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A rare breed in politics: Unbelievable stories of Shahid Abbasi coming out of NAB detention

Not saying Shahid Khaqan engaged in corruption or not. I don't know, but Niaz sb in a post on this thread shared his opinion that nothing corrupt happened and I believe him.

But you have raised a serious point. Our prosecution is very weak all across the board. NAB is a specialized dept. and they are poor with conviction and prosecution. And when it comes to police, most of them have no concept. They just know how to beat confession out of innocent people. No concept of using technology and processes. Thats why there are murderers and rapists roaming around because they know they can get bail.

NAB is destroying the process of accountability by selective arrests. Moreover, does anyone remember Dr. Asim's case? He was accused of corruption for billions of dollars, yet, he was never prosecuted.
NAB is incompetent, why can't we ask for help from serious police organisations like the serious fraud office in Scotland Yard?

Scotland Yard is a hyped POS, Pakistan doesn't need any help of foreign POS organizations like british scotland yard to solve its domestic issues.
I don't know why people against him. Just because he is rich but simple, clean politician but loyal to NS.

Corrupts always supports corruption, so is he.
Western/US media are the pioneers of lies and disinformation, so in support of corruption they do not have any significance.
Comment: Explaining the LNG deal that helped Pakistan


A former prime minister languishes in a special security ward of Adiala Jail, used to hold inmates who have been given the death penalty. His “toilet” is a corner of the cell itself, marked off by walls that are only 24 inches high. And insiders say he is the only prisoner held there, so he’s alone all day and night.

A former finance minister has been released on bail after almost five months in captivity, including solitary confinement in the custody of National Accountability Bureau (NAB). Both of these men, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, ex-elected prime minister, and Miftah Ismail, who served as his finance minister, were arrested in a NAB case. The case was made against them and eight others, seven of whom were never arrested, over alleged corruption in LNG.

As opposition leader Imran Khan, and many anchors then doing his bidding, never clarified what actually was the corruption in the LNG “deal” but just alleged, without presenting any evidence, that there was corruption. The same stance was maintained when Imran Khan was ushered in as the PM.

In fact, the current NAB inquiry started out of an allegation and complaint from the Railways Minister Sheikh Rasheed. Earlier, in an inquiry four years ago, NAB had also inquired and exonerated Shahid Khaqan Abbasi of any corruption. But in Naya Pakistan, a new inquiry was initiated on the railway minister’s complaint, which led to the arrest of Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Miftah Ismail and Imranul Haq. (Interestingly, neither the petroleum ministry nor any of the companies under its control have complained about the issue and indeed are working according to the deals).

Although, the complaint didn’t specify where the corruption was yet there are two separate aspects of the LNG “deal”. First, is the terminal deal between Sui Southern Gas Company and Engro, to set up and run an LNG regasification terminal at Port Qasim for 15 years and second is the deal between PSO and Qatar Gas for the supply of LNG for 15 years. NAB is inquiring into both these matters but the arrest of PML-N leaders was in the terminal case.

Soon after the PML-N won the elections and formed a government in June, 2013, it started working on the LNG project. There were huge shortages of gas across Pakistan, crippling industry and causing extreme hardship for domestic consumers, especially in the winter months. The PML-N government under Nawaz Sharif embarked on an urgent effort to meet the shortage by importing natural gas.

In order to import the gas, the government first had to install an LNG receiving terminal at a port. This terminal stores and regasifies the liquified natural gas back into gas. According to official record, the government started a tender process to set-up a terminal in the private sector with the help of a consultant appointed and funded by USAID as part of its Energy Assistance Programme.

In July, the USAid appointed, through its own selection method, a British firm QED, which had previously been selected as a consultant for SSGC under the previous government, according to documents. It was one of the few international firms willing to work in Karachi in 2013. With the help of this consultant, a bidding process was started in July of 2013 and culminated in January, 2014 when the tender to build and operate a terminal at Port Qasim was awarded to EETPL, a subsidiary of Engro corporation.

As per documents, price at which the tender was first awarded was US$0.66 per million British thermal units (mmbtu) for a minimum of 400 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmcfd). SSGC guaranteed the terminal company that it would regasify a minimum of 400 mmcfd (on average, over a one-year period). If it fails to do so, it will pay the terminal company idle capacity charges of $228,000 per day.

In due course, the SSGC installed more pipelines that allowed it to pump more gas towards northern Pakistan and therefore the contract, after a tender process, was revised, with the new minimum quantity now fixed at 600 mmcfd but the rate revised downwards to $0.48 per mmbtu. The minimum capacity charge remained unchanged as the old rate covered all fixed costs, agreements show.

There are two points that Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Miftah Ismail made before the court and investigators. First, that because the terminal was fully utilised, no idle capacity charge was ever paid by SSGC to EETPL. This point is also agreed to by SSGC, even though it has a new managing director and board and it is now working under the PTI’s control. So there is no confusion about the fact that idle charges were never paid.

The second point they make is that the regasification charge of $0.48 per mmbtu and the idle capacity charges are the lowest in the world and, according to an insider, NAB after four years of investigation has not been able to find a single instance anywhere in the world of a lower tariff.

There are many examples of regasification terminals from India, Bangladesh, Chile, Indonesia, Singapore, Egypt, and quite a few have much higher rates. But not one rate that is cheaper. Yes not one, as challenged by both Abbasi and Miftah, calling detention as political victimization.

The second investigation that NAB is undertaking relates to the purchase of LNG from Qatar. The Qatar Gas company, whose subsidiary sold the gas to the Government of Pakistan, is owned by the state of Qatar in collaboration with ExxonMobil of America, Total of France and Shell, the Anglo-Dutch company.

These are three of the largest companies in the world. Qatar Gas sells around 60 million tons of gas per year whereas Pakistan buys only 3 million tons. In this backdrop to suggest that Qatar Gas or the state of Qatar bribed Pakistani politicians to buy its gas makes little sense, according to a top energy expert based in Islamabad.

Recalling the circumstances under which the deal was struck, the expert stressed that in February of 2016, Pakistan State Oil (PSO) entered into a 15-year contract to import LNG from Qatar at 13.37% of Brent Crude price. This number — 13.37% of Brent — was the same at which a few weeks earlier Gunver, a Swiss company, had won a tender to supply gas to Pakistan. PSO asked the second lowest bidder Shell to match this price but it refused. Then PSO asked Qatar, which till then had been insisting on a price of 13.9% of Brent, to match this price or lose the business. Finally, Qatar Gas relented and matched this price. Again here too Shahid Abbasi and Miftah Ismail claim that this price of 13.37% of Brent is better than any other long-term deal signed by any two parties anywhere in the world up to that point. This is a seriously strong claim to make and NAB has not been able to provide any price lower than this.

A month before Pakistan signed the contract with Qatar, India signed a contract with Qatar Gas for a larger amount of gas. India buys about three times the gas Pakistan buys and is a more experienced buyer, the expert said.

Yet the price that India got was higher than Pakistan’s price. The Indian price, according to NAB, is 12.65 percent of Brent plus a fixed rate of about of $0.60 per mmbtu.

Experts say this Indian price means that for Brent Oil price between zero and $84.20 per barrel, Pakistan’s gas price will be cheaper than India. Now when Pakistan signed the contract, the Brent price was only $35 per barrel and in the last four years, Brent has never once crossed $70 per barrel. This means that every shipment of gas bought by Pakistan in the last four years has been cheaper than India. Similar is the situation with Bangladesh.

A look into the arguments from NAB before the court suggest neither its investigators and prosecutors nor NAB’s consultant understood or were willing to understand that whereas India bought gas as a fraction of Brent price (slope) plus a constant, Pakistan only bought on the slope. Not understanding basic algebra, they added slope and constant to show that India’s price is lower than Pakistan. A lack of understanding on the part of NAB has also been pointed out by the honorable Islamabad High Court in its order granting bail to Imranul Haq.

Whatever the outcome may be, the real brunt of this investigation has been borne by Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Miftah Ismail and especially Imranul Haq, who is not even a politician and whose mother died the day he was released from jail and who as a result couldn’t meet her before she died. These actions by NAB impose huge human costs on people and therefore the power to arrest, granted to NAB, must be very judiciously exercised.

After reading this article it is clear that Pakistan has a good LNG deal with Qatar. Allegedly early very deal has bribery attached to it especially in Pakistan.

Comment: Explaining the LNG deal that helped Pakistan
This means that every shipment of gas bought by Pakistan in the last four years has been cheaper than India. Similar is the situation with Bangladesh.

Comment: Explaining the LNG deal that helped Pakistan


A former prime minister languishes in a special security ward of Adiala Jail, used to hold inmates who have been given the death penalty. His “toilet” is a corner of the cell itself, marked off by walls that are only 24 inches high. And insiders say he is the only prisoner held there, so he’s alone all day and night.

A former finance minister has been released on bail after almost five months in captivity, including solitary confinement in the custody of National Accountability Bureau (NAB). Both of these men, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, ex-elected prime minister, and Miftah Ismail, who served as his finance minister, were arrested in a NAB case. The case was made against them and eight others, seven of whom were never arrested, over alleged corruption in LNG.

As opposition leader Imran Khan, and many anchors then doing his bidding, never clarified what actually was the corruption in the LNG “deal” but just alleged, without presenting any evidence, that there was corruption. The same stance was maintained when Imran Khan was ushered in as the PM.

In fact, the current NAB inquiry started out of an allegation and complaint from the Railways Minister Sheikh Rasheed. Earlier, in an inquiry four years ago, NAB had also inquired and exonerated Shahid Khaqan Abbasi of any corruption. But in Naya Pakistan, a new inquiry was initiated on the railway minister’s complaint, which led to the arrest of Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Miftah Ismail and Imranul Haq. (Interestingly, neither the petroleum ministry nor any of the companies under its control have complained about the issue and indeed are working according to the deals).

Although, the complaint didn’t specify where the corruption was yet there are two separate aspects of the LNG “deal”. First, is the terminal deal between Sui Southern Gas Company and Engro, to set up and run an LNG regasification terminal at Port Qasim for 15 years and second is the deal between PSO and Qatar Gas for the supply of LNG for 15 years. NAB is inquiring into both these matters but the arrest of PML-N leaders was in the terminal case.

Soon after the PML-N won the elections and formed a government in June, 2013, it started working on the LNG project. There were huge shortages of gas across Pakistan, crippling industry and causing extreme hardship for domestic consumers, especially in the winter months. The PML-N government under Nawaz Sharif embarked on an urgent effort to meet the shortage by importing natural gas.

In order to import the gas, the government first had to install an LNG receiving terminal at a port. This terminal stores and regasifies the liquified natural gas back into gas. According to official record, the government started a tender process to set-up a terminal in the private sector with the help of a consultant appointed and funded by USAID as part of its Energy Assistance Programme.

In July, the USAid appointed, through its own selection method, a British firm QED, which had previously been selected as a consultant for SSGC under the previous government, according to documents. It was one of the few international firms willing to work in Karachi in 2013. With the help of this consultant, a bidding process was started in July of 2013 and culminated in January, 2014 when the tender to build and operate a terminal at Port Qasim was awarded to EETPL, a subsidiary of Engro corporation.

As per documents, price at which the tender was first awarded was US$0.66 per million British thermal units (mmbtu) for a minimum of 400 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmcfd). SSGC guaranteed the terminal company that it would regasify a minimum of 400 mmcfd (on average, over a one-year period). If it fails to do so, it will pay the terminal company idle capacity charges of $228,000 per day.

In due course, the SSGC installed more pipelines that allowed it to pump more gas towards northern Pakistan and therefore the contract, after a tender process, was revised, with the new minimum quantity now fixed at 600 mmcfd but the rate revised downwards to $0.48 per mmbtu. The minimum capacity charge remained unchanged as the old rate covered all fixed costs, agreements show.

There are two points that Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Miftah Ismail made before the court and investigators. First, that because the terminal was fully utilised, no idle capacity charge was ever paid by SSGC to EETPL. This point is also agreed to by SSGC, even though it has a new managing director and board and it is now working under the PTI’s control. So there is no confusion about the fact that idle charges were never paid.

The second point they make is that the regasification charge of $0.48 per mmbtu and the idle capacity charges are the lowest in the world and, according to an insider, NAB after four years of investigation has not been able to find a single instance anywhere in the world of a lower tariff.

There are many examples of regasification terminals from India, Bangladesh, Chile, Indonesia, Singapore, Egypt, and quite a few have much higher rates. But not one rate that is cheaper. Yes not one, as challenged by both Abbasi and Miftah, calling detention as political victimization.

The second investigation that NAB is undertaking relates to the purchase of LNG from Qatar. The Qatar Gas company, whose subsidiary sold the gas to the Government of Pakistan, is owned by the state of Qatar in collaboration with ExxonMobil of America, Total of France and Shell, the Anglo-Dutch company.

These are three of the largest companies in the world. Qatar Gas sells around 60 million tons of gas per year whereas Pakistan buys only 3 million tons. In this backdrop to suggest that Qatar Gas or the state of Qatar bribed Pakistani politicians to buy its gas makes little sense, according to a top energy expert based in Islamabad.

Recalling the circumstances under which the deal was struck, the expert stressed that in February of 2016, Pakistan State Oil (PSO) entered into a 15-year contract to import LNG from Qatar at 13.37% of Brent Crude price. This number — 13.37% of Brent — was the same at which a few weeks earlier Gunver, a Swiss company, had won a tender to supply gas to Pakistan. PSO asked the second lowest bidder Shell to match this price but it refused. Then PSO asked Qatar, which till then had been insisting on a price of 13.9% of Brent, to match this price or lose the business. Finally, Qatar Gas relented and matched this price. Again here too Shahid Abbasi and Miftah Ismail claim that this price of 13.37% of Brent is better than any other long-term deal signed by any two parties anywhere in the world up to that point. This is a seriously strong claim to make and NAB has not been able to provide any price lower than this.

A month before Pakistan signed the contract with Qatar, India signed a contract with Qatar Gas for a larger amount of gas. India buys about three times the gas Pakistan buys and is a more experienced buyer, the expert said.

Yet the price that India got was higher than Pakistan’s price. The Indian price, according to NAB, is 12.65 percent of Brent plus a fixed rate of about of $0.60 per mmbtu.

Experts say this Indian price means that for Brent Oil price between zero and $84.20 per barrel, Pakistan’s gas price will be cheaper than India. Now when Pakistan signed the contract, the Brent price was only $35 per barrel and in the last four years, Brent has never once crossed $70 per barrel. This means that every shipment of gas bought by Pakistan in the last four years has been cheaper than India. Similar is the situation with Bangladesh.

A look into the arguments from NAB before the court suggest neither its investigators and prosecutors nor NAB’s consultant understood or were willing to understand that whereas India bought gas as a fraction of Brent price (slope) plus a constant, Pakistan only bought on the slope. Not understanding basic algebra, they added slope and constant to show that India’s price is lower than Pakistan. A lack of understanding on the part of NAB has also been pointed out by the honorable Islamabad High Court in its order granting bail to Imranul Haq.

Whatever the outcome may be, the real brunt of this investigation has been borne by Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Miftah Ismail and especially Imranul Haq, who is not even a politician and whose mother died the day he was released from jail and who as a result couldn’t meet her before she died. These actions by NAB impose huge human costs on people and therefore the power to arrest, granted to NAB, must be very judiciously exercised.


Next guy trying to do good for Pakistan by doing clever deals will keep this in mind.
This haram knour destroyed PIA to make his private airline make more money.... no one can come close to these low lifes.....

By the way he is ambitious enough to dream of relacing Nawaz Sharif ..... hence the reason behind all these planted stories.... he is a known establishment guy...
no he did not this is pure bull scrap . PIA si destroyed since 2000 . air blue tiny fleet only operate at saudi UAE two international countries . PIA operate some 24 international routes and air blue has nothing to do with it . then come back again home PIA operates 19 domestic routes and airblue operate only 5 domestic cities . PIA is white elephant not because of air blue but because of over staffed / political groups in airline/ care less poor service since last 30 years /lack of plan /corruption /bailouts by gov/etc . i hate every corrupt party of paksitan including PML-N chor party but blaming shahid khaqan for PIA is ignorance sir . in fact these 10 airblue jets giving us revenue and seat per capita otherwise we were other nepal and bangladesh today . we already killed our decent shaeen air with ego of CAA/FIA/FBR . and we shrinked our 30%or seat per capita with it .
no he did not this is pure bull scrap . PIA si destroyed since 2000 . air blue tiny fleet only operate at saudi UAE two international countries . PIA operate some 24 international routes and air blue has nothing to do with it . then come back again home PIA operates 19 domestic routes and airblue operate only 5 domestic cities . PIA is white elephant not because of air blue but because of over staffed / political groups in airline/ care less poor service since last 30 years /lack of plan /corruption /bailouts by gov/etc . i hate every corrupt party of paksitan including PML-N chor party but blaming shahid khaqan for PIA is ignorance sir . in fact these 10 airblue jets giving us revenue and seat per capita otherwise we were other nepal and bangladesh today . we already killed our decent shaeen air with ego of CAA/FIA/FBR . and we shrinked our 30%or seat per capita with it .

Sir he stopped one of PIA's most lucrative route to New York.
Sir he stopped one of PIA's most lucrative route to New York.
and that route was not direct but you must have to land london re check everything again and depart to NY . costing PIA huge losses of 1.2RS annual operating loss . and prime minister did not decide routes of airlines for god sake . i may agree with you if airblue start new york operations or even have code share or transit till eu . that route was only route where you have to pay landing/airport/parking/ground services/fuel/ charges twice once in london and then in NY .
It seems every party has a few good gems, it's just a shame all of them (alongside the countless party supporters) obey the morons at the helm. It's not just that we have a tribal mentality, but a tier lower than that. Otherwise, there should be no reason why Abbasi is in jail, while the likes of Zardari, Nawaz, etc, are still out and about.
I am not happy with PMLN nor am I defending them. But to all those cursing Abbasi and making claims taken from idk where....Imran Khan is PM, PTI is in power at the center and in two provinces, they have the backing of the establishment. Why have we not seen convictions of any of these people? It’s been over one year and MNS is in London, Zardari is out and about, the chamchas are either in detention or out and about. Nothing being done/no one definitively convicted.

As much as we want to say these guys are thieves etc....where is the honest govt? What are they doing to get us justice? Other than press conferences and shouting in parliament?

Furthermore...we ALL know people like Vawda, Tareen etc are all thieves as well.
LNG scam: NAB turns its guns on ex-PM Khaqan Abbasi’s son


ISLAMABAD: The investigation into a multi-billion-rupee case linking to the award of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) import contract took a new turn after the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) turned its guns to Abdullah Abbasi, son of former premier Shahid Khaqan Abbasi.

The Bureau, in its first-ever investigation report, made shocking claims about hundreds of transactions, worth billions of rupees through companies’ accounts either owned by Shahid Khaqan Abbasi or his son Abdullah Abbasi or his relatives who have now come under intense scrutiny.

"The major flow of Rs1.2 billion showed in three accounts of Abdullah Abbasi in the past five years. Five accounts of [dummy] companies, Travel Routers (owned by Abdullah Abbasi/Saud Abbasi), Blue Water (owned by Abdullah Abbasi/Momin Ali Khan) and Pewar Builders (owned by Abdullah Abbasi) are also being analysed where Rs242 million were traced out while NAB report claimed that Abdullah Abbasi has had no independent source of income," revealed the investigation report, exclusively obtained by The News. "Out of total debit of Rs1.6 billion, a voluminous sum of Rs1.1 billion was withdrawn by Abdullah Abbasi between 2015 to 2019," revealed the report.

The development came days after former premier Abbasi applied for bail in Islamabad High Court, at a time when new amended NAB Ordinance came into force officially. The NAB investigation team in its findings submitted before the accountability court, further revealed that ex-premier Abbasi through his family members and front men/dummy companies maintained accounts for parking ill-gotten money. "Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, his wife Sameena Shahid, his son Abdullah Abbasi, his brother-in-law Dr Jehanzaib Qureshi, his sister Saadia Abbasi and Abid Riaz received total credit/debit of Rs1.53 billion from Feb 2015 to Nov 2019. Total credit of Rs22.3 million was found in Shahid Khaqan's account 0010040799270012 in ABL branch Islamabad," revealed the investigation report. A sum of Rs306 million was seen in four accounts of ex-premier Abbasi's relatives namely Abid Riaz and Saadia Abbasi and Rs74 million were credited in the account of Dr Jehanzaib Qureshi, operated between 2011 to July 2019, claimed the report.

Forensic analysis of bank accounts of accused Shahid Khaqan Abbasi disclosed that he paid a sum of Rs3.4 million to The Airblue, an airline established (by Abbasi) in 2003, from August 2011 to May 2017. The analysis, which encircled thousands of transactions, further revealed that bank accounts of The Airblue are also in process of scrutiny as the record is voluminous, suggested findings of the investigation. Abdullah Abbasi, who was summoned thrice by NAB investigation team, denied the allegations adding that his wife, his brother and other family members were also summoned by the NAB team.

"Neither did I do any illegal business nor did I own any undeclared companies. Blue Waters and Travel Routers are declared in my tax returns with FBR, while the majority of the amount came from my father's accounts as a gift," Abdullah Abbasi told The News. He, however, did not explain why Pewar Builders was not registered with SECP or declared with FBR, saying, "the said company has little business." Details of all assets have been submitted with NAB which failed to trace any wrongdoings -- all of my family members summoned by NAB, which found nothing against us so far." He further said, "I got 10 percent shares in Airblue this year, rest of the shares belonged to other companies."

NAB has investigated around 400 transactions of Airblue and his family's accounts but found no irregularity, he added. Some of the accounts were mentioned about his father's sisters which he said were their inherited assets. "NAB got details of Rs1.1 billion in Abdullah Abbasi's accounts which (except around Rs30 million) according to Mr Abbasi was gifted by his father to him in the past five years. NAB is fishing for evidence against Abbasi family -- but it failed. We are always cooperative with investigators -- NAB may review its findings as this report has had no proof against my father (Shahid Khaqan)," he told this correspondent.

"A reasonable gap between demand and supply of gas existed in 2012/13 but no mechanism was adopted by the accused Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to quantify the same on tangible data. During the course of the investigation, I could not find single tangible evidence within the Petroleum Division or SSGCL or SNGPL except to a figure of 2 BCF or 4 BCF in draft summaries of the defunct MP and NR. No study was undertaken by the defunct Ministry of Petroleum regarding the gap in demand and supply of gas in various sectors. Allocations were made on surmises without any scrutiny of applications, supported with a firm back to back agreements on the downstream side before import of LNG/RLNG. An estimated requirement of 1200MMCFD was shown in papers only. On such basis flimsy requisitions, 691 allocations of gas were made by ex-premier Abbasi without tangible verification of the requisitions," claimed the investigation report. Ex-premier Abbasi, however, denied all the allegations and equally rebutted NAB's findings before the court.

"It is evident that the second LNG Terminal was hurriedly established because of devoid of any demand. The said need was converted into an opportunity for some white-collar criminals. Ex-premier Abbasi played efficiently for making allocations of gas on flimsy requisition without scientific quantification as the case of LNG Terminal-Exquisite example of 'white collars crime'," stated the report. Ignoring government's companies like SSGC LPG Terminal for Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Miftah Ismail Ahmed, the accused failed to chalk out any plan or even utilise Rs246 billion of GIDC for its inherent purpose. Alleged loss is Rs21.6 billion which occurred illegal benefit to ETPL/EETPL from March, 2015 till Sept 2019 on account of exorbitant rentals, etc, revealed the report adding that Rs47 billion will be future illegal benefit from Oct 2019 till March 2029.

The investigation report further revealed that the State Bank of Pakistan in its confidential report handed over to NAB revealed an unusual transaction of Rs443 million from accounts of accused Miftah Ismail Ahmed. He, further investigation revealed, had got approved various power projects in name of his brother Maqsood Ismail Ahmed and the search of his accounts assets and offshore companies are in process and a supplementary reference will be filed soon.

Former MD Government Holding Pvt Ltd, Shahid Muzzafar, and his wife's accounts are also being scrutinised where Rs160 million were found in three different accounts including an account in Dubai Islamic Bank where Rs69 million were transferred abroad in June 2018, added the report. Accounts of Sheikh Imran-ul-Haq and his family members in other companies including Inbox Business Technologies Pvt Ltd and Asia Energy Pvt Ltd are being analysed where Rs1.7 billion were credited and debited between Dec 2016 to July 2019, revealed the report.

NAB’s investigation further revealed that "a voluminous transaction (credit/debit) of Rs1,517 billion has been made in 14 accounts of EETPL/ETPL from Jan 2014 to Nov 2019. A grant of a total of Rs1, 517 billion was credited in 14 accounts of EETPL/ETPL while Rs1,515 billion was the total debit from 2014-2019. There are 10 accounts of EETPL in MCB Bank whose total credits amount to Rs1464 billion while Rs1463 billion are total debits during the aforesaid period. There are two accounts of EETPL in Bank Al-Habib whose total credits are Rs30.4 billion while Rs30.3 billion are total debits from 2014 to 2019. There is one account of ETPL in MCB whose total credit amounts to Rs21.6 billion while Rs21.613 billion is the total debited from 2014 to 2019."

The Engro Elengy Terminal Pvt Ltd through account No 14759328 credited Rs688 billion in MCB Corporate Branch Karachi and then debited between Jan 2016 till Nov 2019, revealed the investigation. The account signatories are Aliudin, Naz Khan and Sheikh Imran-ul-Haque. The same company through MCB account 14759336 credited Rs668 billion and debited between June 2016 till Nov 2019 by aforesaid persons. Then the company through account 14769428 credited Rs290 billion operated by the same persons during the said time. Such transactions are also continued during the said period, revealed the report. The SSGCL record, according to report, showed that a total of Rs58 billion has been paid to EETPL from April 2015 till Sept 2109 in connection with various charges as per LSA in connection with LNG Terminal-I.

The investigation further revealed that the PEPRA rules were completely violated by engaging an easy to manage international consultant in the shape of QED Consultants through USAID. No proper TORs were made for M/s QED consultant regarding the evaluation of bids for the establishment of Terminal-I. No advertisement was given to international media, stated the report.

Hon Sir,

I personally knew the head of Operation of Qatar Petroleum who was involved in the LNG negotiations and assured me that no money changed hands and/or any underhand activity took place.

Additionally, if it was so, then why PTI Gov't has not canceled the contract? However, you are welcome to believe what you will.


I read the same article in the 'Jang' of today (https://jang.com.pk/news/682395-incredible-stories-of-shahid-khaqan-abbasi-from-nab-detention). The writer is Mr. Ansar Abbasi, a very senior journalist of the Geo-group. He also has 'twitter' account, you could ask him why he is such an audacious person that he dares to write good things about someone that your good self considers an incompetent thief!

You are a credible person and also a field expert. But this is strange to me that whenever I review newspapers like Jang and News and see channels like Geo, PMLN government looks like the savor of the nation and it appears like we were living in a paradise. In reality when I look at the actual situation on the ground there is not a single deal involving any government institutes that happens without money or power.

I am not talking about individual cases but tell me what should I believe as a citizen of Pakistan? Investigation reports or affairs happening in front of my own eyes?
You are a credible person and also a field expert. But this is strange to me that whenever I review newspapers like Jang and News and see channels like Geo, PMLN government looks like the savor of the nation and it appears like we were living in a paradise. In reality when I look at the actual situation on the ground there is not a single deal involving any government institutes that happens without money or power.

I am not talking about individual cases but tell me what should I believe as a citizen of Pakistan? Investigation reports or affairs happening in front of my own eyes?
PMLN has pretty much it's hand filled with lot of filth but i have seen era of Zardrai with my open eyes and they look angel infront of him heck even PAC Kamra got a massive hit during his tenure and plant was on idle when it comes to JFT production from 2008 to 2013.
They did lot of good things also and PTI is also doing some good things but overall picture still looks pretty bleak.

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