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3 to 4 terrorists fired near ASF Camp - ISPR

two attacks in two days at the same place ! something is seriously rotten somewhere. A major shake up is required .
@W.11 Stop peddling your ethnic BS here. We are discussing taliban here. Don't defend another organization's with militant wings
its seems their main mission was to create panic... an intensive search oprn needs to be launched in the surrounding area's...
2 militants on bikes started firing at girls hostel in asf camp.

no one injured and the militants ran away
Things are getting really vulnerable in Karachi. One can get a hint of security in Karachi airport by hearing that the academy of security itself have been temporarily occupied by terrorists. Wish everything gets back to normal without any casualties.
2 militants on bikes started firing at girls hostel in asf camp.

no one injured and the militants ran away

This is sooo sad...... Innocent civilians are at risk..... Hope PA and its agencies would stop this menace from spreading further....
There is a rumor on facebook that to many planes are damaged in 9th June attack on Karachi Airport by Terrorists and they also posting Google Images
Is it True ????

Nai Bhai. Not true. The google Image is of Nov 2013 and the area is scrap yard where decommissioned aircrafts are taken for breaking it down to pieces
When i questioned the on off retaliation from the men in uniform, i was asked to phone the secretariat for the answer.
We are certainly enjoying the fruits of this democracy . !!

Democracy at least gives you right to ask such questions.
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