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9 Hard Points Not Enough

I am no expert in comparison to you sir but instead of more hardpoints if a fighter jet is flying in a fully jamproof network airspace with top notch detection capabilities with enough EW and satellite coverage with intelligent munitions, even a fighter jet with 5 hardpoints would be more effective.

I think the U S should start production of the A 10 one more time---there is nothing out there with so much fire power and destruction---plus the ability to survive under extreme duress---.


Truthfully---the JF 17 is not enough against the hordes either.
U.S is not considering Scorpion as a direct replacement for Warthog it's not. It's COIN capabilities should be considered icings on top of it's LIFT role cake. It'll be a contender for T-38 replacement and now Boeing I think is developing new jet to compete. USAF is now arguing that it's the PGMs necessary for CAS not the A-10 itself because they wanna move on with F-35.

I don't see the point in comparing this with our situation, and USAF would also have thought about hardpoints if it only had one platform to procure and operate
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