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300 Pakistani Foreign dreamers drown in Mediterranean ocean en route to Europe (so they can hear bad mouthing from khawaja asif)


I want to say RIP but I can't support these illegal immigration man.

Many of your population is sitting illegally across the world and engaged in illegal trades. Have some shame before making snide stupid comments.
FAUJ is responsible for people willing to migrate out

Rising inflation
Bringing in PDM
Standing in way of elections
Kidnapping and torture

This is the heaven that the PDM and generals have created for ordinary Pakistanis. Ordinary Pakistanis would rather risk their lives and that of their children instead of living in a hellhole called Pakistan.
Many of your population is sitting illegally across the world and engaged in illegal trades. Have some shame before making snide stupid comments.
To be fair, no respect for the illegal viets aso.
They will end up contributing to the imperialist countries, so nah....

Bro, there is no hope in a pathetic and hopeless country like Pakistan. This is clear proof that people are showing a big middle finger to the Pakistani state and its pathetic military. People have no choice. They are sick and tired of a corrupt kleptocracy led by generals and a bunch of Panama thieves. Just look up the stats of educated Pakistanis fleeing Pakistan since the last year or so. You will understand what I mean. There is a massive brain drain in Pakistan. The people aren't crazy. They fully know what their future is if they stay in Pakistan. It is the future of a slave.

Pakistan is economically doomed. It has no economic future.
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I want to say RIP but I can't support these illegal immigration man.
You can legally live in Pakistan, then illegally get abducted by police and get disappeared. No access to lawyers, no charge sheet, no rights. You will just cease to exist.
To be fair, no respect for the illegal viets aso.
Pretty sure your great grandfather was an immigrant

You can legally live in Pakistan, then illegally get abducted by police and get disappeared. No access to lawyers, no charge sheet, no rights. You will just cease to exist.
I have met several Pakistani who left Pakistan because their sisters got abducted and forcefully married off
Are you serious?

Unfortunately this is nothing to joke about

Inna lillahi wa Inna ilahi rajioun.

May Allah swt grant him Jannah and give his family sabr.

Ameen & thank you 🙏 ALLAH is the giver and taker of life

This is so sad
I am sure there will be plenty of people here whose relatives were there

It’s a tragedy, they were a group of 6,7 lads from the same village, all aged in our early 20s, so far there is only one guy who has been rescued.
Unfortunately this is nothing to joke about

Ameen & thank you 🙏 ALLAH is the giver and taker of life

It’s a tragedy, they were a group of 6,7 lads from the same village, all aged in our early 20s, so far there is only one guy who has been rescued.
Seems only 13 survived
Pretty sure no one in urban Pakistan cares

400 Pakistanis. Just put that number in perspective. This is just how aggrieved and desperate people are to leave. Citizens and leaders belonging to a civilised society would at least for a moment be ashamed. Such a dreadful moment would force a country to ponder what went wrong. I am afraid our leaders have no shame whatsoever. They will find excuses and blame it on something or someone.

In Greece there has been a few days of mourning. Sincere or insincere I will leave in the middle. Greece has no relation to the migrants that drowned so we won't even blame them. What did Pakistani leaders do when they heard that about 400 Pakistanis drowned in the Mediterranean? They blamed human traffickers... This is the response of incredibly imbecile Pakistani leaders.
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Innalillahi wainnailaihi rojiun

Very sad moment, hoping no kids and women on the boat
Our government declared a 3 day mourning. A lot of people question that. Why? They weren't Greek,the boat sank in international waters and it wasn't our fault either.

Currently,SYRIZA and some other leftist parties are trying to blame the government for "not doing more to save these people". Our Coast Guard asked them if they needed help,if they needed anything,but the traffickers insisted they wanted the ship to be left alone to continue going to Italy.

Apparently,there are reports that the traffickers punished and killed people who wanted to turn back.From what I heard on the news,there were also no lifevests for the people.
My cousin is among those who drowned & his body isn’t found yet.
Sorry to hear this brother. May Allah grant him janat, Ameen

Most illegal’s and asylum seekers heading towards UK are from Africa, Afghan’s and Kurdish. The Iraqi Kurds I know have told me Iraqi Kurdistan is safe but lack of opportunities and development. But they tell case officers their lives are in danger there and then get refugee status

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