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A quick glimpse at the recent events world wide


Apr 7, 2010
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Though me not a geo-political analyst like some other experts,still I would like to put some recent events that might change the world order and tilt the balance away from US and west.

Russia fought a briek week day war supporting its stance on Abkhazia and S.Ossetia.Declared them independant.

Russia released its modified doctrine recently.Where it highlights its right to use N weapons whenever its been under attack either conventionally/nuclear.Or its allies comes under attack by aggressors.this spured a lot at the international level.

US-Russia reached a nuclear deal while russia had its hands on top.Russia reserves right to break the deal and take action if its interests were threatned with US missile defence in russian backyard.

Pro-US gov in Kazak fells with a pro-Russian honors the chair.

anti-russian poloand top brass from prez to mil commanders (some 132 top core leaders) dies in a plane crash.

Russia concludes a long due SAM deal with china and Iran.

Pro Kazak gov threatens US airbase which is a life line to afghan war.

China pushes for friendly India talks and to resolve disputes.

BRIC calls for food security bill

BRIC opposes Iran sanctions.

IBSA calls for more co-operation.

Indo-Saudi ties calls for great co-operation in many other fields.

US loosing war in Afghan again.

US loosing its dominance over the world.
And people can add many other relevant ones.

All this recent hush bush makes me feel that,POWER is changing hands at a great pace than what was anticipated.

A single country cant simply take on US in a conventional strike.Which was evident.
But the goals of bringing in a multi-polar world is getting real.

those people who were sick and tired of west domination,can feel free in this multi-polar world which can be secular.
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