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6000yr old, lost cast waxing in Pak

Not you, you were the product of that marauding. Actual ones were turks, mongols and persians. And the failure wasn't just limited to present pakistan only.. it indeed extended to delhi, bengal and many other parts for short periods of time. But we ere able to regroup and expel them from major areas as of now. Who knows what will happen in future?
Bengals and co expelled Turks and Afghans hahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahaaa:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
We earned our freedom by splitting up the artificial British entity known as India, btw the question begs, who named India, was it Alexander or the Brits, both invaders from afar:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

NO,no....no they chose the noble concept of Monotheism over their irrational beliefs, as much as it must hurt your false narrative, if your argument was correct, why does the nation of Pakistan go back to it previous beliefs lol, you are embarrassing yourself, why not just log off and call it a day.

Don't worry.. I no one will blame your ancestor for choosing life.
@django Does it not annoy you to see these Bengali, Orrisan, Tamils, Assamese, Telagus and all the other Ganga varieties from thousand miles away living in tropical swamps lacking any past history, living half naked lives chasing monkeys and eating bananas now making a claim on history of the mighty Indus River?

A land entirely differant and alien to them.
Don't worry.. I no one will blame your ancestor for choosing life.
Do not worry I do not blame your weak ancestors for getting their faces rubbed into the ground on their OWN GROUND with massive numerical majority yet they got destroyed like the cowards and weakling they were....Panipat, I do not blame the marathas too much, they look like very short statured folk, can not help where they were born.

@django Does it not annoy you to see these Bengali, Orrisan, Tamils, Assamese, Telagus and all the other Ganga varieties from thousand miles away living in tropical swamps lacking any past history, living half naked lives chasing monkeys and eating bananas now making a claim on history of the mighty Indus River?

A land entirely differant and alien to them.
It makes me feel very sorry for them:lol:, they are a very passive people , perhaps it is because they do not get the necessary nutrients that certain meats may provide.Kudos kaptaan
We earned our freedom by splitting up the artificial British entity known as India, btw the question begs, who named India, was it Alexander or the Brits, both invaders from afar:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

NO,no....no they chose the noble concept of Monotheism over their irrational beliefs, as much as it must hurt your false narrative, if your argument was correct, why does the nation of Pakistan go back to it previous beliefs lol, you are embarrassing yourself, why not just log off and call it a day.

Saudi Arabia, is also a Virat Hindu Country whos name came from the words Saudh-arrva-sthaan, meaning having the smell of horses, later known as Arbhasthaan.

Britain, Brihathsthaan was the ancient name in sanskrit, meaning a big popular country.

America, was a Virat Hindu Country, Its name was derived from a sanskrit word Amarathwam which means immortal, the land which is immortal was the meaning of
ancient name of America, it was Amaraka.

Australia, As you all know by now that this word came from the words Asthra-Alaya, meaning the land of asthras in sanskrit.

Korea was a Virat Hindu Country, Its name was Gauriya in sanskrit.

Isreal, this word came from word Eeswaralaya, meaning the house of Gods in sanskrit

Scandinavia, this name came from Skandhanavia, the People(Kshatriya) who worshipped the son of Siva (Skandha) came here by means of naval routes lived here.

hindi is older than adam and eve
Saudi Arabia, is also a Virat Hindu Country whos name came from the words Saudh-arrva-sthaan, meaning having the smell of horses, later known as Arbhasthaan.

Britain, Brihathsthaan was the ancient name in sanskrit, meaning a big popular country.

America, was a Virat Hindu Country, Its name was derived from a sanskrit word Amarathwam which means immortal, the land which is immortal was the meaning of
ancient name of America, it was Amaraka.

Australia, As you all know by now that this word came from the words Asthra-Alaya, meaning the land of asthras in sanskrit.

Korea was a Virat Hindu Country, Its name was Gauriya in sanskrit.

Isreal, this word came from word Eeswaralaya, meaning the house of Gods in sanskrit

Scandinavia, this name came from Skandhanavia, the People(Kshatriya) who worshipped the son of Siva (Skandha) came here by means of naval routes lived here.

hindi is older than adam and eve
This is probably their historical world view.
Do not worry I do not blame your weak ancestors for getting their faces rubbed into the ground on their OWN GROUND with massive numerical majority yet they got destroyed like the cowards and weakling they were....Panipat, I do not blame the marathas too much, they look like very short statured folk, can not help where they were born.

Thanks for that. Please don't blame your ancestors too..
History and Pakistan never go along. The confusion is to consider their ancestors as Arab or Hindus (which is big NO) . This dilemma continues as always how much people can jump on IVC or any historic search.
Not you, you were the product of that marauding. Actual ones were turks, mongols and persians

Yes im Iranic... and the products of marauding by my Great Ancestors ... as always.. big mouthed,skinny 2 legged creatures and the first to bow down and offer their women to mughals and others are talkin tough asusual but have nothing to show except 71 the only victory in the past 1000 years to name..
Ironic how every ethnic group with a sword and a horse made you indian their biiatchez and ruled delhi and here you are talking trash ... pathetic to say the least.

Take a DNA test.. you might find a few iranic chromosomes from the paternal side..:D

And the failure wasn't just limited to present pakistan only.. it indeed extended to delhi, bengal and many other parts for short periods of time. But we ere able to regroup and expel them from major areas as of now. Who knows what will happen in future?

Lol expell... the last muslim ruler of india was "expelled" by the british while the mutinying indian soldiers considered him their master.. bastardising history only gets you served a shyt sandwich... specially here.

History and Pakistan never go along. The confusion is to consider their ancestors as Arab or Hindus (which is big NO) . This dilemma continues as always how much people can jump on IVC or any historic search.

Or maybe its you indians who are confused... on one hand you love to claim ancestory of the invading "Aryans" .. on the other side you deny ... and than ironically you claim IVC.. pretty messed up..

And to top it all... its ironic how indian panjabis are racist to their own countrymen.. and you have the gal to come here and talk crap?
@django Does it not annoy you to see these Bengali, Orrisan, Tamils, Assamese, Telagus and all the other Ganga varieties from thousand miles away living in tropical swamps lacking any past history, living half naked lives chasing monkeys and eating bananas now making a claim on history of the mighty Indus River?

A land entirely differant and alien to them.

They should thank the muslims and british for everything .. most importantly "clothing" ... otherwise theyd still be taxing eachothers breasts and burning widows on pyres.. among other beastly practices.
Or maybe its you indians who are confused... on one hand you love to claim ancestory of the invading "Aryans" .. on the other side you deny ... and than ironically you claim IVC.. pretty messed up..

And to top it all... its ironic how indian panjabis are racist to their own countrymen.. and you have the gal to come here and talk crap?
Your Bull Crap and shouting does not makes the fact incorrect as much as you talk shyt here. These Aryans invading theory is some idiots hypothesis which has been denied after DNA samples collected and analyzed.

And Yes, we claim IVC because Islam was not there when people discuss about IVC, forget about Pakistan.

And please don't talk to me about being racist, you lost whole West Pakistan for being racist. I told you, your history is messed up.
Not to mention a 16 year old, Muhammad bin Qasim, b*tch slapped them to humiliation lol.
Oh, yes and your ancestors were the one who got slapped that is how you born. So think before you speak.
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