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A Brief History of The Warrior Rajputs

Two reasons, Dahir captured some Muslim ships and Dahir allowed some Shias to settle in Sindh.

That was the fabrication to justify Arab conquest of Sindh, there are also other fabrication about Dahir's married life when Hindus strictly don't intermarry in the same bloodline and clan. Arab conquest of Sindh was get control of vital trade route and other reason was him giving asylum to Muhammad Bin Allafi.
jarves, Multani, KingMamba, shan
@jarves @Multani @KingMamba @shan
My point by point rebuttal:

1) I talked about the "The History of Modern Day India", not of Pakistan. I firmly stand by every data I put in the list. And, as far as the Hindu rule of the Sub-continent, it continued for thousand and thousand and thousand years. There is no dispute over it.

2) The so called Muslim rule of the sub-continent was the 120-130 years of Mughals(1556-1680) of Uzbekistan. Almost every Mughal rulers(Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan) either used to go the Brahmins for blessings or used Mughal treasury to build Hindu temple.India muslims take pride it it, not some low-life pakistanis. Only Aurangzeb refused to bow down before Brahmins. As a result, Brahmins poped up the Marathas who humiliated them, subjugated them and forced the mughals to bow before brahmins. The main strategist for the rise of the Maratha Empire was a Gaur Brahmin.

Delhi Sultanate(1206-1526/1556) was a kingdom of only gangetic plane. They had no control over west India, Central India, South India, a large part of East India and Himalayan kingdoms. During this time, it was Business as usual for Brahmins.

3)There is no deference as Hind and Sind over IVC .

Provinces with Indus Valley Civilization Sites: Sindh, Rajasthan, Punjab(both East & West), UP, Gujrat, Baluchistan, Haryana, Kashmir, Maharashtra.

4) Vedic civilization was mainly a Gangetic Civilization with all the vedic texts written in the boundary of modern day India.

5) Yes, Hindus persecuted Buddhists and Jains between 5th and 8th century. Many jain temples turned into Hindu temples. Nalanda was already in a bad condition before the turks came. Mihirakula, a Hun and a follower of Shiva, first attacked Nalanda. But, later all became friends. In constitution of India, Hindu means Buddhists, Jains , Hindus and Sikhs.

6) There should not be an iota of doubt that most of the Muslims of Indian sub-continent were backward class Hindus.

7)Hinduism was a preeminent religion in Afghanistan along with other native religions. In Mahabharata, many characters are found having their homes in Afghanistan. Again, Samarkand, one of the favorite places of Babur, is named after a Hindu monk,Markanda. It clearly shows the influence of Hinduism even in the central Asia.

I again post the list. It is absolutely accurate. Challenge me if you can.

The History of Modern Day India

5500 BCE to 2000 BCE: Indus Valley Civilization. Provinces withIndus Valley Civilization Sites: Sindh, Rajasthan, Punjab(both East & West), UP, Gujrat, Baluchistan, Haryana, Kashmir, Maharashtra.

2000 BCE to 600 BCE: Vedic Civilization or Gangetic Civilization.

600 BCE to 300 BCE: Sixteen Mahajanapadas or Sixteen Great Kingdoms.

4th Century BCE: The Nanda Empire. It was the first powerful and influential Indian imperial power.

322 BCE to 185 BCE:TheMaurya Empire. It was the largest ever Indian empire and imperial power.

1st Century BCE to 1st Century CE: 1) North-West India: Indo-Greek Kingdom. 2) North-Central India: Sunga Empire. 3) South India: Satavahana Kingdom. 4) West India: Indo-Scythian Kingdom.

1st Century CE to 3rd Century CE: 1) North India: The Kushan Empire. 2) South India: Satavahana Kingdom. 3) West India: Indo-Scythian Kingdom.

4rd Century CE to 6th Century CE: The Gupta Empire. Most of the historians consider this period as The Golden Age of India.

6th Century CE: 1) North India: The White Huna Kingdom under Mihirakula and his father Tormana. And also many small Kingdoms.. 2) South India: The Pallava Empire.

7th Century CE: 1) North India: Empire of Harshavardhan. 2) South India: The Pallava Empire and The Chalukya Empire.

NOTE: Islam came to India in this time, mainly in the South India in the 1st half of 7th century by Arab traders.

8th Century to 12th Century CE: 1) West India: TheGurjara Pratihara. 2) East India: Pala Empire. 3) South India: Rashtrakutas Empire and Chola Empire. Again, between 8th and 11th century a fierce Tripartite Struggle took place among them over Kanauj or Gangetic plane. Again, the Karkota dynasty of King Lalitaditya Muktapida of Kashmir created a huge north Indian empire (625-1003) extended upto Central Asia(Turkestan).

13th Century CE to Mid 16th Century CE: 1) North India: Delhi Sultanate. It was the third Indian empire of Central Asians after Scythians and Hunas. Sufism and Bhakti Movement started during this time. 2) South India: Chola Empire( upto mid 14th century) and Vijaynagar Empire (upto mid 16th century). 3) Rajputana and Western India: Rajputs 4) Other Areas: Himalayan Kingdoms by Gurkhas and Maharasthra by Bahmani Empire.

1526 CE to 1556 CE: 1) North India: Total Chaos. Four rulers came into being: Babur, Sher Shah, Humayun and Hemu Vikramaditya. 2) South India: Vijaynagar Empire. 3) Rajputana and Western India: Rajputs

1556 CE to 1707 CE: Mughal Empire. It was one of the greatest empires of India. Mughals were Chagatai Turks of Uzbekistan. During this time, a new culture of singing, dancing, drinking, writing, art, inter-religious marriages and synthesis of faiths developed.

1680/1707 CE to 1805/1818 CE: Maratha Empire. It was the last Pan-Indian imperial power. At its peak, it was stretched from Bengal to Peshawar and from Kashmir to Tamilnadu.

Bengal: Battle of Palassey(1757) took place which later proved to be a turning point in the history of India.

First half of the 19th Century: 1) North-West India: Sikh Kingdom in Punjab, Haryana, Kashmir and KP. 2) Rest of India: Rapid expansion of British East India Company rule annihilating many small states.

1857 CE: The Sepoy Mutiny or The Indian Rebellion.

1858 CE to 1947: British India. Bengal Renaissance. Congress was established in 1885, Muslim League in 1906 and RSS in 1925. Age of Gandhi (1919- his death).

1947 CE: Partition of India. The Republic of India was born.

1947 CE to Present Time: Nehruvian Period (1948 to 1964). Help in the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. First Non-Congress Government came in 1977. India becomes a Trillion Dollar economy in 2007.
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Yes, I have read that he gave asylum to Muhammad Bin Allafi, the follower of Iman Hussain. I also heard that Sindhi Muslims still keep lots of admiration for Raja Dahir.
Alternative narratives: ‘History rewritten to further political ends’ – The Express Tribune
The muhammad qasim episode had a zilch effect on the socio-political-religious aspect of India. Pakistanis are too much preoccupied with it. :lol:
Ghau still means cow in Urdu and Hindi no?

It is a hindutva theory like the one claiming Mexicans are Hindu probably another pseudo historian you guys are famous for, Ghauris were either Turks or Iranian Tajiks.

Read a book *the Pathans* the ghauris,ghilzais are Turkics who adopted the Pashtun customs n traditions .. N to some extend even intermingled with the Pashtuns..
Yes, I know. Shivaji's ancestry is not yet clear. That's why I said, "Shivaji is said to be a Sisodia Rajput."

Writings in the Mughal Court are found cursing Shivaji as a Rajput.

Actually it was Shahaji Raje, Shivaji's father who used to say that he is rajput.
I saw your original post before you edited it :lol: I won't comment because I know there are some good Pakistanis who I don't want to offend

You offended many .. Hence the post .. Which I still deleted coz it was offensive towards other brazilians .. U my frnd are turning into a knee Armstrong n imbengali .. Get a grip homes ..my provinces lies half in Middle East n half in South Asia .. Just for the info ..

I saw your original post before you edited it :lol: I won't comment because I know there are some good Pakistanis who I don't want to offend

You offended many .. Hence the post .. Which I still deleted coz it was offensive towards other brazilians .. U my frnd are turning into a knee Armstrong n imbengali .. Get a grip homes ..my provinces lies half in Middle East n half in South Asia .. Just for the info ..
Brother, what about the Baluch ? I remember reading somewhere that the Baluch came to these lands thousands of years ago from present-day Iraq - Is there some truth in this or is this another one of those origin myths that everyone seems to have ?

According to myths it's Aleppo not Iraq .. Historical proof says Medes were our ancestors .. Historically,culturally n linguistically Kurds are our cousins ..
You offended many .. Hence the post .. Which I still deleted coz it was offensive towards other brazilians .. U my frnd are turning into a knee Armstrong n imbengali .. Get a grip homes ..my provinces lies half in Middle East n half in South Asia .. Just for the info ..

You offended many .. Hence the post .. Which I still deleted coz it was offensive towards other brazilians .. U my frnd are turning into a knee Armstrong n imbengali .. Get a grip homes ..my provinces lies half in Middle East n half in South Asia .. Just for the info ..

According to myths it's Aleppo not Iraq .. Historical proof says Medes were our ancestors .. Historically,culturally n linguistically Kurds are our cousins ..

What the hell does 'turning into a knee Armstrong n imbengali' means ? :mad:
@A Town why is it hard for you to believe some Rajputs became Muslim? :D

In fact if you read The Preaching of Islam by British author Thomas Arnold you will have a heart attack if you read what he wrote about Rajputs. :rofl:

Not everyone is Mughal though so you are half right. :enjoy:
I don't doubt that some Rajputs became Muslim, I just doubt that Rathores, Chauhans and Tomars became Muslim like Multani claimed.
I don't doubt that some Rajputs became Muslim, I just doubt that Rathores, Chauhans and Tomars became Muslim like Multani claimed.

Some of them did obviously not in large numbers although I recommend you read the book I mentioned specifically the chapter on India.

Brother, what about the Baluch ? I remember reading somewhere that the Baluch came to these lands thousands of years ago from present-day Iraq - Is there some truth in this or is this another one of those origin myths that everyone seems to have ?

Baluch people are Eastern Iranian group most likely related to the Kurds, there are a lot of Kurds in Iraq so they could be from Iraq although obviously that does not mean they are Arabs.

That was the fabrication to justify Arab conquest of Sindh, there are also other fabrication about Dahir's married life when Hindus strictly don't intermarry in the same bloodline and clan. Arab conquest of Sindh was get control of vital trade route and other reason was him giving asylum to Muhammad Bin Allafi.

Give me source that it was fabricated although I agree that it was just an excuse to conquer.

If Dahir Allowed some shia victims to settle in Sindh then what was Bin Qasim Problem?
and After winning what Qasim did with those victims?

He allowed some shias who had fought with the Caliph to settle in Sindh which was the problem so the Caliph demanded he let them go but it is a South Asian custom to protect guests so he said no.

Anyway nothing happened to them really because MBQ got called back and executed for some dubious reason. Sindh later was ruled by Shias when areas east of Iraq gained autonomy many local dynasties included as was Punjab which had a shia sultanate centered around Multan.

Buddhism didn't disappear in the time of Pushyamitra Sunga but disappeared in the time of Ghauri who sent Khiljis to plunder Buddhist Stupas, the five great Buddhist universities of India Nalanda, Vikramshila, Jaggadala, Somapura and Odantapura were destroyed at the time of Ghauri. Buddhism started to decline after the Hun invasion after the fall of Gupta Dynasty. The Gupta had great patronage for Buddhism and even funded many Buddhist Viharas.

Persecution is recorded by Buddhist themselves and of course it did not totally disappear under his rule but it declined greatly.
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