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22 Afghan Eilte Soldier excuted by Tailban video comes to light. (They called for special help but no one came to help)

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Information warfare … well a little hint for future … look for the casualty numbers to be: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111, 212, 222, …. and the most famous (God forbid) …. 313…
No one should be killed once he/she surrenders. Terrible news.
I think it depends on the laws of war.If both sides abide by the laws of war, then prisoners should be protected.But if one side doesn't, we can't ask the other.

This is why war is the most evil act.
Be prepared for lot of videos to surface like that. Don't be surprised at all since it is about time to shame the same power that US agreed with and withdrawing from Afghanistan. Lastly, UN was investigating NATO war crimes.
Dont believe every lie CNN doles out, these might not be Taliban, could be ISIS....

No one knows the truth like in the Syria, West was telling us chemical weapons were being used and turned out to be kids were paid to go to the hospital and were told free food are being distributed. Once kids arrived militants start hosing them down and start giving them the inhalers. Videos were made by the anti Asad militants and shown to the world that Asad forces are using the chemical weapons on the kids and the day latter kids on camera told the whole truth. Camera tricks or Western media tricks you decide. 😂😂
Rules of war...lol They only apply to the weak.

I remember the Northern Alliance savagery in 2001/2. Prisoners suffocating to death in airtight shipping containers, others packed into containers only to be machine gunned to death. Just last year we saw Australian special forces hunting Afghan farmers for sport.

Those who are successful in war are savage. They don't have 9 targets in the cross hairs and not pull the trigger.
Nope, Neither Allah nor Rasool Allah would've allowed such brutal execution of those who surrendered, you are not suppose to because after Allah now those people are at your mercy, and Allah is very clear about this matter, anyone who does not show mercy to his creation (humans or Animals) Allah will not show them mercy in the afterlife, they will burn in hell for as long as Allah wants them to for killing (even enemies) out in cold blood.
so taliban terrorists reopened gates of massacres .
These style of executions are and have been done by Pakistan Army, NATO, US, Australian Forces and other "Civilised" armies as well.

I don't support it but all the armies have this sort of blood and more on their hand.
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I'd be doubtful of believing something like this fully. The fact is a lot of ground the Taliban are capturing is being done without fighting. People are surrendering to even a handful of them.

It doesn't make sense for the Taliban to start executing surrendering soldiers when there is so much work left. Just to make things harder for themselves.

This sort of thing would, on the other hand, really help the ANA have their soldiers put up a serious resistance.

It could still be true - it could be a local commander's decision or even policy in certain situations but it would make more sense if they just didn't.

could be false flag operation - frame n blame.
Here comes another nigger ready to polish his gora masters shoes.......Dont qoute me again u filth, go back to the cotton farm.
Now how suddenly I became a gora shoe polisher ? Everybody here knows I criticize them all the time. But anyway no point in arguing with you because stupidity runs in your blood apparently.
This is the hallmark of ISIS. The Taliban have offered a country wide amnesty to all surrendering.
There were some conditions attached with a surrender(if they show remorse) . It's not like they first refuse surrender,kill hundreds of taliban soldiers and later when their ammo runs out they surrender and expect a mercy from taliban.
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Talibs will probably have to execute the leader of their local unit that ordered this mass execution, if this was indeed them and this happened as shown in the video, to show they follow some kinds of rules of war. Otherwise they may not be able to convince other districts to surrender in the future.

This kind of punishment (of their local commander) may also address the need for vengeance in accordance with Pashtunwali, and in a strange way buy them more credibility in the end.

The special forces guy is not pakhtoon. His family speaking Dari/Farsi. I cant tell the composition of the rest of the squad. It seems like the old Pakhtoon-Farsawan (northern alliance) rivalry.

And it is also clear that this squad only surrendered when their ammunition ran out. that means, there was heavy fighting going on with perhaps loses on Taliban as well, which in turn could have resulted in strong desire to take revenge.
22 Afghan Elite Soldier executed by Taliban video comes to light. They called for special help but no one came to help

This is the fact of Ashraf Government. They were crying and asking for mercy just like in few days many Afghan solider and Afghan government will do but it is up Taiblan what they do with them. Maybe Ashraf will clean toilets of Taliban.

This is wrong. Very wrong.
America has blood on its hands and much more than this
The videos were uploaded by pro Taliban twitter handles and anybody who sees the videos can tell they are Taliban, not some ISIS terrorists as some sympathizers would like to believe.

Call it war, but don't glorify these savages.
22 Afghan Elite Soldier executed by Taliban video comes to light. They called for special help but no one came to help

This is the fact of Ashraf Government. They were crying and asking for mercy just like in few days many Afghan solider and Afghan government will do but it is up Taiblan what they do with them. Maybe Ashraf will clean toilets of Taliban.

It's horrible if true.... However, I don't trust the Western media to tell the truth. There could be a another reason for this execution that they are not disclosing.

Remember you cannot trust the media.
I dont know what people expect bcz it is war and it is never pretty. Americans used to bomb entire families just to kill one person.

Shh... You are not supposed to speak truths like these....
CNN is a proven LIAR. I would not believe a word that $hit-news channel puts out, EVER. Same goes for BBC, SKY & FOX.
I wonder why people are surprised. This stuff is bound to happen, we are taking about the Taliban for fucks sake, the are savages and this stuff is to be expected of them. This is what I've been telling every Pakistani who is cheerleading for these monsters from the sidelines. A few years and these massacres might come to a neighbourhood near you. I am not saying the ANA is any better theyd probably meet the same level of savagery in some other setting but cheerleading for the TTA like they are some divinely guided Army is just plain stupid.
From the evidence, it is clear, the opponents are not fighting at all. And with such acts, the ANA soldiers would be shading their uniform and just disappearing before their respective posts are attacked.
Aren't you seeing what is happening in Afghanistan, how quickly Taliban are capturing areas all around Afghanistan!!

If you execute your opponents they are going to fight

If you serve them a cup of hot tea there are less likely to fight :enjoy::enjoy::enjoy:
I agree. You have to be a complete subhuman to kill a surrendering force. Taliban should get their shit together or the region will experience many difficulties. They badly need an organized central command.

That is the easiest way to get in trouble
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