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A complete encirclement Of Pakistan? by the Indo-Afghan alliance??

The problem is that India uses the Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan. It is an established fact that Indian consulates have become terror outfits where suicide attackers are trained to harm Pakistan. Let's not pretend otherwise because there is overwhelming proof to back this up. In fact, many top Indian officials in various capacities have acknowledged this on numerous occasions. Terror is a much preferred tool by India. To top it all, it is happening right under the nose of an occupying force, namely the US.

You cannot expect peace and trade at the expense of harming Pakistan. You seek to use Pakistani territory for engagement with Afghanistan and Central Asia, yet you also indulge in harming Pakistan by use of terror. These things don't go hand in hand. India and the US are going to have to make a choice. They either seek peace with all the actors involved and treat every country on a level playing field. Otherwise, the outcome is right before you. This is a frank assessment.

Do we have to put up with this appalling rubbish? This string of allegations mapping on to us what has been commonplace for your own country? Is nothing out of limits in your fevered imagining?
Just let us know when you have the time to tell us what to do, where, how. We'd be happy to learn from your success.

A desi Joe Shearer? LOL What up, Indian? What happened to your real name?

Do we have to put up with this appalling rubbish? This string of allegations mapping on to us what has been commonplace for your own country? Is nothing out of limits in your fevered imagining?

Oh, I c. You don't like the truth? Just deny it like the rest of your countrymen on this forum. You could make yourself feel better that way. We won't buy it though.
A desi Joe Shearer? LOL What up, Indian? What happened to your real name?

Oh, I c. You don't like the truth? Just deny it like the rest of your countrymen on this forum.

The truth to me is not what I want to hear; it is what exists in the wide world out there. If you read the article, which is questionable, since you seem to be very fond of hearing the sound of your own voice and the sight of your own words with no time left for other views, you will find that it is a universal perception, not an Indian one, and the author is Pakistani, writing for a Pakistani publication, not an Indian writing for an Indian audience.

A desi Joe Shearer? LOL What up, Indian? What happened to your real name?

Oh, I c. You don't like the truth? Just deny it like the rest of your countrymen on this forum. You could make yourself feel better that way. We won't buy it though.

No, I like the truth. I don't like rhodomontade. You used up a lifetime quota. And we don't need anything to make us feel better than you, just at the moment. And again, since you didn't read the article, there is nothing that you need to buy. There is, in fact, nothing you get to buy - the point of the article which you so sadly did not get.
The truth to me is not what I want to hear; it is what exists in the wide world out there. If you read the article, which is questionable, since you seem to be very fond of hearing the sound of your own voice and the sight of your own words with no time left for other views, you will find that it is a universal perception, not an Indian one, and the author is Pakistani, writing for a Pakistani publication, not an Indian writing for an Indian audience.

Joe, calm down with the "truth". You perhaps mean the same truth regarding the WMDs in Iraq that never existed, right? We know what truth in your dictionary means.

So what if the author is a Pakistani? You trying to impress us? There are 200 million Pakistanis on this planet. They all have various opinions. Anything else you want to share?

No, I like the truth. I don't like rhodomontade. You used up a lifetime quota. And we don't need anything to make us feel better than you, just at the moment. And again, since you didn't read the article, there is nothing that you need to buy. There is, in fact, nothing you get to buy - the point of the article which you so sadly did not get.

You don't like the truth or else you wouldn't have reacted in the manner you have, Joe. Now stop pandering, Joe. You're not making much sense. Go and breathe.
the current afghan government represents northern allaince which was always anti pakistan. the majority 66 percent mostly pushtuns they are already in war with them. Pakistan can end their rule if they ever get a chance. afterall afghan taliban just needs some anti aircraft weapons to do so and in case of war between kabul and pakistan they will get them.

This is the kind of wishful thinking that has got you where you are. First, the Pakhtun do not necessarily support you. Just being one yourself doesn't mean that you really know what the others want, only that you know what you want. They don't want your country, and even less do they want the military organisation that was responsible for the continued separation of the two segments of land where Pakhtun live. I can walk around Kabul without any trouble. You can't once you identify your nationality. It's as simple as that.
This is the kind of wishful thinking that has got you where you are. First, the Pakhtun do not necessarily support you. Just being one yourself doesn't mean that you really know what the others want, only that you know what you want. They don't want your country, and even less do they want the military organisation that was responsible for the continued separation of the two segments of land where Pakhtun live. I can walk around Kabul without any trouble. You can't once you identify your nationality. It's as simple as that.

An Indian teaching Pakistanis about their ethnic roots and whether they are liked/disliked by their own brethren. LOL These pathetic Indians think they have all the answers. You're a fool who is in denial and it doesn't make one iota of difference to us what a hateful Indian thinks or believes. This is the very reason India got split in two nations in the first place and rightfully so. You keep believing in your fabricated fairy tales. Meanwhile, stop begging us to do more.

Exactly, Kabul is all where you can walk. Try walking outside of Kabul and you'll see what happens to an Indian. Don't think that you are admired, "Joe". You Indians like living in a fools paradise. A Pashtun will eat your kind for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Do we have to put up with this appalling rubbish? This string of allegations mapping on to us what has been commonplace for your own country? Is nothing out of limits in your fevered imagining?

It's like the password Gentlemen's Clubs of yore used to have. To gain instant acceptance and admittance all you have to do is to utter the magic words "Indian Terror" so fault lies not with the poor chap you have quoted but the social conditioning. It is really frightening to see how they so easily accept the propaganda as gospel but perhaps that only points to the excellence of the propagating agencies. (RAW if you are monitoring this - I accept credit cards)

OR perhaps I am the one of who has completely lost touch with reality and have been conditioned by Indian Media (ISI please send some love (in form of US $$ this way)).

So hard to tell what's true and what's not these days
Joe, calm down with the "truth". You perhaps mean the same truth regarding the WMDs in Iraq that never existed, right? We know what truth in your dictionary means.

No, there's no perhaps about it, the only scoundrels that believed the WMD rubbish were closer at home to you than I am. So get on the right side of the historical fence; you've wandered around a bit, more than a bit.

So what if the author is a Pakistani? You trying to impress us? There are 200 million Pakistanis on this planet. They all have various opinions. Anything else you want to share?


If you don't know that the author was Pakistani and attributed the views in the article to Indians, it was an honest mistake.

If you knew, and attributed the views to Indians, it was not an honest mistake. I take it that you can work it out from this point on.

You don't like the truth or else you wouldn't have reacted in the manner you have, Joe. Now stop pandering, Joe. You're not making much sense. Go and breathe.

I don't like bluster and misrepresentation. As for pandering, I suggest you look up the word before using it. Whether I am making sense or not is for others to judge, not you, since you apparently can't read an article without getting it back to front.
even less do they want the military organisation that was responsible for the continued separation of the two segments of land where Pakhtun live

You want our military to annex Pashtun areas of Afghanistan? That's a horrible thing to say. Besides Pakistani Pashtuns don't like them here. They have had enough.
No doubt, the Northern Alliance is an anti-Pakistan force across the border. These fools think that they can harm Pakistan by allowing Indian terror consulates to operate freely in Kabul. They are sorely mistaken. Afghanistan is never going to prosper as long as it treats the Pashtun majority as third rate citizens. We saw the same problem in Iraq where the Americans decided to support the Shiite minority and alienate the Sunni majority. Look at Iraq today. The same story in Syria and other conflict zones around the world. Alienating an entire group of population always backfires.

One consulate in Kabul. And they are supposed to be breeding so many terrorists that the famous ISI is now hyperventilating? Are you serious?

As for your wishful thinking about the Pakhtun being automatically on the side of Pakistan, there seems to be an awful lot of daylight between reality and your own view.

In do - Afghan relationship currently does not effect Pakistan. Afghanistan is a problematic place and it will take time to come out of the mess. Pakistan plays an important role in the Afghanistan's situation.
Yes We have reservations regarding the Indian role in Afghanistan but us being surrounded or isolated is a wrong deduction.

You will probably be assaulted savagely for being balanced and sane. That is an occupational hazard.

Khattak Khana U ve already spelled out the strategy of how to deal with NA govt in Kabul if they dare launch any aggression against us, toeing lines of India. And as a matter of fact ATs are quite self sufficient in all matters. Once ANA tries to launch anything against Pakistan, the vacuum left by ANA in Afghanistan wud let ATs unleash hell on them from behind and elsewhere in Afghanistan.

And you are busy not doing anything for the simple reason that you are hard at work doing what, exactly?

If Pakistan's deep state could have had its way, it would have done all that is being threatened and more years ago. Why is it not happening? Could it be possibly because these prescriptions don't work?
No, there's no perhaps about it, the only scoundrels that believed the WMD rubbish were closer at home to you than I am. So get on the right side of the historical fence; you've wandered around a bit, more than a bit.


If you don't know that the author was Pakistani and attributed the views in the article to Indians, it was an honest mistake.

If you knew, and attributed the views to Indians, it was not an honest mistake. I take it that you can work it out from this point on.

I don't like bluster and misrepresentation. As for pandering, I suggest you look up the word before using it. Whether I am making sense or not is for others to judge, not you, since you apparently can't read an article without getting it back to front.

LOL You're an an absolute emotional joker. Keep them emotions flowing, "Joe". I like an emotional and angry Indian. An Indian who hides under different names. It exposes your DNA and fabric. This is how you are meant to be. Even the colonial Brits figured you lot out. Very easy to decipher. A lot of hot air, but zero substance.

I know who the author is. Now stop evading my questions.

Again, I never attributed the views of the author to the Indians on this forum. That's what you're trying to make out of it, "Joe". Quote me if I have though, "Joe".

Take a deep breathe now, Joe. I got you all riled up. I know the truth hurts.
That's an accusation on your part because we think the same about India. India has always resorted to terror tactics long before its presence in Afghanistan. Kashmir is a clear cut example. Lately, India has had the luck of a superpower siding with it. Pakistan had the same support during the Cold War. Nevertheless, this doesn't solve anything because Afghanistan is a hellhole and as long as various actors aren't treated on equal footing it will remain that way.

The key lies with the US. Are they willing to give the Pashtun Sunni majority an equal chance of participation as opposed to other ethnic groups? If not, don't blame Pakistan for the problems in Afghanistan. US policies in Afghanistan are a disaster.

The difference being, as one tends to forget, judging by this self-pitying post, that you got sliced up while a superpower was backing you, and that's far from what's happening when a superpower is backing us now. Maybe something clumsy about the way your leaders do things?
The difference being, as one tends to forget, judging by this self-pitying post, that you got sliced up while a superpower was backing you, and that's far from what's happening when a superpower is backing us now. Maybe something clumsy about the way your leaders do things?

LOL We got sliced up? You forgetting history old man Joe? Your white masters came in and took care of Hindustan LOL They separated you into bits and pieces. Today, you even share their fictive names. Tells me something about you, "Joe".
LOL You're an an absolute emotional joker. Keep them emotions flowing, "Joe". I like an emotional and angry Indian. An Indian who hides under different names. It exposes your DNA and fabric. This is how you are meant to be. Even the colonial Brits figured you lot out. Very easy to decipher. A lot of hot air, but zero substance.

I know who the author is. Now stop evading my questions.

Again, I never attributed the views of the author to the Indians on this forum. That's what you're trying to make out of it, "Joe". Quote me if I have though, "Joe".

Take a deep breathe now, Joe. I got you all riled up. I know the truth hurts.

If you know who the author is, you did a bad job of assigning his thoughts and attitudes to people who have had nothing to do with him, his article or his publication. And if you did not attribute his views to the Indians on this forum, your own posts contradict you. As for quoting you, you really think you ought not to read your own posts?

That's an accusation on your part because we think the same about India. India has always resorted to terror tactics long before its presence in Afghanistan. Kashmir is a clear cut example. Lately, India has had the luck of a superpower siding with it. Pakistan had the same support during the Cold War. Nevertheless, this doesn't solve anything because Afghanistan is a hellhole and as long as various actors aren't treated on equal footing it will remain that way.

The key lies with the US. Are they willing to give the Pashtun Sunni majority an equal chance of participation as opposed to other ethnic groups? If not, don't blame Pakistan for the problems in Afghanistan. US policies in Afghanistan are a disaster.

Such a wonder.

And in spite of your sterling resistance to their disastrous theories.

How tough it must have been, swallowing up billions of dollars while putting up dignified and principled resistance to those stupid Americans. How silly of them no longer to support you. One wonders why.
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