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9 civilians killed in US drone strike in Kabul

Why didn’t they first try to get the local forces to engage the suspect, they still could have retained the option to engage from overhead with a drone if the Talibs failed to get the guy. Besides, the us is still in the city, it’s not like an Apache couldn’t come by to finish the job in case the local forces and a drone failed to get him.

This was more of a demonstration of the over the horizon concept and we can all see what that is gonna look like.
US doesn't share intelligence with anyone and using ground assets could have been fatal for American personnel. However, the decision indeed looks like made in haste.
RIP to the dead. Heart-breaking. Americans should apologize to Afghans, punish those who committed this massacre, and compensate the family. This almost seems like, jittered by the suicide bombing at the Kabul Airport and then the rockets fired at the airport, someone pulled the trigger in a very bad way. Criminal offense!
One good thing, however, is that the NY Times front page has been reporting this tragedy and showing pics of the dead children. Americans NEED to watch such things! For too long, bombing the crap out of people thousands of miles away has been taken in stride in America. That mentality needs to change!!
RIP to the dead. Heart-breaking. Americans should apologize to Afghans, punish those who committed this massacre, and compensate the family. This almost seems like, jittered by the suicide bombing at the Kabul Airport and then the rockets fired at the airport, someone pulled the trigger in a very bad way. Criminal offense!
One good thing, however, is that the NY Times front page has been reporting this tragedy and showing pics of the dead children. Americans NEED to watch such things! For too long, bombing the crap out of people thousands of miles away has been taken in stride in America. That mentality needs to change!!

US would not apologise .. spilling muslim blood all over the world has been their mission.
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