent protests in a “disturbed region. The Act was passed in the context of separatist movements and the violence caused by them. To score brownie points politicos jumped upon the opportunity and soon AFSPA was projected as a draconian law by international media.
India has witnessed many secessionist movements and has long suffered from extremist attacks. The very notion of secessionism disturbs the territorial integrity and unity of our country, AFSPA is the only solution in regions where violence is a daily routine.
Everything has its pros and cons and so does AFSPA.
And you should stop cherry picking On one-off incidents to pull blanket statements on Indian army.
I'm somebody who has spent good amount of time in both North Eastern India and J&K so I know what am talking about.

Btw we're off topic and I will not reply back to anymore off topics.

قناص said:
,ISI is angel as compared to CIA,RAW,KGB and Mossad.
The truth is, that we both perceive things differently. My set of rights and wrongs 're definitely not same as yours. If you can not understand this, then you can put me on your ignore list. I don't have any issues!

You act like fool trolls sometimes,i tag you because i think you are on forum to learn,nobody is enough wise.

I have been often been called double agent on this forum.Those who're anti-Pakistan think I support Pakistan while those who 're anti-hindutvawad think I'm a hindutvawadi. Lol
I express my honest opinion about what I hear and read, if that makes me a fool-troll(rhymes!) then so be it!
I have been often been called double agent on this forum.
right is right wrong is wrong no matter a Hindu or Muslim,an Indian or Pakistani but at last we are not going to sink,you will witness our rise soon,we never give up....
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