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28 Nato oil tankers set ablaze in Islamabad


Nov 26, 2007
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Unidentified gunmen killed at least six people and set 28 Nato oil tankers on fire carrying fuel for Nato and US forces in Afghanistan in Islamabad on Monday.

Many tankers caught fire during the attack. Rescue sources said at least six people died. The sources added that six others were injured in the attack.

A vital land route for Nato supplies for Afghanistan that has been blocked for three days will reopen "relatively quickly," Pakistan's ambassador to Washington told a US news channel on Sunday.

Pakistan halted the Nato convoys on Thursday after Nato helicopters killed three Pakistani soldiers.

"I think the supply line will be open relatively quickly," he said, adding that he expected it would take "less than a week."

"It's not a blockade. It's just a temporary suspension of the convoys moving through," Haqqani added.

Officials say nearly 70 per cent of Nato supplies and 40 per cent of its fuel requirements are shipped via Pakistan for some 160,000 US-led troops in Afghanistan.

Geo News
wow wow i thing nato should look another route for sply ASAP looking like pakistanis want to burn every thing which is going there.good for taliban
Pakistan stopped the tankers from going through and did not protect them so Pakistan is responsible for there destruction. If fuel shortages get americans killed in Afghanstan, Pakistan is responsible. Pakistan is also responsible for getting their own people because they halted the trucks.
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This supply blockage is taking a sharp turn against Pakistan's commitment to help NATO for WoT. With the supplies cutoff and lack of security for the moving supplies, it would be difficult for NATO to keep up with its supplies.

Could this mean that they may force GoP to take over the responsibility to secure the routes for their supplies through Pakistan?
Pakistan stopped the tankers from going through and did not protect them so Pakistan is responsible for there destruction. If fuel shortages get americans killed in Afghanstan, Pakistan is responsible.

then come and do whatever u like nato us go to hell already in afghanistan.soon taliban will kick you out.responcible responcible :p:tdown:
The U.S. has been considering alternative routes into Afghanistan through Russia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, a dirt route via Wakhan through China and under current circumstances an inviable route through rivaling Iran.

There has been discussions and there was an agreement indeed signed at the April [2008] NATO summit in Bucharest between Russia and Uzbekistan with NATO for the overland delivery of supplies to NATO forces [in Afghanistan.

The U.S. has been considering alternative routes into Afghanistan through Russia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, a dirt route via Wakhan through China and under current circumstances an inviable route through rivaling Iran.

Of course it consider whatever it wants to - reality is there is no other route more viable -- but another reality is that Pakistan are in no position to assert themselves, other with than "symbolic" gestures.

And yet, it's curious that when there is a will, any number of options present themselves for those with the gumption to pursue them.
Finally the people have spoken!

The poodle government wants to resume these supplies after their cheap little protest but it seems like the great citizens of pakistan clearly think otherwise!

Without these supplies, NATO tanks will be turned into ambulances!
Question is not why 28 of those oil tankers were set to fire, question is why the remaining ones are left un-torched?
Why are there 200 parked outside Torkham waiting to cross?

these should be looted.
Pakistan stopped the tankers from going through and did not protect them so Pakistan is responsible for there destruction. If fuel shortages get americans killed in Afghanstan, Pakistan is responsible. Pakistan is also responsible for getting their own people because they halted the trucks.

no, actually u r solely responsible for what its happening, it hadnt happened if if u had not misbehaved.
This isn't good. Pakistan needs to provide protection for these tankers.


so they get supplies and start killing more pakistanis??

turks must stay away in afghanistan or else..
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