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A map that explains US Military and CIA interventions in other countries post WW-II.

I will be sure to point it out the next time I see the double standard I pointed out above.
Let me clarify one thing: Demanding proof of any form of intelligence operation is stupid. The whole point of such operations is that they are secretive, i.e leave no proof. I never demanded proof of CIA operations, neither have I demanded proof of ISI operations.

When I believe (or disbelieve) a theory about such things, its based on how plausible the theory is. For example, the theory that the CIA is working against the Syrian government is pretty plausible, just as the theory that the ISI is supporting certain militant groups. On the other hand, the theory that the ISI tried and failed to kill Hamid Mir is not plausible, just as the theory that the CIA is controlling Nawaz Sharif.

Anyways, do point out if I ever use double standards, I will be sure to correct my mistake.
Intellectual honesty? Nope. It is more fun to vilify only USA. :D


Back to the topic, such a map by itself means absolutely nothing at all without context for each incident claimed.
That is exactly what this thread is for. No Americans who lived through the Cold War take this seriously.
That is exactly what this thread is for. No Americans who lived through the Cold War take this seriously.

The vilification only lasts as long as the next disaster when it changes to berating USA for not doing enough to help. Funny how that works, eh? :D
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